

单词 火山岩
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔agglomerate〕A volcanic rock consisting of rounded and angular fragments fused together.集块岩:由圆形石块和有角的石块聚结而成的火山岩美国传统〔andesite〕A gray, fine-grained volcanic rock, chiefly plagioclase and feldspar.安山岩:一种灰色的,纹理细密的火山岩,主要是斜长石和似长石美国传统〔basalt〕A hard, dense, dark volcanic rock composed chiefly of plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine, and often having a glassy appearance.玄武岩:一种硬的、致密的、黑色的火山岩。它主要由斜长石、辉石和橄榄石组成,外表经常很光滑美国传统〔dacite〕A light gray volcanic rock containing a mixture of plagioclase and other crystalline minerals in glassy silica, similar in appearance to rhyolite.石英安山岩:一种浅灰色的火山岩,包含斜长石与其它呈光滑硅土状的结晶矿物,在外表上与流纹岩相似美国传统〔entirely〕The ridge consists entirely of volcanic rock.这处山脊完全由火山岩构成。朗文当代〔flow〕Lava from the volcano was flowing down the hillside.火山岩浆顺着山坡往下流。剑桥高阶〔lava〕Molten rock that reaches the earth's surface through a volcano or fissure.火山岩:通过火山口或裂缝溢出地表的岩石融化物美国传统〔neck〕Geology Solidified lava filling the vent of an extinct volcano.【地质学】 岩颈:填充死火山的硬化的火山岩美国传统〔phonolite〕A light-colored volcanic rock composed largely of feldspars.响石,响岩:大部分由长岩组成的淡色的火山岩美国传统〔pumice〕A light, porous, glassy lava, used in solid form as an abrasive and in powdered form as a polish and an abrasive.轻石,浮石:一种在固体状时用作研磨物且粉状时用作磨光物和研磨物的轻多孔火山岩美国传统〔pyrogenic〕Volcanic rock is pyrogenic.火山岩是火成的。英汉大词典〔rhyolite〕A fine-grained extrusive volcanic rock, similar to granite in composition and usually exhibiting flow lines.流纹岩:一种精细纹理的喷出火山岩,在成分上类似于花岗岩并通常显现流线美国传统〔spherulite〕A small, usually spheroid body consisting of radiating crystals, found in obsidian and other glassy lava rocks.球粒:由放射状结晶构成的通常为球状的小粒,常见于黑曜岩及其他玻璃质的火山岩中美国传统〔vesicle〕Geology A small cavity formed in volcanic rock by entrapment of a gas bubble during solidification.【地质学】 气泡:在成石过程中在火山岩中包含气体的一种小洞穴美国传统〔volcanic〕Mount Unzen has been spewing out volcanic ash, gas, and rock today.云仙山今天一直在向外喷涌火山灰、气体和火山岩。外研社新世纪〔volcanic〕Mount Unzen has been spewing out volcanic ash, gas, and rock today.云仙山今天一直在向外喷涌火山灰、气体和火山岩。柯林斯高阶




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