

单词 火上
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BURN〕She threw sand on the fire to put it out. 她把沙子倒在火上来灭火。朗文写作活用〔FIRE〕She threw sand on the fire to put it out. 她把沙子倒在火上来灭火。朗文写作活用〔FIRE〕You can sterilize a needle by holding it in a flame. 你可以把针放在火上消毒。朗文写作活用〔PUT〕Return the pan to the heat and simmer for a further 5-10 minutes. 把锅放回炉火上,慢慢再煮五至十分钟。朗文写作活用〔WORSE〕Any talk of price rises now will only aggravate an already serious situation. 现在谈论物价上涨只会给已经严重的局面火上浇油。朗文写作活用〔add fuel to the fire〕The controversy continues to rage, and these latest accusations will only add fuel to the fire.争论愈加激烈,而这些最新指控只会火上浇油。韦氏高阶〔add fuel to the fire〕The discovery that the government was aware of the cover-up has really added fuel to the fire.人们发现政府对这起隐瞒事件早已知情,这真是火上浇油。剑桥高阶〔add〕Rather than providing a solution, their statements merely added fuel to the fire.他们的声明不但没有解决问题,反而火上浇油。朗文当代〔barbecue〕A social gathering, usually held outdoors, at which food is cooked over an open flame.户外烤肉餐:社交聚会,通常在户外举行,食物在户外的火上烤炙美国传统〔barbecue〕A whole animal carcass or section thereof roasted or broiled over an open fire or on a spit.烤全牲:在户外的火上或烤叉上烤炙的整个动物或部分动物美国传统〔barbecue〕To roast, broil, or grill (meat or seafood) over live coals or an open fire, often basting with a seasoned sauce.烤炙:在燃煤或户外的火上浇油和调味汁烧烤或炙烤(肉类或海鲜)美国传统〔boil over〕Take the milk off the heat before it boils over.趁牛奶还没有煮沸溢出,把它从火上拿下来。剑桥高阶〔boil〕Take the pan off the boil and add the remaining ingredients.把平底锅从炉火上端下来,加进剩余的配料。麦克米伦高阶〔bottle〕I've just put a kettle on for my bottle.我刚把水壶放在火上,准备冲暖手瓶。英汉大词典〔break〕Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt it over a gentle heat.把巧克力捣碎放在文火上熔化。朗文当代〔brittle〕This may help to undermine the brittle truce that currently exists.这也许会火上浇油,破坏当前脆弱不稳的休战局面。柯林斯高阶〔broil〕He was broiling trout over charcoal.他正在炭火上烤鳟鱼。文馨英汉〔bubble〕When the sauce starts to bubble, remove it from the heat.调味汁开始冒泡时,把它从炉火上移开。麦克米伦高阶〔burn〕Put some wood on the fire and make it burn up.在火上加些木头让它烧旺点。英汉大词典〔but〕Place the saucepan over moderate heat until the cider is very hot but not boiling.把炖锅置于中火上加热,直到苹果酒变得很烫,但不要加热到沸腾。柯林斯高阶〔cleek〕Scots A large hook, such as one used to hang a pot over a fire.【苏格兰】 大铁钩:大铁钩,如把汤锅放在火上时用的美国传统〔cook〕When the potatoes are cooked take them off the heat.马铃薯煮熟时, 从炉火上拿下来。外研社新世纪〔cure〕Legs of pork were cured and smoked over the fire.在火上熏制猪腿。柯林斯高阶〔cure〕Legs of pork were cured and smoked over the fire.猪腿腌过之后放在火上熏制。外研社新世纪〔cure〕The hams were cured over a hickory fire.这些火腿是在山核桃木的火上薰制的。21世纪英汉〔drift〕Smoke drifted up from the campfire.篝火上烟雾袅袅。牛津搭配〔fan〕The Scottish secretary fanned the flames of a row over the economy.苏格兰事务大臣给有关经济问题的争吵火上加油。外研社新世纪〔firefight〕An exchange of gunfire, as between infantry units.交战,火战:如两个步兵单位之间枪火上的交换美国传统〔fire〕People were throwing water on the flames, but the fire was burning more strongly every minute.人们往火上泼水,但大火愈烧愈烈。朗文当代〔fire〕We warmed our hands over the fire.我们在炉火上暖手。韦氏高阶〔flame〕He fanned the flames of popular feeling.他为公众情绪火上浇油。外研社新世纪〔flame〕They poured oil on the fire and it flamed out.他们把油倒在火上,立即腾起熊熊烈火。英汉大词典〔flame〕We built a fire and roasted marshmallows over the flames.我们生了火,在火上烤棉花糖。韦氏高阶〔flare〕There was a sudden flare when she threw the petrol onto the fire.她把汽油倒到火上时,火焰一下子蹿了起来。剑桥高阶〔fluff up〕Take the pan off the heat and cover for 5 minutes to fluff up the rice.把平底锅从火上端开, 焖5 分钟让米饭变松软。外研社新世纪〔fluff〕Take the pan off the heat and cover for 5 minutes to fluff up the rice.把平底锅从火上拿开,焖 5 分钟让米饭变松软。柯林斯高阶〔fuel〕His remarks simply added fuel to the fire/flames of her rage.他的话只是给她的愤怒火上浇油。牛津高阶〔fuel〕His rudeness added fuel to her anger.他的粗鲁为她的愤怒火上加油。英汉大词典〔fuel〕His words fuelled her anger still more.他的话火上浇油,使她更愤怒了。朗文当代〔fuel〕Reports from Manila only added fuel to the controversy.给某物火上浇油;使争论更加激烈麦克米伦高阶〔fuel〕Reports in today's newspapers have added fuel to the controversy (= made it worse).今天报纸上的报道给这场争论火上浇油。剑桥高阶〔fuel〕The new information adds fuel to the debate over safety procedures.新信息对于有关安全程序的辩论是火上浇油。牛津高阶〔fuel〕To respond to an act of violence with another act of violence only adds fuel to the fire.以暴制暴只会火上浇油。外研社新世纪〔gasoline〕They can't resist pouring gasoline on a raging fire. () 他们忍不住要火上浇油。牛津搭配〔gentle〕Cook for several hours over a gentle heat.在文火上煮几个小时。麦克米伦高阶〔glow〕Even the mantel above the fire glowed white.即使是炉火上方的壁炉架也发出了耀眼的白光。外研社新世纪〔glow〕Even the mantel above the fire glowed white.甚至炉火上方的壁炉台都泛着白光。柯林斯高阶〔heap〕Jean heaped logs on the fire.琼把木头堆放在火上。朗文当代〔heatproof〕Unaffected by heat. Used especially of plastic, glass, or ceramic utensils that may be used directly over a flame or in an oven.抗热的:主要是指塑料、玻璃或陶瓷器不受热影响可以直接置于火上或放入炉中的美国传统〔heat〕Remove the pan from the heat.把平底锅从炉火上端走。外研社新世纪〔heat〕Take the pan off the heat.把锅从炉火上拿开。麦克米伦高阶〔inflame〕The shooting has only inflamed passions further.枪击事件无疑是火上浇油。外研社新世纪〔inflame〕The shooting has only inflamed passions further.枪击事件无疑是火上浇油。柯林斯高阶〔knife〕Travis twisted the knife by laughing at her.特拉维斯火上浇油般地嘲笑她。柯林斯高阶〔log〕Throw another log on the fire.再往篝火上扔一根木柴。韦氏高阶〔marshmallow〕We toasted marshmallows over the fire.我们在火上烤棉花软糖。韦氏高阶〔marshmallow〕Why don't we toast some marshmallows over the fire? 何不在火上烤些棉花软糖呢?剑桥高阶〔mind over matter〕He announced what he called "the ultimate test of mind over matter" - a woman walking over hot coals.他宣布将进行他所称的“精神高于物质的最终测试”——让一名女子在炙热的炭火上行走。剑桥高阶〔mushy〕When the fruit is mushy and cooked, remove from the heat.当水果变软煮好后,就从火上端下来。柯林斯高阶〔open fire〕The campers roasted marshmallows over an open fire.露营者们在篝火上烤棉花糖。剑桥高阶〔opposite〕She tried calming him down but it seemed to be having the opposite effect.她试着让他平静下来,却似乎火上浇油了。牛津高阶〔over〕The meat was cooked over an open fire.肉在露天篝火上炖着。韦氏高阶〔percolate〕There is nothing like percolating coffee over an open campfire.没什么比在篝火上滤煮咖啡更惬意了。韦氏高阶〔pile on〕Pile more coal on the fire; it is going out.在火上多添点煤,它要灭了。21世纪英汉〔poke at〕Reggie threw more wood on the fire and poked at it.雷吉又往火上扔了些木柴。柯林斯高阶〔pothook〕A bent or hooked piece of iron for hanging a pot or kettle over a fire.S形锅钩:用以悬吊罐、壶、锅等在炉火上煮的弯曲的铁钩美国传统〔puff ... up〕Smoke puffed up from the forest fire.烟雾从森林大火上喷起。21世纪英汉〔refuel〕The $3 billion public-works bill could refuel inflation.这30亿美元的公共设施提案会给通货膨胀火上加油。英汉大词典〔remove〕Remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool.把锅从火上移开,让它冷却。麦克米伦高阶〔roast〕The peanuts roasted over the fire.花生在火上烘烤。韦氏高阶〔roast〕We caught a rabbit and roasted it over an open fire.我们捉到一只兔子,直接放在火上烧烤。朗文当代〔saucepan〕Cover the saucepan and remove from the heat.把锅盖好,并从炉火上移开。牛津搭配〔shovel〕Should I put another shovelful of coal on the fire? 我需要往火上再加一铲煤吗?剑桥高阶〔skillet〕Place the skillet over medium heat.把锅放在中火上。牛津搭配〔spark〕One remaining in an otherwise extinguished fire; an ember.余火:还存在于已熄灭的火上的火星美国传统〔sputter〕A whole goat is sputtering over the fire.一整只被烤的山羊在火上劈啪作响。21世纪英汉〔squirt〕I desperately squirted water on the flames.我拚命朝火上喷水。牛津高阶〔steam〕Mamma steamed her damp boots at the fire.妈妈把湿靴子放在火上烘。英汉大词典〔sterilizability〕He boiled his syringe and fired his knife to sterilize them.他把注射器放到水中煮,把刀子放在火上烧来进行消毒。21世纪英汉〔stir〕Stir the sauce gently over a low heat.在小火上轻轻搅拌酱汁。麦克米伦高阶〔suspend〕A pot of stew was suspended over the fire.火上吊着一锅炖菜。韦氏高阶〔tandoor〕A cylindrical oven made of clay, heated to a high heat over charcoal or wood, and used in India for baking bread and roasting meat.唐杜里烹饪法:一种用泥土制成的圆筒形的炉子,使用时在炭火或柴火上烧到高温,在印度被用来烤制面包和烤肉美国传统〔trivet〕A three-legged stand made of metal, used for supporting cooking vessels in a hearth.三脚架:有三条腿的金属支架,用来放在火上支撑烹饪器具美国传统〔uncomfortable〕He awoke to find himself lying uncomfortably on a pile of firewood.他醒来发现自己躺在一堆柴火上,很不舒服。柯林斯高阶〔whisk〕Remove mixture from heat and whisk in the brandy and vanilla essence.把混和好的原料从火上拿开,搅入白兰地和香草精。剑桥高阶〔wood〕Put some more wood on the fire.往火上再添些木柴。朗文当代〔wood〕Put some more wood on the fire.往炉火上再加点木柴。英汉大词典〔worse〕Don't say anything, you'll only make matters worse .什么也别说,说了只会火上浇油。朗文当代〔worse〕Don't tell her that—you'll only make things worse.别把这事告诉她,你只会火上浇油。牛津高阶In children's books witches are often shown stirring cauldrons.在儿童读物中,巫婆经常被画成在搅拌一个架在火上的大锅。剑桥国际Place the test tube over the flame.把试管放在火上。剑桥国际Sear the steak and then fry it over a low heat for three minutes.先把牛排急氽一下,再在文火上炸三分钟。剑桥国际She used a pair of tongs to put some more coal on the fire. 她用一把火钳往炉火上再加了一些煤。译典通The discovery that the government was aware of the cover-up has really added fuel to the fire / flames (=made a bad situation worse).当人们发现政府知道这掩饰丑闻的事,这可真是火上浇油。剑桥国际The kettle was singing on the fire. 水壶在炉火上嘘嘘作响。译典通The pot is bubbling on the fire. 炉火上的水壶正发出噗噗声。译典通The report is certain to fuel the storm over the huge salary increase awarded to the chairman.这份报告肯定会使人们对董事长巨额加薪的不满火上加油。剑桥国际They filled a large cooking vessel with vegetables and let it simmer over the campfire.他们将一只大炊具装满了蔬菜,然后放到营火上面焖。剑桥国际They piled more and more logs on/onto the fire.他们在火上堆了更多的木头。剑桥国际We put the bowl of water on the fire and soon it was producing lots of steam.我们把这碗水放在火上,很快它产生出许多蒸汽。剑桥国际




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