

单词 灌满
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-filled〕She made sandwiches, filled a flask and put sugar in.她做了三明治,把保温瓶灌满,又放了糖进去。柯林斯高阶〔FULL〕If the oil tank is less than half full, tell them to fill it up. 如果油箱内的油不到半箱,让他们灌满。朗文写作活用〔FULL〕If you bring your empty bottles back to the store, we can refill them. 如果你把空瓶带回商店,我们可以把它们重新灌满。朗文写作活用〔FULL〕The tank was emptied, cleaned, and refilled with fresh water. 水箱被倒空、清洗,然后再灌满新鲜的水。朗文写作活用〔RISK〕During the drought, water companies used water from the emergency reservoirs, gambling that normal rainfall would soon fill them up again. 干旱期间,自来水公司把紧急备用水库里的水也拿来用了,希望碰碰运气,指望正常的降雨会很快再次灌满水库。朗文写作活用〔WASH〕When the bottle is empty, wash it out thoroughly before refilling. 瓶子空了以后,彻底洗干净后再灌满。朗文写作活用〔WET〕Farmers flood the fields in order to grow rice. 农场主往田里灌满水以便种植水稻。朗文写作活用〔boat〕The boat slowly filled with icy water.船里慢慢地灌满了冰冷的水。牛津搭配〔brim〕They poured more and more milk into the jug until it was absolutely full to the brim.他们往罐子里倒的牛奶越来越多, 一直到彻底灌满为止。外研社新世纪〔empty〕He emptied the bottle of water, and then filled it with beer.他倒光瓶里的水,然后把它灌满啤酒。英汉大词典〔fill〕She made sandwiches, filled a flask and put sugar in.她做了三明治, 把保温瓶灌满水, 并在里面放了糖。外研社新世纪〔flood〕If the pipe bursts it could flood the whole house.要是水管破裂整座房子就会灌满水。牛津高阶〔jug〕I filled up my water jug.我把水壶灌满了。牛津搭配〔kettle〕She filled the kettle and switched it on.她把水壶灌满水后打开了开关。朗文当代〔plug in〕I filled the kettle while she was talking and plugged it in.她说话间,我把水壶灌满并插上了电源。柯林斯高阶〔refill〕His fountain pen ran dry, and he had to refill it.他的自来水笔墨水用干了,得重新灌满它。英汉大词典〔refill〕My pen seems to be running out of ink - I need a refill.我的钢笔好像没墨水了——我需要再去灌满。剑桥高阶Fill the bottle with water and put the cap on firmly.将瓶子灌满水,把瓶盖盖紧。剑桥国际He filled the jug to the brim.他把壶灌满。剑桥国际He filled up the water bottle and put it back on his bike.他灌满了水壶,并将它放回到自行车上。剑桥国际Locks on a river flood with water when the lock gates are opened.水闸门打开时,河上的水闸都灌满了水。剑桥国际Rain water falling on a permeable rock such as limestone gradually fills up the pore spaces.落到像石灰石这样的渗透性岩石上的雨水会逐渐灌满里面的孔隙。剑桥国际The anti-tank ditch is seven metres deep, twenty metres wide, and filled with oil which can be set alight.反坦克壕沟深7米,宽20米,灌满了可燃油。剑桥国际The water was barely dribbling out of the tap and it took five minutes to fill the bucket.极细的水从水龙头里滴下来,用了5分钟才把桶灌满。剑桥国际




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