

单词 溴化物
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bittern〕The bitter water solution of bromides, magnesium, and calcium salts remaining after sodium chloride is crystallized out of seawater.盐卤:氯化钠在海水中结晶后遗留的溴化物、镁和钙盐的苦味水溶物美国传统〔bromide〕A binary compound of bromine with another element, such as silver.溴化物:由溴和另一元素构成的二元化合物,如银美国传统〔brominate〕To combine (a substance) with bromine or a bromine compound.用(一物质)与溴或溴化物化合美国传统〔bromism〕A toxic condition caused by the chronic overuse of bromides, characterized by mental dullness, loss of muscular coordination, and sometimes skin eruptions.溴中毒:由长期过量使用溴化物而引起的中毒状态,症状是精神迟钝、肌肉协调能力丧失,有时出皮疹美国传统〔dibromide〕A chemical compound containing two bromine atoms bound to another element or radical.二溴化物:含有两个溴原子与某元素原子或基团相结合所形成的二元化合物美国传统〔hydrobromic acid〕A clear, colorless or faintly yellow, highly acidic and corrosive aqueous solution of hydrogen bromide, HBr, used in the manufacture of bromides.氢溴酸:一种纯净、无色或淡黄色的由溴化氢溶于水生成的强液体酸,HBr,用于制备溴化物美国传统




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