

单词 沼泽地
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔atmosphere〕the moist atmosphere of the swamp 沼泽地的潮湿空气韦氏高阶〔bog〕the bogs of Ireland 爱尔兰的沼泽地区英汉大词典〔buggy〕a buggy swamp 虫子滋生的沼泽地韦氏高阶〔drainage〕drainage of a swamp 沼泽地的排水英汉大词典〔drain〕to drain marshland.排去沼泽地的水。牛津同义词〔drain〕to drain the swamps dry排干沼泽地里的水21世纪英汉〔fen〕areas of marsh and fen 湿地沼泽地区剑桥高阶〔fen〕the flat fen lands near Cambridge剑桥郡附近平坦的沼泽地外研社新世纪〔feverish〕a feverish swamp 热病流行的沼泽地英汉大词典〔ground〕sandy/marshy/stony/boggy ground 沙地/沼泽地/多石的地/泥地麦克米伦高阶〔ground〕the marshy ground of the river delta. 河流三角洲的沼泽地柯林斯高阶〔insalubrious〕insalubrious swamps 藏垢纳污的沼泽地带英汉大词典〔malarial〕a malarial swamp 发现瘴气的沼泽地英汉大词典〔malodorous〕a malodorous swamp 发恶臭的沼泽地文馨英汉〔mangrove〕a mangrove swamp 红树沼泽地剑桥高阶〔mangrove〕mangrove swamps 红树林沼泽地牛津高阶〔marish〕marish vegetation 沼泽地植物英汉大词典〔marshland〕living near a marshland 在沼泽地附近生活韦氏高阶〔marshland〕one hundred acres of marshland 一百英亩的沼泽地韦氏高阶〔marshy〕marshy ground 沼泽地韦氏高阶〔marsh〕marshy ground/land 沼泽地牛津高阶〔moor〕the slopes leading down from the moor 从沼泽地往下的斜坡牛津搭配〔primeval〕a vast expanse of primeval swamp. 辽阔的原始沼泽地柯林斯高阶〔reclaim〕reclaim marshlands; reclaim strip-mined land. 开垦沼泽地;开垦条状土地美国传统〔reclaim〕reclaim swampland for agriculture 开垦沼泽地使之适于农业生产英汉大词典〔reclaim〕reclaimed marshland 被开发利用的沼泽地牛津高阶〔reclaim〕reclaimed swampland 被改造的沼泽地韦氏高阶〔reclamation〕centuries of sea-wall construction and the reclamation of dry land from the marshes. 几个世纪以来建造海堤并将沼泽地改造成为良田的行动柯林斯高阶〔region〕a swampy region 沼泽地区英汉大词典〔slog〕slog across the swamp; slogged through both volumes. 沉重缓慢地走过沼泽地;缓慢吃力地读完了那两卷美国传统〔snipe〕as in mȳrisnīpa [marsh snipe] 如在 mȳrisnīpa [沼泽地鹬鸟] 美国传统〔soggy〕or from dialectal sog [swamp] 或源自 方言 sog [沼泽地] 美国传统〔swampland〕attempting to build on swampland 试图在沼泽地上盖房子韦氏高阶〔swamp〕an alligator-infested swamp 鳄鱼成群的沼泽地剑桥高阶〔swamp〕swampy ground 沼泽地牛津高阶〔swamp〕the soft, swampy ground 软软的沼泽地朗文当代〔tufty〕a tufty stretch of marshland 一大片长满矮树丛的沼泽地英汉大词典〔tule〕tu.les [to͞o′lēz] Northern California Marshy or swampy land. Also called Regional tule land tu.les [to͞o′lēz] 【加州北部】 沼泽地或湿地 也作 【区域的】 tule land美国传统〔wetland〕wetland birds 沼泽地区的鸟牛津高阶〔windswept〕windswept moors. 受风侵袭的沼泽地美国传统




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