单词 | 特洛 |
释义 | DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Aegisthus〕The son of Thyestes and lover of Clytemnestra. He helped Clytemnestra kill her husband Agamemnon upon Agamemnon's return from the Trojan War.埃癸斯托斯:梯厄斯忒斯的儿子,克吕泰墨斯特拉的情人。协助克吕泰末丝特拉在其夫阿伽门农从特洛伊战争中返回时将他杀害美国传统〔Ajax〕The son of Ileus of Locris and a warrior of small stature and arrogant character who fought against Troy.埃阿斯:洛克瑞斯的依勒斯之子,矮小而傲慢的勇士,曾参加特洛伊战争美国传统〔Ajax〕The son of Telamon of Salamis and a warrior of great stature and prowess who fought against Troy.埃阿斯:萨拉米斯的特勒蒙之子,高大而骁勇的勇士,曾参加特洛伊战争美国传统〔Anchises〕The father of Aeneas who was rescued by his son during the sack of Troy.安喀塞斯:埃涅阿斯的父亲,血洗特洛伊时由其子救出美国传统〔Andromache〕The faithful wife of Hector, captured by the Greeks at the fall of Troy.安德洛玛赫:赫克托耳忠贞的妻子,在特洛伊沦陷时被希腊人俘虏美国传统〔Astyanax〕The young son of Hector and Andromache, killed when the Greeks conquered Troy.阿斯蒂阿纳克斯:赫克托耳与安德洛玛克的幼子,在希腊人攻打特洛伊时被杀美国传统〔Aulis〕An ancient port of east-central Greece in Boeotia. According to tradition, it was the embarkation point for the Greek fleet during the Trojan War.奥立斯:希腊中东部维奥蒂亚洲的一个古老港口,据传说,在特洛伊战争期间它是古希腊船队的出发点美国传统〔CERTAINLY/DEFINITELY〕Achilles was kept back by his mother. She knew that if he went to Troy he was fated to die there. 阿喀琉斯遭到母亲的阻止。她知道如果儿子去了特洛伊,便注定要死在那里。朗文写作活用〔Cassandra〕Greek Mythology A daughter of Priam, the king of Troy, endowed with the gift of prophecy but fated by Apollo never to be believed.【希腊神话】 卡珊德拉:特洛伊国王普里阿摩斯的一个女儿,具有预知未来的禀赋,但被阿波罗命中注定不为人所相信美国传统〔Cressida〕A Trojan woman in medieval romances who first returns the love of Troilus but later forsakes him for Diomedes.克瑞西达:中世纪浪漫文学中的一个特洛伊妇女,她开始时回报特洛伊罗斯对她的爱,但后来又因为狄俄墨得斯而背弃了他美国传统〔Creüsa〕The wife of Aeneas, who was lost while fleeing from Troy but came back as a ghost to warn Aeneas of his future.克瑞乌萨:希腊神话中埃涅阿斯的妻子,在逃离特洛伊城时失踪,后来又以幽灵身份回来警告埃涅阿斯关于他的未来美国传统〔Dardanus〕The founder of Troy.达尔达诺斯:特洛伊的创立者美国传统〔Dardan〕A Trojan.特洛伊人美国传统〔Diomedes〕One of the Greek heroes of the Trojan War.狄俄墨得斯:特洛伊战争中希腊的一个英雄美国传统〔Ganymede〕Greek Mythology A Trojan boy of great beauty whom Zeus carried away to be cupbearer to the gods.【希腊神话】 盖尼米得:特洛伊的美少年,宙斯将他带走做神的斟酒者美国传统〔HOLE〕Troy looked through a hole in the fence at the garden next door. 特洛伊从篱笆上的一个洞看隔壁的花园。朗文写作活用〔Helen of Troy〕The daughter of Zeus and Leda and wife of Menelaus. Her abduction by Paris caused the Trojan War.海伦:是宙斯和勒达的女儿,梅内莱厄斯的妻子。因其被帕里斯拐走而引发特洛伊战争美国传统〔Helen〕The daughter of Zeus and Leda and wife of Menelaus, considered to be the most beautiful woman in the world. Her abduction by Paris caused the Trojan War.海伦:宙斯和里达的女儿、曼尼拉斯妻子,被认为是世界上最美丽的女子。她被帕里司诱拐绑架导致特洛伊战争的发生美国传统〔Laocoon〕A Trojan priest of Apollo who was killed along with his two sons by two sea serpents for having warned his people of the Trojan horse.拉奥孔:特洛伊的太阳神祭师,因警告特洛伊人不要中木马计而连同其二个儿了一起被两条海蟒杀死美国传统〔Laomedon〕The founder and first king of Troy and father of Priam.拉俄墨冬:特洛伊的创建人和第一任国王,普里阿摩斯的父亲美国传统〔Menelaus〕The king of Sparta at the time of the Trojan War; husband of Helen and brother of Agamemnon.梅内莱厄斯:特洛伊战争期间的斯巴达王;海伦之夫及阿加门农之弟美国传统〔Myrmidon〕Greek Mythology A member of a warlike Thessalian people who were ruled by Achilles and followed him on the expedition against Troy.【希腊神话】 迈密登:好战的塞萨利人中的一员,受阿喀琉斯统治并随其远征特洛伊美国传统〔Neoptolemus〕A son of Achilles who killed Priam during the taking of Troy.涅俄普托勒摩斯:阿喀琉斯之子,在攻打特洛伊期间杀死了普里阿摩斯美国传统〔Nestor〕A hero celebrated as an elderly and wise counselor to the Greeks at Troy.涅斯托尔:特洛伊的一位英雄,对希腊人来说是位著名的年高足智的顾问美国传统〔Odysseus〕The king of Ithaca, a leader of the Greeks in the Trojan War, who reached home after ten years of wandering.奥德修斯:伊萨卡的国王,特洛伊战争中的希腊首领,在十年的漂泊后才回到家美国传统〔POSITION/RANK〕Costello will have five direct subordinates. 科斯特洛将会有五个直接领导的下属。朗文写作活用〔PRAISE〕Patroni received an official commendation after rescuing twelve people from a sinking ship. 帕特洛尼从行将沉没的船上救起12个人,因而受到政府的表扬。朗文写作活用〔Pandarus〕The procurer of Cressida for Troilus in medieval romance.潘达洛斯:在中世纪浪漫故事中为特洛鲁斯介绍克雷希达的人美国传统〔Paris〕The prince of Troy whose abduction of Helen provoked the Trojan War.帕里司:特洛伊王子,因诱走海伦而引发了特洛伊战争美国传统〔Patroclus〕A Greek warrior, attendant, and friend to Achilles, who was killed by Hector in the Trojan War.帕特罗克勒斯:希腊一勇士,阿喀琉斯的仆从和朋友,在特洛伊战争中被赫克托耳杀死美国传统〔Priam〕The father of Paris, Hector, and Cassandra and king of Troy, who was killed when his city fell to the Greeks.普里阿摩斯:是帕里斯,赫克托耳和卡珊德拉的父亲,特洛伊的国王,在特洛里城被希腊人攻陷时被杀美国传统〔RELATIONSHIP〕Troy doesn't get along with the coach, so he's thinking of quitting the team. 特洛伊和教练相处得不好,所以他在考虑要离开球队。朗文写作活用〔Rezulin〕A trademark used for the drug troglitazone.莱阻林:特洛格列氮酮、降糖氮酮药剂的商标美国传统〔Sarpedon〕A son of Zeus and Europa who became king of Lycia and was killed by Patroclus in the Trojan War.萨耳珀冬:宙斯与欧罗巴之子,后成为利西亚国王,在特洛伊战争中被普特洛克勒斯所杀美国传统〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕The two men have denied being involved in Troy's kidnapping and murder. 这两名男子否认与特洛伊被绑架和谋杀一案有关。朗文写作活用〔Troilus〕A son of King Priam of Troy, depicted as Cressida's lover in medieval romance.特洛伊罗斯:特洛伊国王普里阿摩斯的一个儿子,在中世纪的传奇故事中被描绘成克雷西达的情人美国传统〔Troilus〕Troilus and Criseyde《特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达》(乔叟的诗)Troilus and Cressida《特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达》(莎士比亚的悲剧)外研社新世纪〔Trojan War〕The ten-year war waged against Troy by the Greeks, caused by the abduction of Helen by Paris and resulting in the burning and destruction of Troy.特洛伊战争:古希腊人反对特洛伊人的十年战争,起因是帕里斯拐走了海伦,战争最后导致了特洛伊城被焚烧毁灭美国传统〔Trojan horse〕A bug in the browser lets servers download a Trojan horse.浏览器的程序漏洞会导致服务器下载特洛伊木马病毒。朗文当代〔Trojan horse〕A subversive group or device placed within enemy ranks.特洛伊木马:放置在敌人内部机构中的有颠覆目的的集团或装置美国传统〔Trojan horse〕Computer Science A set of instructions hidden inside a legitimate program, causing a computer to perform illegitimate functions.【计算机科学】 特洛伊木马程序,欺骗程序:一套隐藏在合法程序中的命令,指示计算机进行非法操作美国传统〔Trojan horse〕The hollow wooden horse in which, according to legend, Greeks hid and gained entrance to Troy, later opening the gates to their army.特洛伊木马:传说中的中空的木马。据说希腊人藏身在木马内进入了特洛伊城,后来为希腊军队打开了城门美国传统〔Trojan horse〕These investment arrangements could be Trojan horses for anti-competitive monopolies.这些投资方案对于反对竞争的垄断企业来说可能是特洛伊木马,后患无穷。朗文当代〔Trojan〕A native or inhabitant of ancient Troy.特洛伊人:古代特洛伊城的原住民或居民美国传统〔Trojan〕Trojan artefacts 特洛伊手工艺品麦克米伦高阶〔apart〕Costello lost his job, and soon afterwards his marriage fell apart.科斯特洛失去了工作,不久以后他的婚姻也破裂了。麦克米伦高阶〔apologize〕Costello later apologized, saying he'd been annoyed by the man.科斯特洛后来表示了歉意,说他是被那人惹怒的。柯林斯高阶〔besiege by〕Troy was besieged by the Greeks for ten years.特洛伊城被希腊人围困了10年。21世纪英汉〔besiege〕The Greeks besieged Troy for 10 long years.希腊人围困特洛伊城足足10年。牛津同义词〔conflict〕The conflict between Greece and Troy lasted ten years.希腊和特洛伊之间的战争持续了10年之久。英汉大词典〔consistent〕The presentation of love in 'Troilus and Criseyde' is not consistent.《特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达》中对爱情的描述前后不一致。外研社新世纪〔darkly〕Troy's chatter kept me from thinking dark thoughts.特洛伊的喋喋不休让我暂时收起了阴郁思绪。柯林斯高阶〔dark〕Troy's chatter kept me from thinking dark thoughts.特洛伊的喋喋不休让我把郁闷的想法放到了一边。外研社新世纪〔dummy〕He dummied Whitelaw before scoring.他以假动作骗过怀特洛破门得分。外研社新世纪〔excavate〕Schliemann excavated the ancient city of Troy.谢里曼发掘出了特洛伊古城。朗文当代〔fall〕Troy finally fell to the Greeks.特洛伊城最终被希腊人攻陷。牛津高阶〔fire〕Whitlock purposely fired wide.惠特洛克故意射偏了。牛津搭配〔impregnable〕Troy is a strong and prosperous nation based around a city whose walls have proven impregnable to attack.特洛伊是一个强盛的城邦, 中心城市的城墙坚不可破。外研社新世纪〔jab〕Whitlock jabbed him painfully in the back.惠特洛克戳了他的后背一下, 很疼。外研社新世纪〔outsmart〕Troy was very clever for his age and had already figured out ways to outsmart her.特洛伊比同龄人都要聪明, 早就想到了智取她的妙计。外研社新世纪〔outsmart〕Troy was very clever for his age and had already figured out ways to outsmart her.以他的年龄来说特洛伊非常聪明,早就想到了骗过她的妙计。柯林斯高阶〔physiognomy〕Whitlock had always believed strongly in physiognomy and his conclusions were rarely wrong.惠特洛克总是坚信相面术, 而且他的结论很少出错。外研社新世纪〔relate〕Odyssey relates the misfortunes of Odysseus after the Trojan War.《奥德赛》叙述特洛伊战争后奥德修斯经历的种种厄运。英汉大词典〔replace〕The line went dead. Whitlock replaced the receiver.线路中断了,惠特洛克把听筒放回原处。柯林斯高阶〔sack〕The Odyssey tells what happened to the Greek heroes after the sack of Troy.《奥德赛》讲述的是在特洛伊被洗劫一空之后发生在希腊英雄们身上的故事。柯林斯高阶〔sentence〕Troy uttered one last sentence.特洛伊说了最后一句话。牛津搭配〔silently〕Whitlock silently cursed Graham for heaping more suspicion on him.惠特洛克心里暗暗咒骂格雷厄姆让自己备受猜疑。外研社新世纪〔silently〕Whitlock silently cursed Graham for heaping more suspicion on him.惠特洛克心里默默地诅咒格雷厄姆,因为他让自己备受猜疑。柯林斯高阶〔sill〕Whitlock was perched on the sill of the room's only window.惠特洛克坐在房间唯一一扇窗户的窗台上。外研社新世纪〔sill〕Whitlock was perched on the sill of the room's only window.惠特洛克坐在房间里仅有的那扇窗户的边沿上。柯林斯高阶〔troglitazone〕An oral antidiabetic agent that lowers blood glucose by improving the response of target cells to insulin without increasing insulin secretion.特洛格列氮酮,降糖氮酮:口服抗糖尿病药剂,在不增加胰岛素分泌物的情况下,藉由增进目标细胞对胰岛素的反应能力以降低血糖美国传统〔under〕Costello's business dealings have been under investigation by the FBI for months.科斯特洛的商业交易已被联邦调查局调查了好几个月。麦克米伦高阶Briseida, daughter of a seer who had foreseen the Trojan demise, was exiled from Troy into the Greek camp.勃里赛达是一位曾预言特洛伊城毁灭的预言家的女儿,她从特洛伊被放逐至希腊军营。剑桥国际In ancient Greek stories, Helen of Troy was a woman of great beauty.在古代希腊神话中,特洛伊的海伦皇后是个很美的女人。剑桥国际The move by supermarkets into banking is a Trojan horse. Banks may soon no longer exist.超市进入银行业的举措是个特洛伊木马。银行可能不久后将不复存在。牛津商务 |
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