

单词 浪涛
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔alarmed〕The passengers in the ship became alarmed when the waves began to crash over the bow.浪涛袭来并越过船身时, 乘客们惊恐起来。外研社新世纪〔buffet〕The ship buffeted with the waves.船只与浪涛搏斗。21世纪英汉〔foam〕She could see the line of white foam where the waves broke.她可以看见浪涛泛起的那一排白色泡沫。外研社新世纪〔lapping〕The only sound was the lapping of the waves.只闻浪涛拍击之声。柯林斯高阶〔pound〕Waves pounded against the pier.浪涛猛烈地拍击着码头。朗文当代〔roll〕The wind rolled the waves high on the beach.风刮得浪涛高高翻滚着涌上海滩。英汉大词典〔rote〕The sound of surf breaking on the shore.浪涛拍击海岸的声音美国传统〔smack〕I could hear the smack of the waves against the side of the ship.我能听到浪涛拍击船舷的声音。英汉大词典〔surf〕I don't think you can swim, if you've never surfed.如果你从未在浪涛之中游过泳,我认为你还不算会游泳。21世纪英汉〔surge〕Water surged around them.浪涛在他们四周汹涌。牛津同义词〔swell〕The Atlantic swell surged up under them.大西洋的浪涛在他们下面滚滚涌起。牛津搭配〔swell〕The boat rose and fell with the swell.船随着浪涛起伏跌宕。牛津搭配〔toss〕The ship tossed on the waves.船在浪涛中颠簸。韦氏高阶〔toss〕Waves tossed the ship about.浪涛把船抛来抛去。韦氏高阶〔trough〕The boat lay almost helpless in the trough of the waves.小船几乎无助地在浪涛里颠簸。麦克米伦高阶〔wash〕The waves washed the shore.浪涛拍击着岸边。英汉大词典〔wash〕We heard the wash of the surf.我们听见浪涛的拍击声。 英汉大词典Further out to sea the waves were a metre high and capped with white foam.再远些的海面上浪涛有一米高,泛着白色的泡沫。剑桥国际The surge upset the boat. 浪涛掀翻了小船。译典通We could hear the smack of waves against the side of the ship. 我们能听到浪涛拍击船舷的声音。译典通




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