

单词 浩大
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Olympian〕Getting his book into print has been an Olympian task in itself.将他的书付印本身就是一件浩大的工程。柯林斯高阶〔Olympian〕Writing this book has been an Olympian task in itself.写这部书本身就是一个浩大的工程。外研社新世纪〔START〕Decorating the place was a huge job, and we started with the kitchen and the hall. 装修工程浩大,我们决定从厨房和门厅开始干起。朗文写作活用〔admirable〕The work is admirable for the vast labour it involved.这部作品因工程浩大而引人赞赏。英汉大词典〔aggressive〕The city began an aggressive campaign to encourage recycling.这个城市发起一场声势浩大的运动,鼓励回收利用。韦氏高阶〔astonish〕Despite the hype, there was nothing in the book to astonish readers.尽管宣传声势浩大,这本书却没有什么能够让读者眼前一亮的地方。韦氏高阶〔bed〕For three weeks a big operation went on to recover the wreckage from the sea bed.打捞海底残骸这一浩大工程持续了三周。柯林斯高阶〔campaign〕The company launched a huge advertising campaign.该公司发起了一场声势浩大的广告宣传活动。牛津搭配〔expensive〕Requiring a large expenditure; costly.费用浩大的:须要大笔开支的;昂贵的美国传统〔literally〕Putting on an opera is a tremendous enterprise involving literally hundreds of people.上演一台歌剧是一项浩大的工程,说要涉及数以百计的人真是一点都不夸张。柯林斯高阶〔promotabilities〕We launch a big advertising campaign to promote our new toothpaste.我们发动了一场声势浩大的广告宣传攻势,旨在推销新型牙膏。21世纪英汉〔undaunted〕Undaunted by the scale of the job, Lesley set about planning how each room should look.莱斯利并没有被这项浩大的工程所吓倒,开始着手规划每个房间的格局。柯林斯高阶〔undertaking〕Organizing the show has been a massive undertaking.组织那场演出是一项浩大的工程。外研社新世纪〔undertaking〕Organizing the show has been a massive undertaking.组织那场演出是一项浩大的工程。柯林斯高阶〔visible〕Italy has a highly visible environmental movement.意大利展开了声势浩大的环境保护运动。牛津搭配An expensive advertising campaign has led to a factitious demand for bottled water.一场耗资浩大广告战导致了瓶装水人为的需求。剑桥国际The aggressive sales campaign has nearly doubled their revenue.这次声势浩大的促销活动已经使他们的收入将近翻了一番。牛津商务The supermarket chain has been promoting aggressively.超市连锁店一直在进行声势浩大的促销活动。牛津商务There have been huge demonstrations against the proposed factory closure.人们举行声势浩大的示威游行反对关闭工厂计划。剑桥国际This afternoon there was a big demonstration against the job losses outside the town / city / county hall (=the building from which these places are controlled).今天下午在市/市/县政厅外有声势浩大的反失业游行示威。剑桥国际Through the fields flows the mighty (= extremely large and important) River Po.穿过这片田野流淌着浩大的波河。剑桥国际




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