

单词 浦斯
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANSWER〕According to Greek legend, it was Oedipus who solved the riddle of the Sphinx. 古希腊神话中说,是俄狄浦斯解开了斯芬克斯之谜。朗文写作活用〔Creon〕The brother of Iocasta and uncle of Antigone who became the king of Thebes after the fall of Oedipus.克瑞翁:希腊神话中伊俄卡斯特的兄弟,安提戈涅的舅父,在俄狄浦斯死后成为底比斯王美国传统〔Jocasta〕A queen of Thebes who unknowingly married her own son, Oedipus.伊俄卡斯特:底比斯的王后,她无意中嫁给了自己的儿子俄狄浦斯美国传统〔Laius〕A king of Thebes who was mistakenly killed by his own son, Oedipus.拉伊俄斯:底比斯国王,被他自己的儿子俄底浦斯误杀美国传统〔Oedipal〕Freud argued that all people go through an Oedipal phase of sexual development.弗洛伊德认为所有的人在性发育过程中都要经历俄狄浦斯情结阶段。剑桥高阶〔Polynices〕A son of Oedipus for whom an expedition against Thebes was raised.波吕尼刻斯:俄狄浦斯的一个儿子,他曾对底比斯发起远征美国传统〔circumstance〕Is Oedipus a hero or a victim of circumstance?俄狄浦斯是个英雄还是命运的牺牲品?外研社新世纪〔iconic〕Murphy's powerfully spoken Oedipus is an autocrat of iconic grandeur.墨菲激情演绎的俄狄浦斯王是位圣像般威严的独裁者。柯林斯高阶〔iconic〕Murphy's powerfully spoken Oedipus is an autocrat of iconic grandeur.墨菲饰演的俄狄浦斯活灵活现, 是一位如圣像般威严的独裁者。外研社新世纪〔winner〕Phillips scored the winner only three minutes from time.菲利浦斯在离比赛结束仅3分钟时进了制胜的一球。麦克米伦高阶According to ancient Greek legend, the sphinx set a riddle which no one before Oedipus was able to answer.在古希腊神话中,斯芬克司出了一个谜语,没有人能猜得出,后来被俄狄浦斯猜出了。剑桥国际Freud argued that all people go through an Oedipal phase of sexual development.弗洛伊德认为所有人在性成长过程中都经历一个俄狄浦斯情结的阶段。剑桥国际




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