

单词 熊星座
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Callisto〕Greek Mythology A nymph, beloved of Zeus and hated by Hera. Hera changed her into a bear, and Zeus then placed her in the sky as the constellation Ursa Major.【希腊神话】 卡利斯托:一位宙斯心爱的女神,被赫拉所憎恨。赫拉将她变为一只熊,后来宙斯将她送到天空中,成为大熊星座美国传统〔Canes Venatici〕A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Ursa Major and Boötes, under the handle of the Big Dipper.猎犬座:北天球大熊星座和牧夫星座附近的一个星座,位于北斗七星的柄下面美国传统〔Leo Minor〕A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Leo and Ursa Major.小狮(星)座:北半球的一个星座,位于狮子星座和大熊星座附近美国传统〔Little Dipper〕The seven bright stars that form the constellation Ursa Minor.小北斗:组成小熊星座的七颗亮星星美国传统〔Mizar〕The double star in the middle of the handle of the Big Dipper.北斗六:大熊星座柄中央的双星美国传统〔constellation〕The constellation Ursa Major contains the stars of the Big Dipper.大熊星座包括北斗七星。韦氏高阶〔pointer〕Either of the two stars in the Big Dipper that are aligned so as to point to Polaris.指极星:大熊星座中两颗连线后指向北极星的星中的任一颗美国传统




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