

单词 沉溺于
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔addict〕addict oneself to gambling 沉溺于赌博英汉大词典〔amorous〕indulging in a bit of amorous dalliance沉溺于一番男欢女爱外研社新世纪〔bog〕stop bogging oneself with hogwash 不再沉溺于连篇废话英汉大词典〔boneheaded〕a somewhat boneheaded page boy addicted to cheap crime stories 沉溺于廉价犯罪小说的傻里傻气的小听差英汉大词典〔bum〕a beach bum. 沉溺于海滩运动的人美国传统〔contact〕lose all contact with reality 完全脱离现实(指沉溺于幻觉) 英汉大词典〔dedicate〕a hippie commune dedicated to dropping acid 一个沉溺于麻醉毒品的嬉皮群居村英汉大词典〔descent〕his descent into alcoholism 他沉溺于酒瘾之中牛津搭配〔devote oneself to〕to devote oneself to singing and dancing沉溺于歌舞21世纪英汉〔devote〕devote oneself to amusement 沉溺于娱乐英汉大词典〔hit〕to hit the dissolute life沉溺于放荡的生活21世纪英汉〔indulgence〕excessive indulgence in daydreaming 过分的沉溺于幻想英汉大词典〔indulge〕indulged herself with idle daydreams.See Synonyms at pamper 让自己沉溺于徒劳的白日梦中 参见 pamper美国传统〔overindulge〕to overindulge one's fondness in playing过分沉溺于玩耍21世纪英汉〔retrospection〕indulge in dreamy retrospections 沉溺于梦幻般的回忆中 英汉大词典〔reverie〕indulge in reveries about the future 沉溺于对未来的想入非非英汉大词典〔serious〕engaged in serious drinking; made a serious attempt to learn how to ski backward; serious study of Italian. 沉溺于饮酒;认真地试图学会怎样向后滑雪;认真地学习意大利语美国传统〔surfeit〕to be surfeited with pleasure-seeking沉溺于享乐21世纪英汉〔unmotivated〕indulge in odd, unmotivated behaviour 沉溺于动机不明的古怪行为英汉大词典〔widow〕a poker widow (丈夫沉溺于纸牌的)扑克活寡妇英汉大词典




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