

单词 漂浮的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔afloat〕They talked modestly of their valiant efforts to keep the tanker afloat.他们说起自己设法使油轮漂浮的英勇之举时非常谦虚。柯林斯高阶〔boom〕A floating barrier serving to contain an oil spill.浮木档栅:一种漂浮的档栅,用来阻止流失的油份美国传统〔caisson〕A floating structure used to close off the entrance to a dock or canal lock.浮筒:一种可漂浮的结构,用于封住船坞入口或运河水闸美国传统〔close〕The sensation is close to the feeling of floating.这种感觉和漂浮的感觉很接近。麦克米伦高阶〔floating〕Buoyed on or suspended in or as if in a fluid.漂浮的:是或好象是浮在或悬在液体中的美国传统〔flotage〕Floating objects or material; flotsam.漂浮物:漂浮的物品或材料;漂浮物美国传统〔flotsam〕Floating refuse or debris.漂浮的垃圾或瓦砾美国传统〔lifeless〕Anton's lifeless body was found floating in the lake.在湖里发现了安东漂浮的尸体。朗文当代〔lily pad〕One of the floating leaves of a water lily.百合大浮叶:水百合漂浮的叶美国传统〔natant〕Floating or swimming in water.漂浮的;游泳的:浮在水上或在水上游泳的美国传统〔paddleboard〕A long, narrow, floatable board used especially in surfing.浆叶式冲浪板:一种长的狭窄的可漂浮的板,尤指用来冲浪美国传统〔pad〕The broad, floating leaf of an aquatic plant such as the water lily.浮叶,叶枕:水生植物漂浮的宽叶子,如睡莲美国传统〔raft〕We lashed together anything that would float to make a raft.我们把所有能漂浮的东西都捆绑在一起来做一个筏子。剑桥高阶〔sexually〕The first organisms that reproduced sexually were free-floating plankton.最早开始有性繁殖的生物是四处漂浮的浮游生物。柯林斯高阶〔toss〕The seas grew turbulent, tossing the small boat like a cork.海浪变得汹涌澎湃,把小船像漂浮的软木塞一样抛来甩去。柯林斯高阶〔waterborne〕Floating on or supported by water; afloat.漂浮的:由水浮起或支持的;漂浮的美国传统




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