

单词 洗刷
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WASH〕Where's that stuff you use for cleaning the bathtub? 你用来洗刷浴缸的东西放在哪里?朗文写作活用〔awash〕Level with or washed by waves.冲平的,洗刷的:被海浪冲平或洗刷的美国传统〔brush down〕At the end of the day you again brush down your horse.一天下来你又要把马洗刷干净。外研社新世纪〔clear〕Maya was cleared of manslaughter.马亚洗刷掉了过失杀人罪名。朗文当代〔cloud〕He found it difficult to get a job because a cloud always hung over his reputation.由于他的洗刷不清的坏名声,他发现很难找到工作。英汉大词典〔cue〕They started washing up, so that was our cue to leave the party.他们开始洗刷碗碟了,这就是暗示我们该离开聚会了。剑桥高阶〔dish〕Can I wash (或 do) the dishes? 我来做餐后洗刷好吗?英汉大词典〔escutcheon〕He will be back soon, cleared of any blot on his escutcheon.他很快便会洗刷掉所有的污点, 卷土重来。外研社新世纪〔expunge〕Nothing can expunge the shame of what he did.没有什么东西能洗刷掉他所作所为的耻辱。英汉大词典〔groom for〕Help me to groom the horses for the show tonight.帮我把这些马洗刷干净,好让它们参加今晚的演出。21世纪英汉〔hang to〕A bad name will hang to him.他的坏名声是洗刷不掉的。21世纪英汉〔image〕The party needs to clean up its somewhat tarnished image.这个政党需要洗刷自己有些受损的形象。牛津搭配〔infamy〕He never escaped the infamy his crimes had earned him.他罪行累累,声名狼藉,永远洗刷不清。韦氏高阶〔labour〕They laboured for years to clear their son's name.他们为洗刷儿子的罪名努力争取了许多年。牛津高阶〔reinstate〕After his name was cleared, he was reinstated as committee chairperson.罪名被洗刷后,他的委员会主席职务得以恢复。韦氏高阶〔scrubber〕One who cleans floors, for example, by scrubbing.洗刷地板的人:清洁地板的人,例如通过擦拭美国传统〔shrug〕That disgrace can never be shrugged off.那种耻辱决不是轻易可洗刷掉的。英汉大词典〔smudge〕That cleansed him of every last smudge of impropriety.那件事彻底洗刷了他行为不端造成的种种污点。英汉大词典〔undo〕Sins cannot be undone, only forgiven.罪孽是洗刷不清的,只能受到饶恕。英汉大词典〔washing-up〕The sink was still full of last night's washing-up.洗涤槽里仍然摆满了昨天晚上没洗刷的餐具。牛津高阶〔wash〕Prayer can wash away your sins.祈祷能洗刷你的罪恶。 英汉大词典He is trying to wash away his sins. 他正试图洗刷他的罪过。译典通Scotland's stunning victory avenged last year's humiliating defeat by Wales.苏格兰的大获全胜洗刷了去年败给威尔士的耻辱。剑桥国际That brush is not adequately bristled for heavy cleaning. 那把刷子刚毛不够,不适用于用力洗刷。译典通They started washing up, so that was our cue to leave the party.他们开始洗刷碗碟,这就暗示我们该离开晚会了。剑桥国际You should use a nylon scourer rather than a metal one to clean non-stick pans.在洗刷不粘锅时你不能用钢丝球,而应该用尼龙的擦洗块。剑桥国际




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