

单词 治下
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ESCAPE〕a fugitive from Stalin's oppressive regime 该政权统治下的逃亡者朗文写作活用〔administration〕a country under its military administration 在军政府统治下的国家英汉大词典〔bloody〕under the rule of a bloody dictator在一个残暴独裁者的统治下外研社新世纪〔cosy〕mop up the cosy corruption that flourished under one's predecessor 扫除前任治下滋生的朋比为奸的腐败作风英汉大词典〔dark〕the darkest days of Fascism 法西斯统治下最黑暗的日子牛津高阶〔deliver from〕to deliver the people from tyranny把人民从暴政统治下解救出来21世纪英汉〔grip〕an island in the grip of a dictatorship 在独裁政权统治下的海岛英汉大词典〔heel〕a people under the heel of an increasingly dictatorial regime 在日益专制的政府统治下的一个民族朗文当代〔heel〕under the heel of fascism 在法西斯的统治下 英汉大词典〔passivity〕the passivity of the public under the military occupation大众在军事统治下的消极外研社新世纪〔regime〕a military regime under Franco 佛朗哥统治下的军事政权牛津搭配〔reign〕under the reign of King Arthur 在亚瑟王统治下英汉大词典〔rule〕live under military (foreign) rule 在军队(外国人)统治下生活英汉大词典〔rule〕under foreign rule.在异族统治下。牛津同义词〔rule〕under the long rule of George III 在乔治三世的长期统治下英汉大词典〔tyranny〕a nation ruled by tyranny 暴政统治下的国家韦氏高阶〔under〕the realities of life under a brutal dictatorship. 残暴的独裁统治下的生活现实柯林斯高阶〔wasteland〕the cultural wasteland of Franco's repressive rule. 佛朗哥高压统治下的文化贫瘠柯林斯高阶〔yoke〕a country under (或submitted to) the yoke of a feudal monarchy 封建君主统治下的国家英汉大词典




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