

单词 油量
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔calibrate〕a calibrated stick for measuring the amount of oil in an engine 测量引擎中油量的标尺剑桥高阶〔capacity〕a feature which gave the vehicles a much greater fuel capacity than other trucks. 使这些车辆的储油量远远超过其他卡车的一个特点柯林斯高阶〔capacity〕the nation's oil refining capacity 这个国家的炼油量韦氏高阶〔dinosaur〕a gas-guzzling dinosaur 油老虎(指耗油量大的老旧汽车)英汉大词典〔drink〕a car which drinks less fuel耗油量小的汽车外研社新世纪〔fuel〕a car with high fuel consumption 耗油量大的汽车牛津高阶〔fuel〕a car with high fuel consumption 耗油量高的汽车牛津搭配〔fuel〕fuel tank/pump/gauge 油箱/油泵/油量表麦克米伦高阶〔gas-guzzler〕gas-guzzling SUVs 耗油量大的越野车韦氏高阶〔gauge〕a fuel/petrol/temperature, etc. gauge 燃料表、汽油量表、温度计等牛津高阶〔guzzle〕cars that guzzle gasoline 耗油量巨大的汽车韦氏高阶a fuel/petrol/temperature gauge 燃料表;汽油量表;温度计牛津商务




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