

单词 爱滋病
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HIV〕A retrovirus that causes AIDS. HIV was formerly known as HTLV-III.人类免疫缺陷病毒:一种引起爱滋病的反录酶病毒,它原先被认为是人体T细胞白血病毒三期美国传统〔blood test〕A serologic test for certain diseases, such as syphilis or AIDS.血清试验:某种病的血清试验,例如梅毒或爱滋病血清试验美国传统〔mortality〕AIDS has a high mortality.爱滋病死亡率很高。文馨英汉〔retrovirus〕Any of a group of viruses, many of which produce tumors, that contain RNA and reverse transcriptase, including the virus that causes AIDS.逆转录酶病毒:一种病毒,大多数会产生含有核糖核酸和逆转录酶的肿瘤,包括引起爱滋病的病毒美国传统〔tat〕A gene in the AIDS virus that stimulates the host cell to replicate genetic components of the virus.转移活化基因:爱滋病病毒中的一种基因,能刺激寄生细胞复制爱滋病病毒的基因成分美国传统A new drug has been developed which might help save the lives of cancer/AIDS/heart-attack victims.已经发明了一种新药,或许能够拯救癌症/爱滋病/心脏病患者的生命。剑桥国际AIDS is characterized by one or more so-called opportunistic infections.爱滋病的特点是一种或多种所谓的机会感染。剑桥国际AIDS outreach programs bring medical care, condoms and counselling to prostitutes on the streets.爱滋病扩大防治计划给街上的妓女提供医疗护理、避孕套和咨询。剑桥国际AIDS victims often experience social ostracism and discrimination in jobs and housing.爱滋病患者常在工作和住房上受到社会的摈弃和歧视。剑桥国际Don had full-blown AIDS for over a year before he died.唐在死前患有完全扩散的爱滋病已1年多了。剑桥国际Evidence suggested that the AIDS virus (HIV) was spreading very quickly among the heterosexual community.有迹象表明爱滋病毒在异性性爱群体中迅速扩散。剑桥国际He was used as a guinea pig to test a new cure for AIDS.他被用作试验一种治爱滋病新方法的实验品。剑桥国际In Britain, AIDS tests are now performed on all people who offer to become blood donors.在英国,现在对所有提出献血的人都要进行爱滋病检验。剑桥国际She's researching into possible cures for AIDS.她在探究爱滋病的可能治疗方法。剑桥国际The AIDS syndrome is a group of specific infections and cancer which occur as a result of a compromised immune system.爱滋病综合症是一组由免疫系统受损而引起的某几种感染和恶性肿瘤。剑桥国际The AIDS virus is spread (= given to other people) through contact with blood and other body fluids.爱滋病病毒通过血液及其他体液的接触而传播。剑桥国际The Archbishop of New York probably has more AIDS victims under his pastoral care (= help and care given to members of a religious group by their leader) than any bishop in the world.纽约大主教很可能比世界上任何一个主教有更多的爱滋病受害者在他的精神关怀下。剑桥国际The Health Secretary stated that a dramatic decline in promiscuity would greatly reduce the number of cases of HIV and AIDS.卫生部长声明性乱交的显著下降将大大减少人体免疫缺损和爱滋病患者的人数。剑桥国际The city has a multitude of problems, from AIDS to drugs and murder.这座城市有许多问题,从爱滋病到吸毒和谋杀。剑桥国际The death of so many celebrities from AIDS has effectively spotlighted the disease.许多名流因爱滋病而死,这引起了公众的深切关注。剑桥国际The government is to launch a new AIDS education campaign which will target high-risk groups such as intravenous drug-users.政府打算进行一项新的爱滋病教育运动,这项运动针对的目标是爱滋病高风险群体,如静脉注射毒品者。剑桥国际The government was urged to take measures to combat the spread of AIDS. 人们敦促政府采取措施以防止爱滋病的传播。译典通The leaflet has been produced with the aim of increasing public awareness of AIDS.印发该传单的目的在于提高公众对爱滋病的意识。剑桥国际The pharmaceutical company has been charged with profiteering from the AIDS crisis.这家药物公司被指控从爱滋病危机中牟取暴利。剑桥国际The spread of AIDS in the last few years has been alarming.近几年来爱滋病的传染引起了很大的恐慌。剑桥国际The symptoms of AIDS can take several years to develop.爱滋病的症状可能在几年后显示出来。剑桥国际The young scientist made some important discoveries in AIDS research. 这位年轻的科学家在爱滋病研究中有了重大发现。译典通




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