

单词 点缀
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔accent〕used accents of bright colors in the new room 新房间内使用亮色来进行点缀韦氏高阶〔beautify〕beautifying touches 美化的点缀英汉大词典〔bedecked〕a flower-bedecked stage. 鲜花点缀的舞台柯林斯高阶〔cove〕a coastline dotted with coves 点缀着许多小海湾的海岸线韦氏高阶〔dotted〕a field dotted with flowers点缀着鲜花的田野外研社新世纪〔dot〕a field dotted with trees 点缀著树木的原野文馨英汉〔dot〕a lawn with little flower-beds dotted about it here and there 有许多小花坛点缀其间的一块草地英汉大词典〔dress up〕dress up a plain dessert with a rich chocolate sauce 给原味甜点点缀上一层浓浓的巧克力酱韦氏高阶〔flag〕decorated with flags.用旗点缀。牛津同义词〔garnish〕a letter garnished with quotations 引用一些名句作点缀的书信英汉大词典〔heart〕a shirt decorated with little hearts 点缀着小小心形物的衬衫麦克米伦高阶〔interlaced〕languid women, their flowing locks interlaced with flowers and vines. 垂发上点缀着花和藤的慵懒女子。柯林斯高阶〔interlaced〕languid women, their flowing locks interlaced with flowers and vines垂发上点缀着花和藤的慵懒女子外研社新世纪〔interlace〕a lawn interlaced with flowers有鲜花点缀的草坪21世纪英汉〔interlace〕meadows interlaced with streams 有溪流点缀其间的草地英汉大词典〔interspersed〕a landscape of mixed forest interspersed with bamboo groves. 有竹林点缀其间的一片混交林风景区柯林斯高阶〔interspersed〕forests interspersed with meadows and lakes 点缀着零星草地和湖泊的森林剑桥高阶〔intersperse〕interspersed red and blue tiles on the walls; intersperse praise with constructive criticism. 在墙上点缀红色和蓝色的瓷砖;在称赞之余给予建设性的批评美国传统〔little〕a cake decorated with little flowers 点缀着小花的蛋糕朗文当代〔palm〕a beach of white sand fringed with coconut palms 边缘点缀着椰子树的白色沙滩麦克米伦高阶〔prank〕villages pranked with villas 点缀有一座座别墅的村庄英汉大词典〔pure〕flowers in a whole range of blues with the occasional pure white. 各种深深浅浅的蓝色花朵,偶尔有纯白色花朵点缀其间柯林斯高阶〔pure〕flowers in a whole range of blues with the occasional pure white各种深浅不一的蓝色花朵, 偶尔有纯白色花朵点缀其间外研社新世纪〔sculpture〕to sculpture a building用塑像点缀建筑物21世纪英汉〔spangled〕a dark night sky spangled with stars黑色的夜空点缀着闪亮的星星外研社新世纪〔sprinkle〕a yellow dress sprinkled with white flowers 点缀着白花的黄色连衣裙麦克米伦高阶〔sprinkle〕green mountains sprinkled with lakes点缀着星罗棋布湖泊的树林茂密的群山21世纪英汉〔sprinkle〕sprinkled his speech with quotations. 用引证点缀演讲美国传统〔studded〕a baked ham studded with cloves 点缀着丁香的烤火腿剑桥高阶〔trimming〕the traditional trimmings of fame/success 传统上作为人生点缀的名望/成功剑桥高阶




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