

单词 点滴
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔bonnyclabber〕bainne [milk] from Middle Irish [drop, milk] from Old Irish bannae [drop] bainne [奶] 源自 中古爱尔兰语 [点滴,奶] 源自 古爱尔兰语 bannae [点滴] 美国传统〔crumb〕a few crumbs of praise for their hard work 对他们努力工作的点滴表扬麦克米伦高阶〔crumb〕a few crumbs of useful information 点滴有用的消息牛津高阶〔crumb〕crumbs of knowledge 点滴知识英汉大词典〔dab〕a dab of glue 点滴胶水英汉大词典〔dab〕a dab of glue. 点滴胶水柯林斯高阶〔mite〕those who would like to contribute their mite for the cause那些愿意为这一事业献上点滴捐款的人外研社新世纪〔morsel〕morsels of news 点滴新闻英汉大词典〔scrap〕utilization of every scrap of technical experience 点滴技术经验的利用英汉大词典〔snippet〕snippets of evidence 点滴证据英汉大词典〔snippet〕snippets of gossip/information 闲言碎语;点滴信息韦氏高阶〔trickle-down〕the trickle-down effect. 点滴投资理论作用美国传统




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