

单词 民间舞
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DANCE〕Hungarian folk dances 匈牙利民间舞朗文写作活用〔Highland fling〕A lively folk dance originating in the Highlands of Scotland.苏格兰高地舞:源于苏格兰高地的一种活泼的苏格兰民间舞美国传统〔beguine〕A ballroom dance similar to the rumba, based on a dance of Martinique and St. Lucia.比津舞:类似伦巴的舞厅舞,源于马提尼克群岛和圣卢西亚的民间舞美国传统〔charanga〕A style of popular Cuban dance music characterized by the use of violins and flutes along with percussion instruments, piano, bass, and vocals.贾浪卡舞曲:古巴民间舞曲,以运用小提琴、长笛与打击乐器及钢琴、贝斯及和声著称美国传统〔contredanse〕A folk dance performed in two lines with the partners facing each other.对舞:一种由面对面排成两列的舞伴表演的民间舞蹈美国传统〔folk dance〕A social gathering at which folk dances are performed.民间舞蹈聚会:表演民间舞蹈的社交聚会美国传统〔folk dance〕A traditional dance originating among the common people of a nation or region.民间舞蹈:起源于一个民族或地区的普通人中的传统舞蹈美国传统〔folk dance〕The music accompanying such a dance.民间舞曲:为这种舞蹈伴奏的音乐美国传统〔malagueña〕Any of several Spanish folk tunes, especially one native to Málaga that is similar to the fandango.马拉加舞曲:一首西班牙民间舞曲,尤指与凡当戈舞曲相似的马拉加民间舞曲美国传统〔morris〕An English folk dance in which a story is enacted by costumed dancers.莫里斯舞:一种英国民间舞蹈,其中一故事被着特殊服装的舞者表演美国传统〔round dance〕A folk dance performed with the dancers arranged in a circle.轮舞:一种舞蹈者围成圆圈跳的民间舞美国传统〔storytelling〕The programme is 90 minutes of dynamic Indian folk dance, live music and storytelling.该节目为 90 分钟,其中有动感印度民间舞蹈、现场音乐表演和说书。柯林斯高阶At school we were taught how to do traditional folk dances such as jigs and reels.在学校里,我们学跳传统的民间舞蹈,比如吉格舞和里尔舞。剑桥国际Jazz dance is a form of vernacular dancing.爵士舞是民间舞蹈的一种形式。剑桥国际Some folk dances are performed to the music of a concertina.一些民间舞蹈正在六角手风琴的伴奏下演出。剑桥国际




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