

单词 民间传说
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Gaelic〕Gaelic politicians/folklore 盖尔政治家/民间传说韦氏高阶〔LOT〕There are innumerable variations on the folktale, but the basic story is the same throughout Europe. 这个民间传说有无数个版本,但是基本情节全欧洲都一样。朗文写作活用〔Manx〕Manx folklore马恩岛民间传说外研社新世纪〔Oberon〕The king of the fairies and husband of Titania in medieval folklore.奥伯龙:中世纪民间传说中的仙王,泰坦尼娅的丈夫美国传统〔Puck〕A mischievous sprite in English folklore.小妖精:英格兰民间传说中的一个淘气的精灵美国传统〔Slavic〕Slavic people/languages/lands/folklore 斯拉夫民族/语言/领土/民间传说韦氏高阶〔TRADITION〕According to folklore, King Arthur will one day return to become King of Britain. 根据民间传说,亚瑟王有一天会回来当英国国王。朗文写作活用〔TRADITION〕In folklore the snake is often a symbol of evil. 在民间传说里,蛇常常作为邪恶的象征。朗文写作活用〔abortion〕The ogre was portrayed as an abortion.民间传说里的吃人巨人给画成了畸形的怪物。牛津同义词〔banshee〕A female spirit in Gaelic folklore believed to presage, by wailing, a death in a family.班西:盖尔族民间传说中的女鬼,其哀嚎预示家庭中将有人死亡美国传统〔barghest〕A goblin in English folklore, often appearing in the shape of a large dog and believed to portend imminent death or misfortune.猛犬山妖:英国民间传说中的鬼怪,常以一只大狗的形象出现并被相信可预告临近的死亡或不幸美国传统〔dybbuk〕In Jewish folklore, the wandering soul of a dead person that enters the body of a living person and controls his or her behavior.恶灵:犹太民间传说中,死者的游魂进入生存的体内并控制生者的行为美国传统〔evil〕According to local folklore it is an evil place.据当地民间传说, 这是个不祥的地方。外研社新世纪〔evil〕According to local folklore it is an evil place.据当地民间传说,那是个不祥的地方。柯林斯高阶〔folklore〕Her books are often based on folklore and fairy-tales.她的书常常以民间传说和神话故事为创作基础。剑桥高阶〔folklore〕In Chinese folklore the bat is an emblem of good fortune.在中国的民间传说中蝙蝠是好运的象征。柯林斯高阶〔folklore〕In Irish folklore, the leprechaun had a large piece of gold.爱尔兰民间传说中的小矮妖有一大块金子。剑桥高阶〔folklore〕Local folklore has it that prehistoric men drove cattle over these cliffs.当地民间传说中称史前人类把野牛从这些悬崖上驱赶下去。牛津搭配〔folklore〕Rumors of their antics became part of the folklore of Hollywood.他们滑稽动作的传闻成了好莱坞民间传说的一部分美国传统〔folklore〕There is a lot of folklore surrounding mirrors.有关镜子的民间传说有很多。外研社新世纪〔giant〕A being in folklore or myth similar to one of these beings.巨人:民间传说或神话中与以上的人种相似的人美国传统〔gnome〕One of a fabled race of dwarflike creatures who live underground and guard treasure hoards.守护神:民间传说中的畸形矮子,住在地下守护着宝藏美国传统〔goblin〕A grotesque, elfin creature of folklore, thought to work mischief or evil.妖怪:民间传说中的一种面貌丑陋的小精灵般的动物,被认为常恶作剧或调皮美国传统〔golem〕In Jewish folklore, an artificially created human being supernaturally endowed with life.被赋予生命的假人:犹太民间传说中被超自然地赋予了生命而造出来的人美国传统〔hoodoo〕Haitian folklore told tales of dead people whose bodies were awakened by hoodoo.海地民间传说讲述死人被巫毒术唤醒的故事。剑桥高阶〔idyll〕A narrative poem treating an epic or romantic theme.民间传说:讲述一个抒情的或浪漫主题的叙事诗美国传统〔kobold〕A gnome that haunts underground places in German folklore.地灵:德国民间传说中在地下出没的地神美国传统〔kobold〕An often mischievous household elf in German folklore.家神:在德国民间传说中,经常淘气的家庭小精灵美国传统〔legend〕A body or collection of such stories.民间传说(传奇),传奇文学:这种故事或故事集美国传统〔leprechaun〕One of a race of elves in Irish folklore who can reveal hidden treasure to someone who catches him.矮妖精:爱尔兰民间传说中一种小精灵,可以向抓住它的人指示隐藏的宝藏美国传统〔nix〕A water sprite of German mythology, usually in human form or half-human and half-fish.水中精灵:德国民间传说中的水妖,一般说它象人形或一半象人,一半象鱼美国传统〔sandman〕A character in fairy tales and folklore who makes children go to sleep by sprinkling sand in their eyes.瞌睡虫:神话和民间传说中通过向孩子们的眼睛里洒沙子而使他们入睡的小妖美国传统〔selkie〕A creature or spirit in Scottish and Irish folklore that has the form of a seal but can also assume human form.塞尔奇:苏格兰及爱尔兰民间传说中,有海豹外貌却能化为人形的生物或精灵美国传统Her books are often based on folklore and fairytales.她的书常取材于民间传说和童话。剑桥国际In Irish folklore, the leprechaun had a large piece of gold.在爱尔兰民间传说中,那个矮精灵有一大块金子。剑桥国际She is writing a thesis on Irish legend and mythology.她正在写一篇有关爱尔兰民间传说和神话的论文。剑桥国际The dance was based on several Hindu legends.该舞蹈是根据几个印度民间传说而创作的。剑桥国际The mother often told her children fairy tales and stories from folklore. 这位母亲经常给她的孩子们讲童话和民间传说的故事。译典通




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