

单词 民歌
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FEEL〕From the living room came the sound of a deep male voice singing a sentimental ballad. 起居室里传来低沉的男声唱着一首感伤的民歌。朗文写作活用〔Judas〕A member of the audience shouted 'Judas' at Dylan for deserting his folk roots.一名观众冲迪伦喊“叛徒”, 因为他背弃了自己的民歌本源。外研社新世纪〔Judas〕It was a pulsating session in which a member of the audience shouted 'Judas' at Dylan for deserting his folk roots.这场演出气氛紧张,观众中有人朝着迪伦大叫“犹大”,指责他抛弃了他的民歌根基。柯林斯高阶〔abiding〕The folk-song world was another of his abiding interests.民歌是他的另一个始终不渝的爱好。柯林斯高阶〔and〕He plays the guitar and sings folk songs.他弹吉他唱民歌。朗文当代〔arrange〕He arranged traditional folk songs for the piano.他把传统民歌改编成钢琴曲。牛津高阶〔balladeer〕A singer of ballads.民歌歌手美国传统〔ballad〕A narrative poem, often of folk origin and intended to be sung, consisting of simple stanzas and usually having a recurrent refrain.民谣:常是源于民歌并适于演唱的叙事诗歌,由简单诗节组成,通常有循环迭句美国传统〔ballad〕The music for such a poem.民歌:为上述诗歌而作的音乐美国传统〔base〕This song is based on an old folk tune.这支歌是根据一首古老的民歌曲调创作的。21世纪英汉〔complex〕The composer transformed a simple folk tune into a complex set of variations.这位作曲家把一首简单的民歌小调改编成一首复杂的变奏曲。美国传统〔corrido〕A Mexican ballad or folksong.可利多民谣:墨西哥的民谣或民歌美国传统〔echo〕The book's title echoes a line from an old folk song.这本书的名字源自一首古老的民歌的歌词。韦氏高阶〔echo〕The book's title is an echo of a line from an old folk song.这本书的书名取自一首古老民歌的歌词。韦氏高阶〔encore〕For an encore he sang an unaccompanied folk song.应观众再唱一曲的要求,他清唱了一首民歌。牛津搭配〔encore〕He sang a folk song as/for an encore.他应观众要求加唱了一首民歌。韦氏高阶〔entertainment〕The entertainment was provided by a folk band.这个文娱节目由民歌乐队演出。牛津高阶〔evolve〕Popular music evolved from folk songs.流行音乐从民歌演变而来。柯林斯高阶〔evolve〕Popular music evolved from folk songs.流行音乐是从民歌发展起来的。外研社新世纪〔fado〕A sad Portuguese folksong.思乡曲:一种悲伤的葡萄牙民歌美国传统〔folk song〕Majorcan folk songs马略卡民歌外研社新世纪〔folk song〕She was singing along to a CD of Scottish folk songs.她正随着一张苏格兰民歌唱片唱歌。外研社新世纪〔folk-rock〕A variety of popular music combining elements of rock 'n' roll and folk music.带民歌色彩的摇摆舞乐曲:各种包含摇滚乐与民间音乐元素的流行音乐美国传统〔folksong〕A song belonging to the folk music of a people or area, often existing in several versions or with regional variations.民歌:属于人民的或某地区的民间音乐歌曲,通常以几种形式存在或随区域变化美国传统〔garland〕An anthology, as of ballads or poems.选集:民歌选集或诗歌选集美国传统〔garner〕He garnered a fine array of folk songs.他收集了大量优美的民歌。英汉大词典〔heritage〕Folk songs are part of our common heritage.民歌是我们共同遗产的一部分。牛津搭配〔hootenanny〕Music An informal performance by folk singers, typically with participation by the audience.【音乐】 民歌歌会:民歌手的非正式表演,其特点是有观众的参与美国传统〔hybrid〕The music was a hybrid of Western pop and traditional folk song.这种音乐融合了西方流行音乐和传统民歌。牛津高阶〔kick〕The concert kicked off with a folk song.音乐会以一曲民歌开始。 英汉大词典〔lead〕Hal led the evening off with some folk songs.哈尔唱了几首民歌来作为晚会的开始。朗文当代〔lied〕A German art song in the style of a ballad for solo voice and piano.德国民歌:民谣形式的德国艺术歌曲,是钢琴伴奏的独唱美国传统〔march〕A military band played Russian marches and folk tunes.一支军乐队演奏了俄罗斯进行曲与民歌小调。外研社新世纪〔melody〕Irish folk melodies 爱尔兰民歌曲调牛津搭配〔repertoire〕His repertoire includes a large number of Scottish folk songs.他的演出曲目包括许多苏格兰民歌。牛津搭配〔root〕Jazz has its roots in the folk songs of the southern states of the US.爵士乐起源于美国南部诸州的民歌。朗文当代〔song〕They sat round with guitars, singing folk songs .他们抱着吉他围坐在一起唱民歌。朗文当代〔spiritual〕A religious folk song of American Black origin.圣歌:美国黑人所创的宗教民歌美国传统〔volkslied〕A folk song.民歌美国传统Older people prefer ballads to pop music. 年纪大一些的人喜欢民歌,而不喜欢流行音乐。译典通Several well-known folk singers are performing at the concert.好几位知名的民歌手在音乐会上演出。剑桥国际The dancers pulsated to the festive beat of traditional folk songs.舞蹈者和着传统民歌那欢庆的节拍跳跃。剑桥国际We're going to an outdoor folk / pop / rock festival at the weekend.这个周末我们要去参加露天民歌演唱/流行音乐/摇滚音乐节。剑桥国际Yodelling is associated with folk songs of the Swiss Alps.瑞士阿尔卑斯山的民歌常常使用真假嗓音迅速变换的唱腔。剑桥国际




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