

单词 民族英雄
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔existence〕El Cid's actual existence is not in doubt.民族英雄埃尔•熙德的确存在,这毫无疑问。牛津搭配〔glorify〕A statue was erected to glorify the country's national heroes.树起了一座雕像来颂扬该国的民族英雄。剑桥高阶〔heroine〕The national heroine of the day was Xing Fen, winner of the first Gold medal of the Games.现今的民族英雄是在该运动会上获得首枚金牌的邢芬。柯林斯高阶〔hero〕He became a national hero for his part in the revolution.他因在革命中所起的作用而成为民族英雄。剑桥高阶〔hero〕He died a national hero.他英勇牺牲,成为民族英雄。牛津搭配〔hero〕He had dared to speak out against injustice, and overnight he became a national hero .他敢于站出来抨击不公正的现象,一夜之间就成了民族英雄。朗文当代〔hero〕He returned from the war a national hero.他从战场归来,成为民族英雄。韦氏高阶〔lament〕They deeply lemented the death of the national hero.他们深切哀悼民族英雄之死。21世纪英汉〔mythic〕Scott of the Antarctic was a national hero of mythic proportions.南极探险家斯科特是位赫赫有名的民族英雄。牛津高阶〔national〕They were national heroes.他们是民族英雄。韦氏高阶〔revere〕He is revered as a national hero.他被尊为民族英雄。朗文当代〔roll-call〕The guest list reads like a roll-call of the nation's heroes.客人名单念起来就像是在列数民族英雄。牛津高阶〔ruin〕The conquerors tried to raze the very name of the people's national hero from their memories.征服者妄图把人民的民族英雄的名字从他们的记忆中抹去。美国传统〔status〕He has risen to gain the status of a national hero.他已被推崇为民族英雄。柯林斯高阶〔take〕The book takes its title from the name of a national hero.这部书以一位民族英雄的名字命名。英汉大词典〔transmute〕The former criminal had transmuted into a national hero.昔日的罪犯变成了民族英雄。韦氏高阶A group of students placed a wreath at the tomb of the national hero. 一群学生在那位民族英雄墓前献上花圈。译典通A monument to the national heroes was erected here after the war. 战后在这儿竖起了民族英雄纪念碑。译典通A statue was erected in the main square of the city to glorify the country's national heroes.在市里的大广场上竖起了一座雕像以向国家的那些民族英雄致敬。剑桥国际People always cherish the memory of the national hero. 人们永远怀念这位民族英雄。译典通The monument was dedicated to the memory of the national hero. 这座碑是为纪念那位民族英雄而建造的。译典通They filed past the grave of the national hero. 他们排成纵队走过那位民族英雄的坟墓。译典通They raised a monument to the national hero. 他们为那位民族英雄树了纪念碑。译典通They will build a monument in memory of the national hero. 他们将建造一座纪念碑来纪念这位民族英雄。译典通




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