

单词 爱惜
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Let that be a lesson to you〕Let that be a lesson to you —if you don't take better care of your toys they'll get broken! 这算是对你的一个教训——如果不爱惜你的玩具,它们就会坏掉!韦氏高阶〔abuse〕He had abused his first car by not taking care of it.他对自己的第一辆车很不爱惜,把车毁得很厉害。韦氏高阶〔care〕She takes great care of her clothes.她非常爱惜自己的衣服。牛津高阶〔cherished〕The previous owners had cherished the house.房子先前的主人非常爱惜这房子。柯林斯高阶〔greatness〕I'll take great care of it.我会加倍爱惜它的。柯林斯高阶〔lovingly〕I lifted the box and ran my fingers lovingly over the top.我拎起盒子, 爱惜地摩挲着盒盖。外研社新世纪〔lovingly〕I lifted the box and ran my fingers lovingly over the top.我拎起盒子,爱惜地抚摩着盒盖。柯林斯高阶〔respect〕She has no respect for other people's property (= she does not treat it carefully).她对别人的财物一点都不爱惜。剑桥高阶〔sparing〕You should be more sparing of your energy.你应更爱惜你的精力。英汉大词典〔tender〕He is tender of his reputation.他爱惜名誉。文馨英汉〔tender〕She was tender of her reputation.她爱惜自己的名誉。英汉大词典He treats that motorbike of his like a god (= it is the most important thing to him).他非常爱惜他的摩托车。剑桥国际




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