

单词 牛仔服
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔campaign〕The campaign boosted sales of the jeans by 200%.宣传活动使得牛仔服装的销量提高了200%。麦克米伦高阶〔denim〕He's usually in denims.他通常穿一身牛仔服。剑桥高阶〔diktat〕The company president issued a diktat that employees may not wear jeans to work.公司总裁勒令员工不得穿牛仔服上班。韦氏高阶〔drugstore cowboy〕One who dresses or acts like a cowboy but has never been one.穿牛仔服而实际非牛仔的人:穿着及行为像牛仔,却从来不是牛仔的人美国传统〔scorn〕She scorns traditional dress and wears denims.她摈弃传统的服饰,穿牛仔服。英汉大词典〔sexy〕I think he looks pretty sexy in jeans.我觉得他穿牛仔服很性感。麦克米伦高阶〔ubiquitous〕Leather is very much in fashion this season, as is the ubiquitous denim.皮装在这个季节非常流行,当然牛仔服也似乎无处不在。剑桥高阶Cath's really got the hump (= is offended) since you told her she looked fat in those jeans! 自从你告诉凯瑟她穿牛仔服看上去挺胖,她真的很烦恼。剑桥国际Most of the people at the rock concert were wearing denims (= clothes, esp. JEANS, made of denim).摇滚音乐会上大多数人穿着牛仔服。剑桥国际Strictly speaking, you can wear what you like to work, but there's an unwritten rule that you don't wear jeans.严格来讲, 你可以穿任何你喜欢的衣服上班, 但一条不成文的规定是不穿牛仔服。剑桥国际The jeans shop is selling off old stock.这牛仔服店正在减价出售老的库存。剑桥国际The last time she went out wearing those ripped jeans she got several wolf-whistles.上次她穿故意扯破的牛仔服出门时,有几个人向她吹挑逗口哨。剑桥国际Tight jeans are out of fashion (= not fashionable) at the moment.紧身牛仔服现在不流行了。剑桥国际




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