

单词 油漆
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FINISH〕Painters are putting the finishing touches on the baseboards and railings. 油漆工正在最后油漆踢脚板和栏杆。朗文写作活用〔FUNNY〕Mrs Denton didn't find it amusing when I spilt all the paint on the floor. 我把油漆都洒到地上时,登顿太太并不觉得好笑。朗文写作活用〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕The store was out of the paint I wanted. 这家商店卖完了我要的油漆。朗文写作活用〔application〕It took three applications of paint to cover the graffiti.刷了三道油漆才盖住了涂鸦。牛津高阶〔at〕Somebody threw paint at the prime minister.有人朝首相扔油漆。牛津高阶〔bombard〕Protesters bombarded the building with ink, paint, and bottles.抗议者把墨水、油漆和瓶子扔向那幢楼。麦克米伦高阶〔brush〕The house needs to be brushed up.这屋子需要油漆一下。英汉大词典〔burn〕Burn off the old paint before repainting the door.先把门上的旧漆烧掉,再刷新油漆。牛津高阶〔but〕The work was now complete, but for a final coat of paint.除了最后一层油漆,现在活儿都干完了。麦克米伦高阶〔careen〕He careened his sailboat to repaint the hull.他将他的帆船倾侧过来重新油漆船体。英汉大词典〔check〕Painted surfaces may check with age.油漆物的表面年代久了会干裂。21世纪英汉〔check〕To undergo cracking in a pattern of checks, as paint does.如油漆等出现格子图案状的裂纹美国传统〔chipped〕The wagon's paint was badly chipped on the outside.篷车外面的油漆剥落很严重。外研社新世纪〔chip〕The paint had chipped off the gate.门上的油漆剥落了。朗文当代〔coat〕To cover with a layer, as of paint.涂上:覆盖一层,如油漆美国传统〔condition〕Paint shades can vary under different lighting conditions.在不同的照明条件下,油漆会有色差变化。牛津搭配〔consistency〕She loved the creamy consistency of fresh paint.她喜欢新鲜油漆乳脂状的黏性。剑桥高阶〔cost〕We were going to paint the house ourselves, but when we considered the cost in time and effort, we decided to get a painter to do it for us.我们本打算自己漆房子,可是考虑到既费时又费力,还是决定请油漆工来做。剑桥高阶〔crick〕I got a crick in my neck from painting the ceiling.油漆天花板弄得我脖子抽筋了。剑桥高阶〔daub on〕Don't daub your paint on like that.别像这样乱涂油漆。21世纪英汉〔daub〕He daubed paint on the wall.他往墙上涂油漆。21世纪英汉〔decorate〕We decorated the kitchen last weekend.我们上周末油漆了厨房。麦克米伦高阶〔discolor〕The sunshine would discolour the paint.阳光会使油漆褪色。21世纪英汉〔dry〕The washing (paint) is dry.洗的衣服(油漆)已干。英汉大词典〔external〕The external wall needs painting.外墙需要油漆。文馨英汉〔flake〕The paint is beginning to flake off.油漆开始剥落了。朗文当代〔flake〕The paint's beginning to flake (off).油漆开始剥落了。英汉大词典〔flake〕The surface corrosion was worst where the paint had flaked off.油漆剥落的地方表面腐蚀最为严重。柯林斯高阶〔fleck〕His hair was flecked with paint.他的头发上粘有点点油漆。牛津高阶〔fleck〕I got a few flecks of paint on the window.我的窗户沾上了几点油漆。剑桥高阶〔go〕We painted the house once, then went over it again.我们把房间油漆了一次,后来又重复了一次。英汉大词典〔have〕Did he have the house painted? 他叫人油漆了房子没有?文馨英汉〔hometown〕I went to work as a painter in my hometown, Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania.我在家乡宾夕法尼亚州的纳特罗纳海茨当了个油漆匠。柯林斯高阶〔into〕Will the paint soak into the wooden frame? 油漆会渗入木框吗? 英汉大词典〔lick〕The living room could do with a lick of paint.起居室薄薄地刷一层油漆就行了。剑桥高阶〔long run〕We expect a substantial increase in sales of the book in the long run. The paint must not deteriorate in quality over the long run.我们希望这本书最终能增大销量。这种油漆千万不能在经过一段时间后质量下降美国传统〔off〕The paint was peeling off.油漆在脱落。英汉大词典〔old lady〕He had met his old lady when he was a house painter and she was a waitress.他认识他老婆的时候他还是个油漆工,而她是个女招待。柯林斯高阶〔on〕I admired the peeling paint on the ceiling.我“观赏”着天花板上正在剥落的油漆。柯林斯高阶〔out〕The graffiti were painted out.涂鸦被用油漆涂掉了。英汉大词典〔painting〕The painting is finished but we've still got to put up the wallpaper.虽然油漆活儿已经完工, 但是我们还得贴墙纸。外研社新世纪〔paintwork〕Use warm water and detergent to wash paintwork.用温水和洗涤剂来清洗油漆面。英汉大词典〔paint〕A liquid mixture, usually of a solid pigment in a liquid vehicle, used as a decorative or protective coating.油漆:一种用作装饰或保护外层的液体混合物,通常是液体溶剂中的固体颜料美国传统〔paint〕I'll need to paint over (= cover with another layer of paint) these dirty marks on the wall.我得用油漆遮盖一下墙上这些污迹。剑桥高阶〔paint〕Paint the shed with weather-resistant paint.用抗风雨的油漆把棚子漆一漆。牛津高阶〔paint〕The aircraft have been repainted in the original red and black paint scheme.这架飞机已根据原来的油漆方案粉刷成红黑两色。牛津搭配〔paint〕The paint is starting to peel off.油漆开始起皮剥落了。牛津高阶〔paint〕Wash the walls before you start to paint.开始油漆之前把墙面清洗一下。麦克米伦高阶〔palette knife〕A knife with a thin flexible blade, used by artists for mixing, scraping, or applying paint.调色刀,画刀:带有薄而且有弹性刀刃的刀,画家用来混和、刮或涂油漆美国传统〔pass〕Please pass up the paint pot and brush.请把油漆罐和刷子递上来。英汉大词典〔peel〕Paint was peeling off the walls.墙上的油漆开始剥落。柯林斯高阶〔perfect〕The metal is all perfect still under the paint.油漆层下面的金属依然全部完好无损。英汉大词典〔prime〕To prepare (a surface) for painting by covering with size, primer, or an undercoat.在…上涂底漆:在(某一表面)涂上底漆、底色或胶料以便油漆美国传统〔prise〕I managed to prise the lid off the tin of paint.我想办法把油漆罐的盖子撬开了。剑桥高阶〔pry〕They pried open a sticky can of blue paint.他们撬开了一个黏糊糊的蓝色油漆桶。外研社新世纪〔reappear〕Ten minutes later she reappeared from the storeroom holding the paint.10分钟后她拿着油漆从储藏室出来了。剑桥高阶〔rename〕The ship was sold, painted, and renamed the Suez Star.这艘轮船被出售后油漆一新,并改名为“苏伊士之星”号。剑桥高阶〔rub up against〕She got some dirty marks on her trousers by rubbing up against wet paint.她蹭到没有干的油漆上,在裤子上弄了好些污迹。21世纪英汉〔rust〕Before painting, remove all traces of rust with a wire brush.在刷油漆前,要用钢刷去除所有的锈迹。麦克米伦高阶〔satin〕The new paints are available in gloss and satin finishes.这几种新的油漆有亮光的,也有缎面效果的。朗文当代〔say〕The sign says "Wet Paint." 那个告示说「油漆未干」。文馨英汉〔scratch〕I scratched away a little of the paint with my fingernail.我用指甲刮掉一点油漆。朗文当代〔second〕The bookcase needs a second coat of paint.这个书橱需要再油漆一遍。麦克米伦高阶〔semigloss〕A paint that dries with a finish that is between gloss and flat.半光泽漆:一种干后光亮度介于光亮平滑和无光泽之间的油漆美国传统〔slosh〕Some of the paint sloshed out of the can.桶里撒出了一些油漆。牛津高阶〔speck〕He'd been painting the door and there were specks of paint all over the floor.他在给门上漆,弄得地板上到处都是油漆斑点。剑桥高阶〔splatter〕I had paint splatters on my jeans.我的牛仔裤沾上了油漆污渍。韦氏高阶〔sponge〕Just sponge the paint on, like this.用海绵把油漆涂上去,就像这样。朗文当代〔spread〕If the paint is too thick, it will not spread evenly.油漆如果太稠就涂不均匀。牛津高阶〔suchlike〕You can buy brushes, paint, varnish and suchlike there.你在那儿能买到刷子、油漆、清漆之类的东西。牛津高阶〔swing〕The children have free swing in deciding what color to paint their room.孩子们可以自由决定用什么颜色油漆他们的房间美国传统〔thick〕The paint is getting too thick. I'll have to thin it down.油漆太稠了,我得把它稀释一下。牛津搭配〔throwaway〕She's taken surplus goods and throwaways and given them useful new lives with the aid of paint and imagination.借助于油漆和想象力,她赋予了剩余商品和一次性产品新的功用和生命。柯林斯高阶〔tin〕They emptied out the remains of the tin of paint and smeared it on the inside of the van.他们倒出油漆罐里剩下的所有油漆,把它涂在货车的内壁。柯林斯高阶〔top〕I managed to scrape off the top layer of paint.我设法刮掉了最外层的油漆。朗文当代〔underneath〕You haven't seen what it looks like underneath all that paint.你还没看到油漆层底下是什么样子呢。英汉大词典〔use up〕We've used all the paint up.我们已经用光了所有的油漆。外研社新世纪〔ventilate〕Ventilate the room properly when paint stripping.当油漆开始剥落时,要给房间适当通风。柯林斯高阶〔weather〕We couldn't paint the outside because of the weather.因为天气的原因我们不能油漆外侧。麦克米伦高阶〔wet〕The paint's still wet.油漆还没有干。剑桥高阶〔wipe off〕Wipe any paint splashes off the window before they dry.窗户上溅上了油漆, 在油漆变干前把它们全部擦干净。外研社新世纪〔wipe〕The paint won't wipe off.这油漆擦不掉。英汉大词典〔woodwork〕The woodwork needs painting.木建部份需要上油漆。牛津高阶I spilt paint on my skirt and now I can't get the stain out.我把油漆洒在了裙子上,现在我洗不掉这个污迹了。剑桥国际It doesn't need to be perfect just daub the paint on as quickly as possible.不必力求完美----只要尽快把油漆涂上。剑桥国际Make sure you don't mark the paintwork while you're moving the furniture around.搬家具时别碰坏了油漆。剑桥国际Organic chemicals are used in the manufacture of plastics, fibres, solvents and paints.有机化学物质用于生产塑料、纤维、溶剂和油漆。剑桥国际Painting steel is a good way to rustproof it.把钢铁油漆一下,是防锈的好办法。剑桥国际Paintwork on the corner of a stairway tends to get nicked and scratched as people pass by.随着人们的走动,楼梯转角上的油漆慢慢地有了缺损和擦伤。剑桥国际Sand the surface with abrasive paper until no flakes of paint stand proud of the surface.用砂纸摩擦表面,直到表面没有一点油漆。剑桥国际She loved the cream-like consistency of fresh paint.她喜欢新鲜油漆奶油般的黏性。剑桥国际The house was considerably out of repair and badly in need of painting. 这房子严重失修,急需上油漆。译典通The paint should have dried out by this time tomorrow. 油漆到明天这个时候就应该已经干了。译典通The painter lightened the color with white. 油漆工用白色调淡颜色。译典通The paintwork on the interior doors (=those not in the outside wall of a building) is in good condition.里面门上的油漆保存完好。剑桥国际The school has been repainted throughout.学校到处都重新油漆过。剑桥国际They painted the house for the express purpose of selling it. 他们专为卖房而油漆房子。译典通We stripped several layers of paint off the door.我们从门上剥下几层油漆。剑桥国际We've wallpapered the bedrooms but we've decided to paint the living room.我们已经在卧室里贴了墙纸,但决定对起居室进行油漆。剑桥国际You'll have to sandpaper that door before painting it.你在上油漆之前要用砂纸把门打磨一下。剑桥国际




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