

单词 泽地
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LAND/GROUND〕In the middle of the forest was a bare patch of marshy ground. 森林的中央有一片荒芜的沼泽地。朗文写作活用〔SUITABLE〕The marshy land at the mouth of the Neva River hardly lent itself to habitation. 涅瓦河河口的沼泽地不适合居住。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕During the dry season, many of the swamps turn to hard-baked mud. 旱季期间,许多沼泽地变成了硬邦邦的泥地。朗文写作活用〔beset〕We were beset by mosquitoes in the swamp.我们在沼泽地遭受蚊群围攻。英汉大词典〔bogtrotter〕A person who lives in or frequents bogs.沼泽地居民:住在或经常集聚在沼泽地的人美国传统〔bog〕An area of soft, naturally waterlogged ground.松软的水泽地区美国传统〔bulrush〕Any of several wetland plants of similar aspect, such as the papyrus and the cattail.其他同类植物:同类的生长在沼泽地的植物,好纸莎草或宽叶香蒲美国传统〔catalogue〕The ants, which have been previously catalogued, live in the mangrove swamps of northern Australia.这种蚂蚁此前有过详细记录, 生活在澳大利亚北部的红树林沼泽地区。外研社新世纪〔chapter〕In the course of the evening he gave me chapter and verse on the mosses of the Islay peat bogs.整个晚上,他向我详细讲述艾莱岛泥炭沼泽地上的各种青苔。柯林斯高阶〔chott〕The bed of a dried salt marsh.干盐碱地:已经干涸的盐碱沼泽地美国传统〔chott〕The depression surrounding a salt marsh or lake, especially in North Africa.北非小盐湖盆地:盐碱沼泽地或湖泊周围的洼地,尤指在北非美国传统〔cloud〕Clouds of malarial mosquitoes rise from the swampy banks of the river Euphrates.一片片黑压压的疟蚊从幼发拉底河两岸的沼泽地升起。外研社新世纪〔crannog〕An ancient Irish dwelling or fort built on an artificial island in a lake or marsh.(古凯尔特人的)湖上住所:建在湖里或沼泽地中的人造岛上的古代爱尔兰住宅或堡垒美国传统〔cut〕The road cut through the swamp.那条路斜穿过沼泽地。英汉大词典〔distillation〕You can't actually drink the water from the marshland. But you can distil it.沼泽地的水不能饮用,但是可以将它蒸馏净化。柯林斯高阶〔distil〕You can't drink the water from the marshland. But you can distil it.沼泽地里的水不能喝, 但可以蒸馏净化。外研社新世纪〔drain〕A swamp is drained to grow vegetables.一块沼泽地被疏干以种植蔬菜。英汉大词典〔drain〕The marshes have been drained.沼泽地里的水已排干。牛津高阶〔drain〕The marshes have now been completely drained.沼泽地的水现在已经全部排光。麦克米伦高阶〔drain〕The swamp has been drained.沼泽地里的水已经排干。韦氏高阶〔everglade〕A tract of marshland, usually under water and covered in places with tall grass.沼泽地:沼泽地带,常被水漫过并被较高的草所覆盖美国传统〔fenny〕Having the nature of a fen; marshy.有沼泽特征的;多沼泽地的美国传统〔fen〕Low, flat, swampy land; a bog or marsh.沼泽:低平的沼泽地;泥塘或湿地美国传统〔fen〕The road to Ely leads out across the fens.通往伊利的路横穿沼泽地带。剑桥高阶〔flank〕We flanked the swamp and continued north.我们绕过沼泽地,继续往北。英汉大词典〔flow〕They flowed oil over the swamp to kill mosquito larvae.他们在沼泽地注油灭孑孓。英汉大词典〔glade〕An everglade.沼泽地美国传统〔hag〕A boggy area; a quagmire.沼泽地;泥潭美国传统〔hag〕A cutting in a peat bog.泥炭沼泽地中的草地块美国传统〔hag〕A spot in boggy land that is softer or more solid than the surrounding area.沼泽中的软地:在一片沼泽地中比周围地区柔软或坚固的地方美国传统〔hike〕Soldiers had to hike nearly 20 km through the swamps.士兵们得在沼泽地里跋涉近20公里。麦克米伦高阶〔huckster〕The movie is about a sales force ordered to huckster worthless wetlands real estate.这场电影讲述的是销售人员受命去连蒙带骗地推销无任何价值的沼泽地房产。外研社新世纪〔inning〕The reclamation of flooded or marshy land.海滩荒地的围垦:对水淹地或沼泽地的开垦美国传统〔jack-o'-lantern〕A phosphorescent light over marshy ground; ignis fatuus.磷火:在沼泽地上的磷火;鬼火美国传统〔keep〕Keep to the track—the land is very boggy around here.顺着道儿走,这一带到处是沼泽地。牛津高阶〔league〕The tower was visible across leagues of flat marshland.隔着大片平坦的沼泽地看得见那座塔楼。英汉大词典〔lurk〕Malaria lurked in the marshy lands.沼泽地有疟疾的潜在威胁。英汉大词典〔malodorous〕The town is built on a malodorous swamp.该镇建在一片恶臭的沼泽地上。剑桥高阶〔marigold〕Any of several plants related to the marigold or having similar flowers, such as the marsh marigold.金盏花属的植物:任一种与金盏花种属相近的或开有类似花朵的植物,如沼泽地金盏花美国传统〔marshland〕A marshy tract of land.沼泽地美国传统〔marshy〕Growing in marshes.生长在沼泽地的美国传统〔marshy〕Of, resembling, or characterized by a marsh or marshes; boggy.沼泽般的,湿软的:类似沼泽地的,沼泽地所特有的;多沼泽的美国传统〔marsh〕At low tide in the estuary, cows graze on the marshes.河口水位低时,牛就在那儿的沼泽地上吃草。剑桥高阶〔marsh〕At the mouth of the river is a large area of marsh.河口处是一大片沼泽地。剑桥高阶〔marsh〕He keeps his cattle on the marshes.他在沼泽地放牛。牛津搭配〔moorland〕Land consisting of moors.高沼地:由沼泽地构成的土地美国传统〔moor〕We got lost on the moors.我们在沼泽地里迷路了。牛津搭配〔muddy〕The coot is a muddy bird.白骨顶是一种栖息在沼泽地区的鸟。英汉大词典〔muskeg〕A swamp or bog formed by an accumulation of sphagnum moss, leaves, and decayed matter resembling peat.厚苔沼:类似泥炭地的沼泽地,由水藓、叶子和腐烂物质的堆积物形成美国传统〔ooze〕Swamp ground oozes when you step on it.当你踩在沼泽地上时,它会渗出水来。英汉大词典〔ooze〕Vapours seemed to ooze out of the swamp.水汽好像是从沼泽地散发出来的。英汉大词典〔oppose〕A swamp opposed the advance of the army.沼泽地阻碍部队的前进。英汉大词典〔part〕It was in large part a clay-like swamp.那儿大部分是烂泥状沼泽地。英汉大词典〔pimple〕The dunes along the marsh were pimpled with tents.沿沼泽地的沙丘上布满了帐篷。英汉大词典〔plain〕The grassy plain gave way to an extensive swamp.青草覆盖的平原被广阔的沼泽地所取代。朗文当代〔poach〕The swamp country is inclined to poach in winter.这片沼泽地带在冬季一踏就陷下去。21世纪英汉〔progression〕There is a progression of habitats from dry meadows through marshes to open water.栖息地是一系列的, 从干燥的草地到沼泽地, 再到开阔的水面。外研社新世纪〔quaggy〕Resembling a marsh; soggy.沼泽地的:象沼泽地的;湿润的美国传统〔quag〕A quagmire.泥塘、沼泽地美国传统〔shore fly〕Any of numerous minute black flies of the family Ephydridae, living in damp or marshy places.水蝇:一种水蝇科中的黑色小蝇,生活在潮湿或沼泽地区美国传统〔silt〕The marsh silted over.沼泽地淤塞了。韦氏高阶〔slough〕He got nearly sloughed up in a marsh ditch.他差点陷入沼泽地的一条深沟。英汉大词典〔southern〕The Everglades National Park stretches across the southern tip of Florida.大沼泽地国家公园位于佛罗里达州的最南端。柯林斯高阶〔start〕The moors start a little further to the north.沼泽地的开头在朝北过去一点的地方。英汉大词典〔suppose〕Scientists supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps.科学家们猜想大型恐龙栖居于沼泽地中美国传统〔swamper〕One who lives in or close to a swamp.沼泽地居民美国传统〔swampland〕Land of swampy consistency or having many swamps on it.沼泽地带:持续为沼泽或有许多沼泽的地带美国传统〔swamp〕A seasonally flooded bottomland with more woody plants than a marsh and better drainage than a bog.沼泽地:随季节淹没的低地,带有比湿地多的木质植物,比泥塘的排水要好美国传统〔swamp〕The Everglades are an area of swamp in southern Florida.佛罗里达大沼泽地是佛罗里达州南部的一片沼泽地区。剑桥高阶〔tidal〕The 20-minute boat ride through a maze of tidal rivers and marshes is wonderful.在迂回曲折、潮水汹涌的河流和沼泽地中航行20分钟的感觉真是美妙。柯林斯高阶〔tooth〕She struggled across the moor in the teeth of gale force winds.她顶着强风,艰难地穿过了沼泽地。麦克米伦高阶〔wade〕They had to wade through a swamp.他们不得不艰难地步行穿过沼泽地。剑桥高阶〔walk〕They love walking the moors.他们喜欢到沼泽地散步。牛津高阶〔wash〕Low or marshy ground washed by tidal waters.洼地,沼泽:由波浪之水流引起的低地或沼泽地美国传统〔wash〕The moors are washed with purple of the wild cranberries.沼泽地被野酸果染成一片紫色。英汉大词典〔water hen〕Any of various water birds of the family Rallidae, as the gallinule, rail, or coot, that inhabit marshland.水鸡,骨顶鸡:秧鸡科的几种水鸟之任一种,如红骨顶、秧鸡或白骨顶,居住在沼泽地美国传统A sinister inhuman scream rang out across the moors. 沼泽地里突然响起不像是人的不祥的尖叫声。译典通Ancient plants like this are now found only in the wetlands of Brazil.像这样的远古植物现在只能在巴西的沼泽地里找到。剑桥国际At low tide in the estuary, cows graze on the marshes.河口水位低时,牛就放牧在那儿的沼泽地带上。剑桥国际At the mouth of the river is a large area of marsh.河口处是大片沼泽地。剑桥国际From Cambridge we took the road to Ely which led us immediately to the fens.从剑桥我们踏上了去伊利的路,这条路很快使我们走进了沼泽地带。剑桥国际He struggled through the swamp, tormented by mosquitoes and leeches.他在蚊子和水蛭的骚扰下挣扎着走过了沼泽地。剑桥国际In the summer months, the birds frequent the marshes along the French coast.在夏季的几个月内,鸟儿经常飞到法国海岸的沼泽地去。剑桥国际Many millions of years ago, our ancestors climbed out of the primeval ooze onto dry land.数百万年以前,我们的祖先从远古时期的沼泽地里爬出来,来到了干燥的陆地上。剑桥国际Most coal-fields began life as swamps about 300 million years ago.大多数煤田都是由大约三亿年前的沼泽地发展形成的。剑桥国际She has never been to the Fens. 她从未去过英国英格兰东部的沼泽地区。译典通Tens of thousands of acres of wetland have been destroyed by the ocean.好几万英亩沼泽地已被海洋破坏了。剑桥国际The Everglades are an area of swamp in southern Florida.埃弗格莱兹是佛罗里达南部的一片大沼泽地。剑桥国际The house stands on a bleak, windswept moor.这座房子坐落在一片荒凉的风吹雨打的沼泽地。剑桥国际The marshlands on the north and east edge of town are to be turned into nature reserves.小镇北部及东部的沼泽地带将被设为自然保护区。剑桥国际The palaces of Venice are resting on (= supported by) a marsh.威尼斯的王宫建在一片沼泽地上。剑桥国际The town is built on a malodorous swamp.城镇是建立在一个恶臭的沼泽地上。剑桥国际The wind blown from the fens was damp. 从沼泽地刮过来的风是潮湿的。译典通They drained the swamp and turned it into fertile land. 他们排去沼泽地的水,将它变成了肥沃的土地。译典通They made their way slowly out of the marsh. 他们慢慢地走出了沼泽地。译典通They offed him and dumped his body in the swamp.他们杀死了他,然后把尸体抛弃在沼泽地里。剑桥国际This marsh supports a wide range of plants which need wet conditions.这片沼泽地为需要潮湿环境的许多种植物提供了良好的生长条件。剑桥国际This whole area used to be marsh and fen before it was drained.这整个地区在水被排干之前曾是沼泽地。剑桥国际We walked across a stretch of boggy (= soft and wet) ground.我们走过了一段沼泽地。剑桥国际We were beset by mosquitoes in the swamp. 我们在沼泽地遭受蚊虫围攻。译典通




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