

单词 消防
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AVOID〕He gets around the fire codes by claiming the building is a private club and not a business. 他声称这建筑是一个私人会所而不是公司,从而避开了消防条例。朗文写作活用〔DIE〕The firefighters died when the warehouse floor collapsed. 仓库楼板坍塌,消防员丧生。朗文写作活用〔EXAMINE〕The building is regularly inspected by a fire-safety officer. 大楼由一位消防安全人员进行定期检查。朗文写作活用〔FIRE〕Firefighters struggled to control the blaze. 消防员奋力控制这场大火。朗文写作活用〔FIRE〕The fire brigade arrived promptly and the fire was quickly brought under control. 消防队迅速到达,火势很快得到控制。朗文写作活用〔FORCE SB TO DO STH〕Firefighters said they had to knock down the remaining walls - they have no other option. 消防员说他们只得把余下的墙砸倒—他们别无选择。朗文写作活用〔OUT/OUTSIDE〕Two firemen carried his body out and laid it on the ground. 两名消防队员把他的尸体抬出来放在地上。朗文写作活用〔PRAISE〕Fire chiefs praised a 10-year-old girl who saved her brother's life yesterday. 昨天消防队长们表扬了一名拯救了弟弟生命的十岁女孩。朗文写作活用〔SERIOUS〕In an emergency, dial 911 for police, the fire department or an ambulance. 如有紧急情况就拨打911报警,叫消防队或救护车。朗文写作活用〔ablaze〕By the time firefighters were called, the house was well ablaze.消防队员接到火警电话时,房子已是一片火海。牛津搭配〔action〕Firefighters took action immediately to stop the blaze spreading.消防队员立即采取了行动制止大火蔓延。牛津高阶〔apply〕Why don't you apply to join the fire service? 你为什么不申请加入消防队?麦克米伦高阶〔assign〕The government has announced a new way of assigning resources to fight the fires.政府已经宣布了消防资源分配的新方法。外研社新世纪〔backup〕Airports are required to have backup from local fire brigades in case of a serious incident.机场需要有当地消防队作为后援, 以防重大事件发生。外研社新世纪〔batter〕The fireman finally battered the door down.消防队员最后砸开了门。21世纪英汉〔battle〕Firefighters battled the flames.消防员与烈火搏斗。朗文当代〔blaze〕Firefighters are battling those blazes in five counties.消防员正在 5 个县奋力救火。牛津搭配〔break ... in〕The firemen broke the door in with axes.消防队员们用斧头把门劈开。21世纪英汉〔call out〕The fire brigade should always be called out to a house fire.一旦房屋失火,就应该马上叫消防队来。柯林斯高阶〔chop〕The fireman chopped a hole in the wall.消防队员在墙上砍了一个洞。21世纪英汉〔colleague〕Local firefighters will help colleagues in Eastern Europe by providing advice and equipment.当地的消防队员将会提供建议和设备来帮助东欧的同行们。麦克米伦高阶〔command〕The fire officer took command, ordering everyone to leave the building.消防专员开始指挥,命令大家离开这幢建筑。朗文当代〔containment〕Fire crews are hoping they can achieve full containment of the fire before the winds pick up.消防队员希望在风速加大之前能够完全控制住火势。外研社新世纪〔contain〕More than 100 firemen are still trying to contain the fire at the plant.100多名消防队员仍在努力控制工厂的火势。外研社新世纪〔contain〕More than a hundred firemen are still trying to contain the fire at the plant.上百名消防队员仍在试图控制工厂的火势。柯林斯高阶〔control〕Firefighters battled to get the blaze under control.消防人员奋力控制住火势的蔓延。外研社新世纪〔control〕Police used fire hoses and dogs for crowd control .警察使用了消防水龙和警犬来控制群众。朗文当代〔coyote〕A firefighter who is sent to battle remote, usually very severe forest fires, often for days at a time.救火队员:被派去很远地方的消防队员,通常是那些被派到发生严重的森林大火并一次要工作好几天的消防队员美国传统〔devotion〕The judge praised the firefighters for their bravery and devotion to duty.法官赞扬消防人员的勇气和敬业精神。牛津搭配〔direct〕The fireman directed his hose at the flames.消防队员将水龙管对准火焰浇水。英汉大词典〔district〕Fire crews from all the surrounding districts helped to fight the fires.来自周边各区的消防人员参与扑火。牛津搭配〔dogleg〕Make a dogleg at the fire station and continue south.在消防站向南急转,然后继续行进美国传统〔douse〕The pumps were started and the crew began to douse the fire with water.水泵开动了,消防队员们开始用水灭火。柯林斯高阶〔drag〕Firefighters dragged the man to safety.消防员们把那人拖到了安全地带。韦氏高阶〔ever since〕She's wanted to be a firefighter ever since she was a young girl.她从小就想成为一名消防员。韦氏高阶〔exit〕There is a fire exit on each floor of the building.这栋建筑每层楼都有个消防通道。牛津高阶〔exit〕There's a fire exit by the downstairs ladies' room.在楼下女厕所旁有一个消防通道。外研社新世纪〔false alarm〕A false alarm drew firefighters to the school.一个假警报让消防队员赶到了这所学校。韦氏高阶〔false alarm〕The fire service was called out but it was a false alarm.消防人员接到报警后出动,但这是假报火警。牛津高阶〔fire brigade〕An organized body of firefighters.消防队:由消防员组织起来的团体美国传统〔fire brigade〕Seven fire brigades were deployed to contain the blaze.出动了七个消防队以控制火势。外研社新世纪〔fire brigade〕Someone call the fire brigade! 谁给消防队打个电话!剑桥高阶〔fire marshal〕A person in charge of firefighting personnel and equipment at an industrial plant.防火负责人:工厂里负责消防人员和灭火设备的专门人员美国传统〔firefighter〕A wildfire near Sydney killed three firefighters.悉尼附近的野火使 3 名消防队员丧生。牛津搭配〔firefighter〕Firefighters tackled a warehouse blaze.消防队员处理仓库火灾。牛津搭配〔firefighter〕Firefighters were called to a house in Summertown.消防队员被召集到萨默敦的一栋房子。牛津搭配〔firefighting〕Firefighting is justifiably seen as a most honourable calling.消防工作被公认为最崇高的职业。外研社新世纪〔fire〕Call the fire brigade / department! 快给消防队/消防部门打电话!牛津搭配〔fire〕Fire crews arrived and began to fight the flames.消防人员赶到,开始救火。牛津搭配〔fire〕Firefighters have now managed to bring the fire under control.消防队员现已设法控制住了火势。牛津搭配〔foam〕Firefighters using water and foam are still tackling the blaze.消防员利用水和灭火泡沫,还在和大火搏斗。朗文当代〔free〕It took firemen two hours to cut through the drive belt to free him.消防员花了两个小时才把传动带切断,把他救了出来。柯林斯高阶〔grow up〕She wants to be a firefighter when she grows up.她想长大后当消防员。韦氏高阶〔guidance〕The Safety Officer provides guidance on firefighting and office safety.安全专员会提供消防和办公室安全方面的指导。牛津搭配〔hose〕Firefighters hosed the roofs.消防队员用水龙带往屋顶喷水。麦克米伦高阶〔hose〕Firemen hosed the burning car.消防队员用水龙向燃烧的汽车喷水。牛津高阶〔intensity〕Firefighters were driven back by the intensity of the flames.消防队员们被熊熊烈火逼退。外研社新世纪〔irony〕It was an irony that the firehouse burned.消防站被火烧了,这真是个讽刺。文馨英汉〔jump〕Helicopters helped fire crews get a jump on the blaze.直升机帮助消防队员控制住了火势。柯林斯高阶〔mill〕The levy that supports the Jamestown fire department is set at 1.3 mills.用作詹姆斯敦消防队经费的征税额定为1.3厘。外研社新世纪〔mushroom〕The fire was mushrooming under the ceiling when fire fighters arrived.消防队员赶到时火势正在天花板下迅速蔓延。英汉大词典〔notice〕Firefighters were prepared to rush out at a moment's notice .接到通知后只消片刻,消防队员们就准备好冲锋上阵。朗文当代〔offside〕The fire engine struck the offside of his car.消防车撞到了他汽车的右侧。麦克米伦高阶〔overcome〕Several firefighters had been overcome by smoke and fumes.有几位消防员被烟气熏倒了。牛津搭配〔paramilitary〕In some countries, police and firefighters have paramilitary training.在一些国家,警察和消防员都接受准军事训练。剑桥高阶〔plug〕A hydrant.消防栓美国传统〔practicable〕It was not appropriate or reasonably practicable to call the brigade.当时叫消防队来既不合适也不合理。外研社新世纪〔probationary〕Michael was on his way home from his shift as probationary firefighter.迈克尔是一位试用期的消防员, 正在执完勤回家的路上。外研社新世纪〔pump〕The fire brigade pumped water out of the cellar.消防队用泵把地窖的水抽出。牛津同义词〔put〕Firefighters soon put the fire out.消防人员很快把火扑灭了。牛津高阶〔quench〕Firemen tried to quench the flames raging through the building.消防队员奋力扑救大楼中熊熊的火焰。牛津高阶〔release〕It took firemen six hours to release the trapped man.消防员耗时6小时救出了被困男子。外研社新世纪〔rescue〕New Zealand fire and rescue services carried out several extensive searches for survivors.新西兰消防与救援中心进行过几次大规模的生还者搜索。牛津搭配〔reward〕The fireman received a reward for saving the child's life.因救了小孩的命,消防员得到一笔奖金。英汉大词典〔search〕Firefighters searched the buildings for survivors.消防队员在建筑物中搜寻幸存者。牛津高阶〔set off〕The thick smoke set off the school's fire alarms.浓烟触发了学校的消防警铃。韦氏高阶〔sift〕Firefighters sifted through the debris.消防员在废墟里仔细查找。韦氏高阶〔siren〕The fire truck sped past, its siren ringing.消防车响着警报器飞驰而过。英汉大词典〔special〕Firefighters use special breathing equipment in smoky buildings.消防员在烟雾弥漫的建筑物中使用专门的呼吸装置。剑桥高阶〔station〕The meeting had to be abandoned after local fire station officer, Dave Temple, was called away to a fire.当地消防队长戴夫・坦普尔出火警离开后,会议不得不取消。牛津搭配〔tackle〕It took twelve fire engines to tackle the blaze .用了十二辆消防车来对付那场大火。朗文当代〔tempt〕Fire officials said developers are tempting fate by building deep into the scenic canyons.消防官员称开发者在峡谷风景区深处造房子是在拿生命开玩笑。朗文当代〔typify〕His heroic actions typified the courage of all the firefighters at the scene.他的英勇行为代表了现场所有消防队员的英雄气概。韦氏高阶〔under〕Firemen said they had the blaze under control.消防员说他们已经控制住了火势。外研社新世纪〔under〕Firemen said they had the blaze under control.消防队员说他们已经控制住了火势。柯林斯高阶〔volunteer〕Mike was a member of the local volunteer fire brigade.迈克是当地志愿消防队队员。外研社新世纪All fire fighters stand by.所有的消防队员都作好了准备。剑桥国际Ambulances, police cars and fire engines all converged on the scene of the explosion.救护车、警车和消防车都聚集到爆炸现场。剑桥国际Fire fighters with turntable ladders yesterday rescued six people from the fifth floor of an office building.昨天消防队员用云梯从一座办公楼的五层救了六个人。剑桥国际Fire officers had to use cutting equipment to free his legs, which were trapped under (= unable to be removed from) a steel beam.消防队员们不得不用切割器使他被压在一根钢梁下的腿解脱出来。剑桥国际Firefighters helped to dig out the people trapped in the snowdrift.消防队员帮助挖出困在雪堆里的人。剑桥国际Firefighters took two hours to control the blaze (= the big fire).消防队员花了两个小时才控制住大火。剑桥国际In some countries, police and fire officers have paramilitary training.在一些国家,警官和消防官员都受过军事辅助训练。剑桥国际It took the firefighters hours to extinguish the flames.消防队员用了好几个小时才把火扑灭。剑桥国际Sound from a fire-engine siren appears to drop in pitch as it moves away from the hearer.消防车驶向远方,人们听见车的警报声越来越轻。剑桥国际The fire burned for eight hours before the fire crews began to subdue it.大火整整燃烧了八小时消防队才控制住火势。剑桥国际The fire-brigade pumped water out of the flooded house. 消防队将水从被淹的房子里抽出去。译典通The firemen reeled out the hoses from their fire engine.消防队员从消防车上把水龙放出来。剑桥国际The protesters stood firm (=refused to move) as the riot police tried to disperse them with rubber bullets and water cannons.防暴警察试图用橡皮子弹和消防水龙头驱散示威者,但他们坚守阵地,一动不动。剑桥国际There are plenty of fire hoses in the building. 这幢建筑物中有许多消防软管。译典通




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