

单词 激素
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DHEA〕A synthetic preparation of this hormone used as a nutritional supplement.青春素,活力激素:用作营养补充的此类荷尔蒙的合成制剂美国传统〔DHEA〕An androgenic steroid hormone secreted largely by the adrenal cortex and found in human urine.脱氢表雄酮:大部分由肾上腺皮质分泌的雄性激素类固醇,存在于人类尿液中美国传统〔FSH〕FSH levels 促滤泡激素水平剑桥高阶〔Graves' disease〕In Graves' disease, the body's immune system attacks the thyroid gland, causing it to produce too many hormones.在患有格雷夫斯氏病的患者身上,免疫系统攻击甲状腺,造成其分泌过多的激素。剑桥高阶〔HCG〕Human chorionic gonadotropin.人体绒(毛)膜促性腺激素美国传统〔HGH〕Human growth hormone.人体生长激素美国传统〔PROVE〕Research shows that smiling increases the levels of hormones that promote good health. 研究表明,微笑能提高促进健康的激素水平。朗文写作活用〔Pitocin〕A trademark used for preparations of oxytocin.彼托新:催产素制剂(子宫收缩刺激激素)的商标美国传统〔STAND〕If you can tolerate the side-effects, HRT can help the symptoms enormously. 如果你受得了那些副作用,激素补充疗法对这些症状的治疗有很大帮助。朗文写作活用〔activin〕A polypeptide growth factor that is synthesized in the pituitary gland and the gonads and stimulates the secretion of follicle stimulating hormone.活化素,促进抑制素:一种多肽生长因子,在垂体和性腺中合成并刺激促卵泡激素的分泌美国传统〔adrenal cortex〕The outer portion of the adrenal glands that produces several steroid hormones, including cortisol and aldosterone.肾上腺皮质:肾上腺的外部,产生包括皮质甾醇和醛甾酮的多种类固醇激素美国传统〔agrochemical〕A chemical, such as a hormone, a fungicide, or an insecticide, that improves the production of crops.农药,农用化学品:用来增加作物产量的化学品,如激素、杀菌剂、杀虫剂美国传统〔aldosterone〕A steroid hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex that regulates the salt and water balance in the body.皮质醛酮:肾上腺皮层分泌的能调整体内盐份和水分平衡的类固醇类激素美国传统〔aldosteronism〕A disorder marked by excessive secretion of the hormone aldosterone, which can cause weakness, cardiac irregularities, and abnormally high blood pressure.皮质醛酮增多症:由于皮质醛酮激素分泌过量而导致的紊乱,可造成虚弱、心脏异常和异常高血压美国传统〔amenable〕Other menopausal symptoms are equally amenable to treatment with thyroid hormone.其他更年期症状用甲状腺激素治疗也有效果。外研社新世纪〔anabolic steroid〕A group of synthetic hormones that promote the storage of protein and the growth of tissue, sometimes used by athletes to increase muscle size and strength.促蛋白合成类固醇:一组合成激素,可促进蛋白质贮存和组织生长,有时被运动员用来增加肌肉和力量美国传统〔androgenetic alopecia〕A condition of hair loss in women similar to male pattern baldness, but beginning later in life and less severe.女性雄激素性脱发:类似雄激素性脱发的女性脱发,但发病较晚并且症状较轻美国传统〔androgenize〕To treat with male hormones, usually in large doses.注射雄性激素:注射雄性激素,通常是大剂量美国传统〔androgen〕A steroid hormone, such as testosterone or androsterone, that controls the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics.雄激素:类固醇激素,如睾丸激素或雄酯酮,可以控制雄性特征的发育和维持美国传统〔angiotensin〕Either of two polypeptide hormones, one of which is a powerful vasoconstrictor, that function in the body in controlling arterial pressure.血管收缩素,高血压素:两种多肽激素,其中一种是有效的血管收缩素,在体内控制动脉血压美国传统〔antiandrogen〕A substance that inhibits the biological effects of androgenic hormones.抗雄激素:抑制雄性激素生物效果的物质美国传统〔attractancy〕The capacity, as of a pheromone, to attract.(外激素)吸引的能力美国传统〔attractant〕A substance, such as a pheromone, that attracts insects or other animals.引诱剂:吸引昆虫或其它动物的物质(如外激素)美国传统〔auxin〕Any of several plant hormones that regulate various functions, including cell elongation.植物生长素:一种调节多种功能,包括细胞伸长的植物激素美国传统〔brain hormone〕Any of various hormones produced in the hypothalamic region of the brain, especially those acting on the pituitary gland to release other hormones.脑激素:由脑的丘脑下部区产生的激素,尤指作用于垂体以释放其他激素的脑激素美国传统〔chemokine〕Any of various cytokines produced in acute and chronic inflammation that mobilize and activate white blood cells.趋化激素:由急性和慢性炎症所产生的任一种细胞激素,能趋动并活化白血球美国传统〔chloasma〕A patchy brown or dark brown skin discoloration that usually occurs on a woman's face and may result from hormonal changes, as in pregnancy.褐黄斑:通常出现在妇女的脸上的一种褐色或深褐色有染斑的皮肤变色,可能由怀孕等引起的激素变化所导致美国传统〔clearly〕The hormone, developed by US drug companies, is expected to be cleared for use in the US soon.这种由美国制药公司研制开发的激素可望不久在美国获准使用。柯林斯高阶〔colony stimulating factor〕A hormone produced in the cells lining the blood vessels that stimulates the bone marrow to synthesize white blood cells.集落刺激因子:由沿血管排列的细胞所产生的激素,刺激骨髓合成白血球美国传统〔control〕Many biological processes are controlled by hormones.许多生物变化过程都是由激素控制的。牛津高阶〔corticoid〕A corticosteroid.类皮质激素美国传统〔cortin〕An adrenal cortex extract that contains a mixture of hormones including cortisone.皮质激素:肾上腺皮质的一种提取物,包括几种激素(含皮质酮)的混合物美国传统〔cyproterone〕A synthetic steroid that inhibits the secretion of androgens.去乙酰环丙氯地孕酮:一种用来抑制雄性激素分泌的合成类固醇美国传统〔cytokinin〕Any of a class of plant hormones that promote cell division and growth and delay the senescence of leaves.细胞分裂素:一种促使细胞分裂和生长并且延迟叶子枯萎的植物激素美国传统〔dihydrotestosterone〕An androgen derived from testosterone and having tumor-suppressing capabilities useful in the treatment of certain breast cancers.二氢睾酮:从睾丸甾酮中提取的雄激素,能够抑制肿瘤,在某些乳癌治疗中很有效美国传统〔ecdysone〕A steroid hormone produced by insects and crustaceans that promotes growth and controls molting.蜕皮激素:昆虫和甲壳纲动物产生的类固醇激素,以促进生长,控制蜕皮美国传统〔elevate〕Hormone treatment was shown to elevate cancer risk.激素疗法被证实会增加患癌症的风险。麦克米伦高阶〔endocrine〕Of or relating to endocrine glands or the hormones secreted by them.内分泌腺的或由其分泌的激素的:内分泌腺的或由其分泌的激素的,与其有关的美国传统〔endocrine〕The secretion of an endocrine gland; a hormone.激素:内分泌腺的分泌物;激素美国传统〔endocrinology〕The study of the glands and hormones of the body and their related disorders.内分泌学:研究身体腺体和激素以及他们之间相关的失调的科学美国传统〔endometriosis〕Doctors can treat endometriosis by controlling the levels of oestrogen in the body.医生可以通过控制体内雌激素治疗子宫内膜异位。剑桥高阶〔estrogen replacement therapy〕The administration of estrogen, especially in postmenopausal women, to relieve menopausal symptoms and to protect against osteoporosis and heart disease.雌激素替代疗法:服用雌激素,尤其是指更年期妇女的服用,其作用在于缓和更年期的各种症状并预防骨质疏松及心脏疾病美国传统〔ethinyl estradiol〕A synthetic estrogen derivative commonly used in oral contraceptive preparations.炔雌醇,乙炔基雌二醇:合成的雌激素衍生物,一般用于配制口服避孕药美国传统〔finasteride〕A synthetic androgen inhibitor used primarily in men for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia and androgenetic alopecia.非纳斯特胺:合成雄激素抑制剂,主要用于治疗良性前列腺肥大和雄激素性脱发美国传统〔florigen〕A plant hormone that promotes flowering.成花素:一种促使花开放的植物激素美国传统〔follicle-stimulating hormone〕A gonadotropic hormone of the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates the growth of follicles in the ovary and induces the formation of sperm in the testis.促卵泡激素:前部粘液腺的刺激生殖腺的激素,它刺激卵巢内泡的生长并促进睾丸内精液的生成美国传统〔gastroenteric〕Gastrointestinal.胃肠激素美国传统〔goserelin〕A synthetic peptide analogue of gonadotropin-releasing hormone used to treat prostate cancer, endometriosis, and advanced breast cancer.戈瑞舍林:为促进促性腺激素荷尔蒙释放的合成缩氨酸类似物,用以治疗前列腺癌、子宫内膜组织异位形成及晚期乳癌美国传统〔hormone replacement therapy〕She has been on hormone replacement therapy for four years and looks fantastic.她接受激素替代治疗已经4年了,看起来容光焕发。柯林斯高阶〔hormone〕Any of various similar substances found in plants and insects that regulate development.激素:一种存在于植物或昆虫中的具有调节生长之功能的物质美国传统〔hormone〕Hormones are secreted into the bloodstream.分泌的激素进入到血液中。牛津搭配〔hot〕Hot on the heels of the HRT evangelists come the purveyors of romantic back-to-nature 'alternatives'.先是有人大肆鼓吹激素替代治疗, 紧接着就有人要提供很虚幻的回归自然式“非传统疗法”。外研社新世纪〔human chorionic gonadotropin〕A hormone produced by the placenta that maintains the corpus luteum during pregnancy.人绒毛膜促性腺激素:怀孕期间胎盘分泌的一种激素,能够保持体内体黄素平衡美国传统〔hypothyroidism〕Insufficient production of thyroid hormones.甲状腺功能减退:甲状腺激素的产生不足美国传统〔injection〕This hormone could be supplied by injection.这种激素可通过注射输入体内。英汉大词典〔institute〕Hormone replacement therapy is very important and should be instituted early.激素替代治疗非常重要,应该及早开始。柯林斯高阶〔insufficiency〕Late miscarriages are usually not due to hormonal insufficiency.孕晚期流产通常不是激素分泌不足所致。外研社新世纪〔insufficiency〕Late miscarriages are usually not due to hormonal insufficiency.晚期流产通常不是因为激素缺乏。柯林斯高阶〔internal secretion〕A secretion that is produced by an endocrine gland and discharged directly into the bloodstream; a hormone.内分泌物:由内分泌产生并且直接流入血液的分泌物;激素美国传统〔itself〕Treatment is with melatonin, by itself or in combination with bright light.使用褪黑激素进行治疗, 可单独使用或与强光配合使用。外研社新世纪〔juvenile hormone〕A hormone in arthropod larvae that inhibits ecdysone, thereby preventing molting and the development of larvae into adults until its level drops.保幼激素,返幼激素:节肢动物幼虫体内抑制蜕皮激素的一种荷尔蒙,可阻止蜕皮和幼虫发育成成虫直至该激素的数量减少美国传统〔kinetin〕A plant hormone that promotes cell division.激动素:能促进细胞分裂的植物激素美国传统〔menopause〕After the menopause, women's oestrogen levels fall.绝经期后, 妇女的雌激素水平下降。外研社新世纪〔methylprednisolone〕A glucocorticoid used therapeutically primarily as an anti-inflammatory agent.甲泼尼龙,甲基普尼苏龙:治疗方面主要用作抗炎药剂的糖皮质激素美国传统〔neurohormone〕A hormone secreted by or acting on a part of the nervous system.神经激素:作用于神经系统的一部分或由其控制而分泌的激素美国传统〔neurosecretion〕The secretion of substances, such as hormones, by nerve cells.神经分泌:由神经产生的如激素这类的分泌物美国传统〔oestrogen〕As ovulation gets nearer, oestrogen levels rise.临近排卵期,雌激素的分泌量随之增加。柯林斯高阶〔ovary〕The usually paired female or hermaphroditic reproductive organ that produces ova and, in vertebrates, estrogen and progesterone.卵巢:通常成对的雌性或雌雄同体动物的生殖器官,产生卵细胞,脊椎动物的此类器官产生雌性激素和孕激素美国传统〔parathyroid hormone〕A hormone produced by the parathyroid glands that regulates the amount of calcium in the body.甲状旁腺荷尔蒙,甲状旁腺(激)素:甲状旁腺分泌的调节体内钙含量的激素美国传统〔parathyroid〕A parathyroid hormone.甲状旁腺激素美国传统〔patch〕Oestrogen patches deliver a low steady state of oestrogen.雌激素膏药释放出低量且稳定的雌激素。外研社新世纪〔pheromone〕A chemical secreted by an animal, especially an insect, that influences the behavior or development of others of the same species.信息素,外激素:一种由动物,尤其是昆虫分泌的化学物质,会影响同族其它成员的行为或成长美国传统〔phytoestrogen〕A naturally occurring compound of plants, such as soybeans, or plant products, such as whole grain cereals, that acts like estrogen in the body.植物雌激素,植物固醇,植物性女性荷尔蒙:在植物(如大豆)或植物产物(如全谷类植物)中天然形成的化合物,作用犹如人体内的激素美国传统〔progestational〕Having actions similar to progesterone. Used of a drug.与黄体激素有关的活动的。用于药美国传统〔progestational〕Of or relating to progesterone and its actions.黄体激素或其活动的或与其有关的美国传统〔progestational〕Of or relating to the phase of the menstrual cycle immediately following ovulation, characterized by secretion of progesterone.排卵期前的:紧随着排卵的月经周期的一个阶段的或与其有关的,以黄体激素的隐藏为特征美国传统〔progesterone〕If the egg is not fertilised oestrogen and progesterone decrease.如果卵细胞没有受精,雌激素和黄体荷尔蒙就会下降。柯林斯高阶〔progesterone〕If the egg is not fertilized, oestrogen and progesterone decrease.如果卵子未受精, 则雌激素和孕酮的分泌会减少。外研社新世纪〔progestin〕A natural or synthetic progestational substance that mimics some or all of the actions of progesterone.孕激素:天然或人工妊娠素物质,其模仿黄体荷尔蒙的部分或全部活动美国传统〔progestogen〕Any of various substances having progestational effects; a progestin.黄体内泌素:有怀孕前效果的物质;孕激素美国传统〔prolan〕Either of two hormones of the pituitary gland, luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone. No longer in scientific use.垂体荷尔蒙:垂体的两种荷尔蒙的任意一种,促黄体生成激素或保卵泡激素,不再用在科学研究中美国传统〔prolan〕Human chorionic gonadotropin. No longer in scientific use.绒(毛)膜促性腺激素:人体绒毛膜的促性腺激素,不再用于科学研究中美国传统〔relaxin〕A female hormone secreted by the corpus luteum that helps soften the cervix and relax the pelvic ligaments in childbirth.耻骨松弛激素:由身体卵巢分泌的雌性荷尔蒙,能帮助生产时放松子宫颈并且放松骨盆韧带美国传统〔sex change〕The modification of a person's biological sex characteristics, by surgery and hormone treatment, to approximate those of the opposite sex.变性:通过外科手术和性激素处理以使某人接近相反性别,并对其的生物学性特征进行的改变美国传统〔somatomedin〕Any of a group of peptides produced by the liver upon stimulation by somatotropin that act directly on cartilage cells to stimulate skeletal growth.生长调节素:受生长激素剌激而由肝脏产生的一组缩氨酸中的任何一种,它直接对软骨产生作用,剌激其骨胳生长美国传统〔tamoxifen〕Pre-menopausal hormone treatments include tamoxifen.绝经前激素治疗包括使用泰莫西芬。剑桥高阶〔thymosin〕A hormone secreted by the thymus that stimulates development of T cells.胸腺素:胸腺分泌的一种可刺激T细胞发育的激素美国传统〔thyroglobulin〕A thyroid protein that stores iodine-containing hormones and is typically present in the colloid of thyroid gland follicles.甲状腺球蛋白:一种内部贮有含碘激素的甲状腺蛋白质,主要存在于甲状腺小囊的胶质里美国传统〔thyroid hormone〕A hormone, especially thyroxine or triiodothyronine, produced by the thyroid gland.甲状腺激素:尤指甲状腺素和三碘甲腺氨酸等甲状腺所生成的激素美国传统〔thyrotoxicosis〕A toxic condition resulting from excessive amounts of thyroid hormones in the body, as occurs in hyperthyroidism, for example.促甲状腺激素:脑垂体前叶分泌的一种能刺激和调节甲状腺活性的激素美国传统〔thyrotropin-releasing hormone〕A hormone secreted by the hypothalamus that stimulates release of thyrotropin.促甲状腺激素:下丘脑分泌的一种能刺激促甲状腺激素分泌的激素美国传统〔yield〕Hormones and antibiotics are fed to cows to stimulate greater milk yields.人们给母牛喂食激素和抗生素以提高牛奶产量。外研社新世纪He's suffering from a hormonal imbalance which is caused by the drugs he's taking.他患有吸毒引起的体内激素不平衡的病。剑桥国际Hormone Replacement Therapy has been developed to counteract the effects of the menopause.已经研制出激素替代疗法来抑制更年期的反应。剑桥国际Oestrogen is a female sex hormone.雌激素是一种女性的性激素。剑桥国际Oestrogen is secreted mainly by the ovaries and placenta.雌激素主要从卵巢和胎盘里分泌出来。剑桥国际Osteoporosis afflicts many older women because of the loss of calcium and estrogen that commonly occurs in women after menopause.一般在妇女绝经以后,由于失钙和雌性激素,许多老年妇女深受骨质疏松症的折磨。剑桥国际Scientists have warned that the use of growth hormones to make cattle grow more quickly may result in a health risk for consumers.科学家们警告使用生长激素来使牛加速生长的做法会使消费者面临健康风险。剑桥国际Some women take progesterone to treat menstrual problems or prevent miscarriage.一些妇女服用孕激素来治疗月经不调或防止流产。剑桥国际The human growth hormone is the next in a long line of chemicals to be manufactured industrially (=by industry in large amounts).人类生长激素是一长列将由工业大量制造的化学药品中的下一个。剑桥国际




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