

单词 激烈的讨论
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔crossfire〕Rapid, heated discussion.唇枪舌剑,激烈交锋:迅速的、激烈的讨论美国传统〔discussion〕An intense discussion broke out about the importance of intuition.就直觉的重要性问题爆发了一场激烈的讨论。牛津搭配〔parting shot〕An act of aggression or retaliation, such as a retort or threat, that is made upon one's departure or at the end of a heated discussion.回马枪:在某人离别时或激烈的讨论结束时的一种攻击或报复的行为,如反驳或威胁美国传统〔realm〕The matter was hotly debated in all the towns of the realm.此事在该王国内的各个城镇都进行了激烈的讨论。剑桥高阶〔rhubarb〕Informal A quarrel, fight, or heated discussion.【非正式用语】 喧哗,吵闹:争吵,争斗或激烈的讨论美国传统Her remarks on the employment question led to a heated discussion.她对于就业问题的讲话引起了一场激烈的讨论。剑桥国际




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