

单词 片时
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FEEL〕The film is flawed by moments of melodrama and sentimentality. 这部影片时而虚浮夸张,时而滥情感伤,因此减色不少。朗文写作活用〔FORBID〕His doctor told him not to drink any alcohol while he was taking the tablets. 医生告诉他服用这种药片时不能喝酒。朗文写作活用〔JOB〕The director took me on as a messenger while they were filming in my village. 他们在我们村子里拍片时,导演雇我当通信员。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕As he studied the picture of the little boy, he began to turn an idea over in his mind. 他在琢磨小男孩的相片时,脑子里开始反复思考着一个想法。朗文写作活用〔WARN〕Beware of accidentally starting the engine while you are cleaning the blades. 清洁叶片时,慎防误开引擎。朗文写作活用〔awake〕Old memories awoke in me when I saw the picture.我看到这张照片时件件往事涌上心头。英汉大词典〔break〕These verbs are compared as they mean to separate or cause to separate into parts or pieces.这些动词在表示使分裂成碎片时可以进行比较。美国传统〔dismay〕Imagine my dismay when I saw his picture in the paper.想象一下在报纸上看到他的照片时我有多惊愕。牛津搭配〔film〕Considering the restrictions under which she filmed, I think she did a commendable job.考虑到她拍摄影片时受到的种种限制, 我认为她的工作值得称许。外研社新世纪〔film〕Two young boys were filmed stealing CDs on the security video.两个少年偷唱片时被保安录像机拍摄了下来。牛津高阶〔language〕Television companies tend to censor bad language in feature films.电视公司往往会在审查故事片时删去其中的粗话。柯林斯高阶〔leg〕The band were already on their last legs when they started work on their final album.乐队在开始制作最后一张唱片时已经快要散伙了。外研社新世纪〔photograph〕Frame the subject in the video viewfinder as you would for a still photograph.就像你拍静物照片时那样,在录像机的取景器里框定拍摄对象。牛津搭配〔pull sb up short〕Seeing her picture in the paper pulled me up short.在报纸上看到她的照片时我惊呆了。剑桥高阶〔rush〕When he saw her photo, memories came rushing back.当他看到她的照片时,回忆一下子涌现在脑海里。韦氏高阶〔scan〕Volunteers' brains were scanned while they looked at the pictures.当自愿者观察这个图片时,他们的大脑被扫描。剑桥高阶〔section〕It holds vegetables in place while they are being peeled or sectioned.将蔬菜削皮或切片时用它来固定。柯林斯高阶〔self-conscious〕The boys posed rather self-consciously for the photo.男孩子们拍这张照片时姿势很不自然。朗文当代〔star〕He starred her when she was fifteen in her first movie.她15岁拍第一部影片时,他就使她走红了。英汉大词典〔timing〕His photo is a wonderful happy moment caught with perfect timing.他拍的照片时机掌握完美,记录下了动人的快乐瞬间。柯林斯高阶〔tripod〕For photographs requiring long exposure times, your camera should be mounted on a tripod.拍摄需要长时间曝光的照片时,应该把相机固定在三脚架上。剑桥高阶Although the film is based on real events, the director admits to a certain amount of subjectivity during the making of it.尽管这部电影是根据真实事件改编的,导演还是承认他在制作影片时带有一定程度的主观性。剑桥国际Customers who have heard your message in a 60-second ad will recall it in a 10-second one.在 60 秒的广告中听到了产品信息的顾客,将会在看到 10 秒的广告片时回忆起这些信息。牛津商务Knowing the ending already didn't spoil my enjoyment of the film.早已知道结局并没有破坏我看影片时的乐趣。剑桥国际Old memories awoke in me when I saw the picture. 我看到这张照片时件件往事涌上心头。译典通Photographs of the meteor shower can be taken by using a fast film and leaving the shutter open for several minutes.拍摄流星雨照片时可以使用快速感光胶片,并让快门打开数分钟。剑桥国际She gave a wooden smile to the camera as she posed for another publicity shot.当她摆好姿势拍摄另一张宣传照片时,对着照相机呆板地笑了一下。剑桥国际She went red and gave a squirm of embarrassment when she saw the photos of the party.当她看见晚会的照片时,她脸红了,窘迫得局促不安。剑桥国际




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