

单词 灯火
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ablaze〕a passing pleasure-boat, with all its lights ablaze 一艘驶过的游船上灯火辉煌朗文当代〔aglow〕a city at night, aglow with lights 灯火通明的城市夜景剑桥高阶〔attract〕attract moths with lamps 以灯火诱蛾英汉大词典〔blacked-out〕blacked-out streets 进行灯火管制的街道英汉大词典〔blackout〕the blackouts of World War II 第二次世界大战中的防空灯火管制期韦氏高阶〔blackout〕wartime blackouts 战时灯火管制剑桥高阶〔black〕black out a city during an air raid 空袭时对城市实行灯火管制英汉大词典〔blaze〕a blaze of colour/light/sunshine 五彩缤纷/灯火辉煌/强烈的阳光麦克米伦高阶〔blaze〕a blaze of lights in the city centre 市中心通明的灯火牛津高阶〔brightly〕a brightly lit room 灯火通明的房间韦氏高阶〔brightly〕a warm, brightly lit room. 温暖、灯火通明的房间柯林斯高阶〔brightly〕a warm, brightly lit room温暖的灯火通明的房间外研社新世纪〔brownout〕to brownout some part of the city对城市某部分实行灯火管制21世纪英汉〔character〕the delicate character of the light in the evening 夜间灯火所具有的那种柔和的特点牛津高阶〔conflagration〕the neon conflagrations of the downtown casinos 市中心赌场大片大片炫目的霓虹灯火英汉大词典〔dead〕dead coals (cigars,lights) 熄灭的煤 (雪茄,灯火)英汉大词典〔dimout〕a jeep with proper dimout headlights 按半灯火管制规定开着近光前灯的吉普车英汉大词典〔garish〕garishly decorated/lit/painted 装饰得花里胡哨;照得灯火辉煌;油漆得过于鲜艳牛津高阶〔illuminated〕an illuminated entrance 灯火通明的入口韦氏高阶〔illuminated〕the illuminated city at night 夜幕中万家灯火的城市牛津高阶〔indistinct〕a far-off indistinct light 远方朦胧的灯火韦氏高阶〔mantle〕lamps flaring behind their smoky gas mantles在煤气灯熏黑的白炽罩中闪耀的灯火外研社新世纪〔myriad〕the myriad lights of London 伦敦的万家灯火英汉大词典〔put〕to put out a candle/cigarette/light 熄灭蜡烛╱香烟╱灯火牛津高阶〔richly〕a richly lighted (decorated) saloon 灯火辉煌(富丽堂皇)的交谊厅英汉大词典〔spangle〕the lights spangled in the night shore灯火闪烁的海滨夜景21世纪英汉〔turn〕turn up the gas (the lights) 把煤气 (灯火) 开大 英汉大词典〔twinkle〕the twinkle of the stars/lights/diamonds 星星的闪烁/灯火的闪耀/钻石的闪亮剑桥高阶




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