

单词 测量
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EFFECT/AFFECT〕The study measured the effect of fertilizers on the size of crops. 这次调查测量肥料对于作物大小的影响。朗文写作活用〔Z score〕A measure of the distance in standard deviations of a sample from the mean.Z记分:样本到平均差的标准误差量中的距离测量美国传统〔absolute temperature〕Temperature measured or calculated on an absolute scale.绝对温度:以绝对温标测量或计算的温度美国传统〔acidity〕They measured the acidity of the soil.他们测量了土壤的酸度。韦氏高阶〔angular〕Measured by an angle or by degrees of an arc.用角测量的,用弧度测量的美国传统〔anthropometry〕The study of human body measurement for use in anthropological classification and comparison.人体测量学:对人体测量的研究,用于人类学的分类和比较美国传统〔apothecaries' measure〕A system of liquid volume measure used in pharmacy.药衡单位,药用容量单位:一种用于药剂的液体容积测量系统美国传统〔astrometry〕The scientific measurement of the positions and motions of celestial bodies.天体测量学:天体位置及运动的科学测量美国传统〔bathometer〕An instrument used to measure the depth of water.水深测量计:一种水深测量仪器美国传统〔bathymetry〕Measurement of the depth of large bodies of water.海洋测深学,海洋测深术:测量大水域的深度美国传统〔behavioral psychophysics〕A branch of psychology dealing primarily with the measurement of sensory capacities in nonaberrant animals.行为心理学:心理学的一个分支,主要是测量正常动物的感觉能力美国传统〔cadastre〕A public record, survey, or map of the value, extent, and ownership of land as a basis of taxation.土地清册:一种公共的记录、 测量或地图,作为征税的凭据来表示土地的价值、范围和所有权美国传统〔check〕He is being constantly monitored with regular checks on his blood pressure.正在通过定期测量他的血压, 对他的情况进行持续的监测。外研社新世纪〔circular measure〕The measure of an angle in radians.弧度法:角的弧度的测量美国传统〔clapometer〕The applause and the laughter gave off warmth, like a fire. The clapometer was bursting itself, registering 98, a record.掌声和笑声火一般的热烈。掌声测量计几乎要爆裂了,显示出创纪录的98。英汉大词典〔contractor〕Stiffness and flexion contractors were measured independently.硬直和屈曲收缩肌是分别测量的。外研社新世纪〔cusec〕A volumetric unit for measuring the flow of liquids, equal to one cubic foot per second.立秒:一种测量液体流量的体积单位,等于立方英尺每秒美国传统〔densitometer〕An apparatus for measuring the optical density of a material, such as a photographic negative.(光)密度计:测量材料,例如相片感光纸光密度的器械美国传统〔depth〕We measured the depth of the well.我们测量了井的深度。外研社新世纪〔difference〕We measured the difference in temperature.我们测量了温度的变化。牛津高阶〔ergograph〕A device for measuring the work capacity of a muscle or group of muscles during contraction.测力器:用来测量在收缩中某一块肌肉或一组肌肉做功能力的装置美国传统〔fathom〕To determine the depth of; sound.测深:测量深度;探测美国传统〔fault〕Surveyors say the fault line is capable of generating a major earthquake once in a hundred years.土地测量员称这种断层带能引发百年一遇的大地震。剑桥高阶〔fellow〕He's a fellow of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors.他是皇家特许测量师协会的会员。剑桥高阶〔fiducial〕Regarded or employed as a standard of reference, as in surveying.基准的:在测量勘定时认为或作为基准的美国传统〔function〕The instrument is chiefly used to measure and record heart function.这个仪器主要用于测量和记录心脏功能。韦氏高阶〔gauge〕Meg was able to gauge the distance to within an inch.梅格测量的距离, 误差不会超过一英寸。外研社新世纪〔gauge〕Use a thermometer to gauge the temperature.用温度计测量一下温度。剑桥高阶〔geodesy〕The geologic science of the size and shape of the earth.大地测量学:研究地球大小和形状的地理科学美国传统〔geodetic survey〕A survey of a large area of land in which corrections are made to account for the curvature of the earth.大地测量:对地表一个大块区域的测量,其中考虑到地球曲率而作了修正美国传统〔gray〕The SI unit for the energy absorbed from ionizing radiation, equal to one joule per kilogram.格雷,辐射能单位:测量从离子化辐射中所吸收能量的国际单位制,相当于每公斤一焦耳美国传统〔indication〕The degree indicated by a measuring instrument.指示器读数:用于测量的器械的读数或指针所标示的读数美国传统〔inexact〕The measurements were somewhat inexact, but they were close enough.这些测量值多少都有些不精确,但已够接近的了。韦氏高阶〔inspection〕Following an on-site inspection, the surveyor prepared a written report on the property.现场勘察之后,测量员出具了该地产的书面报告。牛津搭配〔latitude〕The angular distance north or south of the earth's equator, measured in degrees along a meridian, as on a map or globe.纬度:地球赤道北或南的角距离,例如在地图或地球仪上沿着子午线用度数测量美国传统〔liquid measure〕The measurement of liquid capacity.液量:液体体积的测量美国传统〔log line〕The line by which the log is trailed from a ship to determine its speed.计程仪绳:将计程仪拖在船后、用于测量船速的绳子美国传统〔measurement〕Accurate measurements are required in carpentry.木工活需要精确测量。韦氏高阶〔measurement〕The children did some work on measurement in maths.那些儿童做了些数学的测量。牛津同义词〔measurement〕The instruments provide accurate measurement of atmospheric conditions.这些仪器能对大气状况进行精确的测量。韦氏高阶〔measurement〕The measurements are extraordinarily accurate.测量结果极为精确。柯林斯高阶〔measurement〕They took measurements of noise levels inside the building.他们测量了建筑物内部的噪音强度。麦克米伦高阶〔measure〕He measured the diameter of the pond.他测量了池塘的直径。外研社新世纪〔measure〕The satellite measures atmospheric gases responsible for ozone destruction.该卫星测量破坏臭氧的大气层气体。麦克米伦高阶〔measure〕White sugar measures more easily than brown.白糖比红糖易于测量美国传统〔measure〕You can now measure its length more accurately.你现在可以更准确地测量它的长度了。牛津搭配〔micrometry〕Measurement of minute objects with a micrometer.测微法:使用测微计测量微小物体的方法美国传统〔micropipette〕A pipette used to measure very small volumes of liquids.微量吸管:用于测量体积极小的液体的吸管美国传统〔nit〕A unit of illuminative brightness equal to one candle per square meter, measured perpendicular to the rays of the source.尼特:照明亮度单位,相当于每平方米烛光。与光源发出的光垂直来测量美国传统〔onward〕He measured the distance to the nearest Antarctic coast, and onwards to the South Pole.他测量了到南极洲海岸最近的距离,以及从海岸再到南极的距离。柯林斯高阶〔pelvimetry〕Measurement of the dimensions and capacity of the pelvis, especially of the adult female pelvis.骨盆测量:尤指对成年女性骨盆容积的测量美国传统〔period〕A metrical unit of quantitative verse consisting of two or more cola.定量测量单位:包括两个或两个以上音行的定量韵律的度量单位美国传统〔piezometer〕An instrument for measuring pressure, especially high pressure.压力计,压强计:用来测量压力、尤其是高压的工具美国传统〔point〕A single unit, as in counting, rating, or measuring.单位:一种单位,如计数、测试或测量中所用的单位美国传统〔polar axis〕The fixed reference axis from which the polar angle is measured in a polar coordinate system.极轴:在极坐标系中用以测量极角的固定基准轴美国传统〔probe〕The Pioneer probes have on board ultraviolet instruments which are measuring light that we can't measure on the earth.“先驱者号”太空探测器上装有紫外线仪器,能够对在地球上探测不到的光进行测量。柯林斯高阶〔pulse〕This machine measures pulse rate and blood pressure.这台机器能测量脉搏和血压。韦氏高阶〔pycnometer〕A standard vessel used in measuring the density or specific gravity of materials.比重瓶:一种标准容器,用于测量物质的密度或比重美国传统〔quantifiable〕A clearly quantifiable measure of quality is not necessary.没有必要对质量进行明确的定量测量。柯林斯高阶〔quantitative〕Of, relating to, or susceptible of measurement.测量的:测量的、有关测量的或易受测量影响的美国传统〔reagent〕A substance used in a chemical reaction to detect, measure, examine, or produce other substances.试剂:在化学反应中用到的一种物质,其作用是探测、测量、检查或产生其它物质美国传统〔reliable〕These measurements are reliable enough for most purposes.这些测量数据的可靠程度能满足大多数需要。牛津搭配〔retreat〕Scientists continue to measure the slow retreat of the glacier.科学家们继续测量冰川缓慢消退的情况。韦氏高阶〔revolution〕Engine speed is measured in revolutions per minute.发动机速度是以每分钟的转数来测量的。麦克米伦高阶〔rheometer〕An instrument for measuring the flow of viscous liquids, such as blood.流变计:测量粘滞液体的流动的仪器,例如血液美国传统〔routinely〕Blood pressure is not routinely tested before donation.按照常规献血前没有测量血压。外研社新世纪〔scale〕Richter invented the scale by which we measure the severity of earthquakes.里克特发明人们用以测量地震强度的震级。英汉大词典〔sector〕A measuring instrument consisting of two graduated arms hinged together at one end.尺规:一种将两个标有刻度的尺臂接合一端而形成的测量工具美国传统〔sociometry〕The quantitative study of interpersonal relationships in populations, especially the study and measurement of preferences.社会测量:对人口中人与人之间的关系的定量分析,尤其是人际喜好的研究和测量美国传统〔sonar〕A system using transmitted and reflected underwater sound waves to detect and locate submerged objects or measure the distance to the floor of a body of water.声纳:一种系统,通过利用传送或反射的水下声波,来探测或定位水下物体或者测量某一水域的深度美国传统〔sounding〕The sailors were taking soundings as the ship approached the coast.船舶驶近海岸时,水手们在进行水深测量。韦氏高阶〔sound〕To measure depth.测量深度美国传统〔spaced〕The measurements were recorded at equally spaced intervals.每隔一定的时间就记录一次测量结果。麦克米伦高阶〔span〕To encircle with the hand or hands in or as if in measuring.以手围绕测量类似测量美国传统〔span〕To measure by or as if by the fully extended hand.以掌测量:用或象是用全部张开的掌距测量美国传统〔spirograph〕An instrument for registering the depth and rapidity of respiratory movements.呼吸测量仪:用来测量呼吸运动的深度和速度的仪器美国传统〔stadia〕The technique of measuring distances with this instrument.用这种仪器测量距离的技术美国传统〔stereology〕The study of three-dimensional properties of objects or matter usually observed two-dimensionally.体视学,立体测量学:常常以两维观察的物体或物质的三维性质的研究美国传统〔straddle〕To fire shots behind and in front of (a target) in order to determine the range.前后射击…以测距:为测量某一距离而在(一个靶子)的前后各进行射击美国传统〔strength〕This device measures the strength of radio signals.这个设备可以测量无线电信号的强度。韦氏高阶〔strickle〕An instrument used to level off grain or other material in a measure.斗刮:测量中用来刮平粮食或其它物品的器具美国传统〔telemeter〕To measure, transmit, and receive (data) automatically from a distant source, as from a spacecraft or an electric power grid.用遥测发射器传送:自动测量、发送和接收来自远方源的(数据),如来自宇宙飞船或电源网,美国传统〔tensiometer〕An instrument for measuring tensile strength.张力计:用于测量张力的仪器美国传统〔test〕Either measure the temperature with a bath thermometer or test the water with your wrist.要么用浴用温度计测量水温, 要么用手腕试一下。外研社新世纪〔test〕Either measure the temperature with a bath thermometer or test the water with your wrist.要么用浴用温度计测量水温,要么用手腕试一下。柯林斯高阶〔theodolite〕The surveyor set up his theodolite and took some measurements.测量员安置好经纬仪,作了几次测量。剑桥高阶〔triangulation〕The location of an unknown point, as in navigation, by the formation of a triangle having the unknown point and two known points as the vertices.三角测量:通过以分别作(顶点)的两个已知点和一个未知点形成一个三角形,来求出或定位该未知点,如在航海中美国传统〔vacuum gauge〕A device for measuring pressures below atmospheric pressure.真空计:测量低于大气压的压强的装置美国传统〔volumetric〕Of or relating to measurement by volume.体积的,容积的,测容积(体积的)的:属于或关于测量容积的美国传统〔vorticity〕Meteorology A measure of the spin of an air mass such as a low- or high-pressure weather system.【气象学】 气压涡度测量:测量气团如高低压气象系统的旋转美国传统〔width〕She carefully measured the length and width of the room.她仔细测量了房间的长度和宽度。韦氏高阶〔yaw〕Extent of yawing, measured in degrees.偏航角:偏航限度,用于测量程度美国传统A survey of the property showed that the northern boundary was not correct. 对这块地产的测量表明,它北面的边界线是不正确的。译典通The distance between the two bodies in space was measured daily.太空中两个天体之间的距离每天都被测量。剑桥国际The horizontal axis measures the level of unemployment.横坐标轴测量失业水平。牛津商务The machine makes thousands of measurements every day.这台机器每天测量上千次。剑桥国际The schoolchildren surveyed 100 square kilometres for a botanical atlas.学童们为画一张植物图而测量了100平方公里的土地。剑桥国际The surveyor pegged out the plot of land. 测量员们用木桩标出了那块地。译典通There's an instrument at the garage that measures the tread on your tyres.修车场有测量车胎胎面的仪器。剑桥国际We then do a statistical analysis of the measurements we have taken.我们随后对测量结果进行统计分析。牛津商务




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