

单词 测算
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MEASURE〕It's difficult to quantify how long it will take to finish the project. 很难测算出完成这一项目需要多长时间。朗文写作活用〔NOW〕From now on, the U.S. government will rely on a new method to measure economic growth. 从现在起,美国政府将使用新的方法测算经济增长率。朗文写作活用〔calculation〕According to experts' calculations, that star will explode within two billion years.根据专家测算,那颗恒星将在20亿年内爆炸。韦氏高阶〔cash flow〕Work out a projected cash flow for your first 12 months trading.针对你头12个月的交易测算一下现金流。外研社新世纪〔ceilometer〕A photoelectric instrument for ascertaining cloud heights.云高计:测算云高的一种光电设备美国传统〔distance〕Speed is measured in time and distance.速度依时间和距离测算。韦氏高阶〔drip〕The Egyptians used the steady drip of water to measure the passage of time.埃及人通过固定间隔的水滴测算时间。外研社新世纪〔evaluate〕They routinely evaluate the market value of bank assets when they purchase bank equity or debt.当他们购买银行股票或债务时, 会例行测算银行资产的市场价值。外研社新世纪〔leading〕Printing The spacing between lines, usually measured in points.【印刷术】 行距:行与行之间的空格,通常以点测算美国传统〔stadia〕A telescopic instrument having two parallel lines through which intervals on a calibrated rod are observed, used to measure distances.视距仪:一种用来测量距离的远视仪器,通过远望时从两条平行线中间观察到的刻度杆来测算距离美国传统〔uncertainty〕Statistics The estimated amount or percentage by which an observed or calculated value may differ from the true value.【统计学】 偏差,误差:测算价值相差于实际价值的大概数量或百分点美国传统By my reckoning, we should arrive in ten minutes.据我测算,我们应在十分钟后到达。剑桥国际The children's tasks in the lesson included measuring the volume of a cup.孩子们在课上的任务之一是测算杯子的容积。剑桥国际The computer senses how many people are in the room and fine-tunes the air-conditioning accordingly.电脑能够测算出房间内有多少人,然后根据人数对空调进行微调。剑桥国际The organisers reckoned (that) there had been 50 000 demonstrators on the march. [+ (that) clause] 组织者测算游行队伍中有五万名示威者。剑桥国际We have no accurate measure of the damage being done.我们无测算损失的精确方法。剑桥国际




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