

单词 河边
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔along〕a romantic walk along the beach/river 沿着海滩/河边的浪漫散步剑桥高阶〔bank〕bank (up) a river to prevent flooding 在河边筑堤以防河水泛滥英汉大词典〔bank〕banking sand up along the river to prevent flooding 在河边堆积沙子以防河水泛滥韦氏高阶〔bluff〕a high bluff over the Congaree River. 康加里河边高耸的峭壁柯林斯高阶〔bottomland〕lush bottomlands 水草丰盛的河边洼地韦氏高阶〔bottom〕grazing in grassy river bottoms 在绿草茵茵的河边洼地放牧韦氏高阶〔by〕a house by the river 河边的一所房子牛津高阶〔derry〕a derry by the Thames 泰晤士河边的一幢废屋英汉大词典〔dominate〕the castle dominating over the river高耸于河边的古堡21世纪英汉〔dotage〕spending his dotage in a riverside cottage在河边一间小屋中度过老弱之年外研社新世纪〔fast〕fast by the river 靠近河边的英汉大词典〔gentle〕a gentle riverside stroll 河边的漫步麦克米伦高阶〔just〕just by the river 就在河边英汉大词典〔linkup〕plan a linkup with the allies near the river 计划在河边与盟军会合英汉大词典〔nest〕to nest by the river蹲在河边21世纪英汉〔on〕a town on the Mississippi 密西西比河边上的一座城镇麦克米伦高阶〔pair〕a pair of swans nesting by the river 在河边筑巢的一对天鹅牛津搭配〔place〕a noble building that would not have been out of place along the Grand Canal in Venice. 与威尼斯大运河边景物相称的宏伟建筑柯林斯高阶〔plink〕plink tin cans from a riverbank 从河边乱扔铁罐英汉大词典〔reed〕reeds along a riverbank 河边的芦苇英汉大词典〔riverfront〕riverfront property; riverfront houses. 河边地产;河边房屋美国传统〔riverine〕a riverine village 河边的村庄 英汉大词典〔riverside〕a walk along the riverside 河边散步麦克米伦高阶〔riverside〕a walk by the riverside 河边漫步牛津高阶〔riverside〕riverside plant life; riverside cottages. 河畔植物;河边村舍美国传统〔riverside〕walk along the riverside 沿着河边走 英汉大词典〔scatter〕a scatter of houses along the river 河边零零落落的房子韦氏高阶〔site〕sited the power plant by the river. 发电场坐落在河边美国传统〔skirt〕to skirt on the river位于河边21世纪英汉〔slope〕a pleasant garden that slopes down to the river 一座向河边倾斜的宜人花园朗文当代〔slope〕a slope leading down to the river 通往下面河边的斜坡牛津搭配〔spot〕a quiet spot by the river 河边一个安静的地方韦氏高阶〔sprawl〕untidy tenements sprawling toward the river. 散布在河边的几套不整洁的房子美国传统〔stand〕made their stand at the river. 他们在河边进行了坚决抵抗美国传统〔thriving〕the river's thriving population of kingfishers河边数量不断壮大的翠鸟外研社新世纪




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