

单词 社会的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EFFECT/AFFECT〕The book is about the influence of feminist ideas on American society. 这本书是写女权主义思想对美国社会的影响。朗文写作活用〔INTELLIGENT〕She likes reading those trendy intellectual magazines about politics and society. 她喜欢看那些有关政治和社会的时髦的知识性杂志。朗文写作活用〔LIKE〕At the present time, military action would not go over well with the international community 目前,军事行动不会得到国际社会的支持。朗文写作活用〔MAIN〕Laws are key to maintaining an orderly society. 法律是维护一个有秩序的社会的关键因素。朗文写作活用〔Opus Dei〕A Roman Catholic organization composed of both clergy and lay members and dedicated to fostering Christian principles at all levels of society.主业会:罗马天主教组织,由神职人员和俗家成员组成,致力于在社会的所有层面培养基督教原则美国传统〔Oxbridge〕Oxford and Cambridge universities, especially when regarded as the seat of traditional academic and social excellence, privilege, and exclusiveness.牛津和剑桥大学:牛津和剑桥大学,尤指当被认为是传统的学术和社会的卓越、特权和独占的中心时美国传统〔UNFAIR〕Social inequality is likely to increase in the 21st century. 社会的不平等现象在21世纪有可能呈上升趋势。朗文写作活用〔WORD/PHRASE/SENTENCE〕After World War II, the catchword for a newly health-conscious society was ‘protein’. 第二次世界大战后,一个开始注重健康的社会的口号是“蛋白质”。朗文写作活用〔acceptance〕A very determined effort by society will ensure that the disabled achieve real acceptance and integration.社会的坚决努力将确保残疾人真正被接纳并得以融入社会。外研社新世纪〔acculturation〕The process by which the culture of a particular society is instilled in a human being from infancy onward.文化移入:从婴儿起一特定社会的文化就植入一个人大脑的过程美国传统〔alienation〕Unemployment may provoke a sense of alienation from society.失业可能会引起不容于社会的感觉。朗文当代〔alternative〕The Hobbit became a bible for the alternative society.《霍比特人》这本书成了非传统社会的宝典。外研社新世纪〔beautiful people〕Wealthy, prominent people, especially those in international society.上流社会的人:富有的人,尤指在国际社会中突出的那些人美国传统〔blight〕Racism and sexism are a blight on society.种族歧视和性别歧视是社会的祸害。外研社新世纪〔call〕The government has resisted the calls of the international community.政府拒绝了国际社会的要求。牛津搭配〔cancer〕Drug abuse is the cancer of our society.吸毒是我们社会的毒瘤。朗文当代〔cement〕In the old days, television was the cement of society.从前电视是社会的纽带。外研社新世纪〔censure〕The country faces international censure for its alleged involvement in the assassination.这个国家因涉嫌参与暗杀而面临国际社会的强烈指责。韦氏高阶〔civilization〕The civilization of a primitive society is a gradual process which takes centuries.原始社会的开化是一个经过许多世纪的渐进的过程。英汉大词典〔claw〕Gino clawed his way out of underworld obscurity to become a millionaire hotelier.吉诺从底层社会的无名之辈一路摸爬滚打, 奋发成为身家百万的酒店老板。外研社新世纪〔claw〕Gino clawed his way out of underworld obscurity to become a millionaire hotelier.吉诺从底层社会的无名小卒一步步奋斗成为拥有百万家财的酒店大亨。柯林斯高阶〔cohesion〕The group's teaching and methods threatened social cohesion.这个组织的教义和传教方式威胁到了社会的和谐统一。柯林斯高阶〔comment〕The play is a comment on modern society.这部戏是现代社会的写照。英汉大词典〔communalist〕One who is more interested in one's own minority or ethnic group than in society as a whole.地方自治主义者:更加有兴趣于自己的少数民族或种族群体而不是整个社会的人美国传统〔constitute〕The increase in racial tension constitutes a threat to our society.种族间紧张状态的升级是对我们社会的一种威胁。牛津高阶〔consumption〕Consumption rather than saving has become the central feature of contemporary societies.现代社会的主要特征是消费而不是储蓄。牛津高阶〔counter〕Such behavior runs counter to the values of society.这样的行为与社会的价值观背道而驰。韦氏高阶〔death throes〕Their work is a despairing metaphor for a society in its death throes.他们的工作是这个苟延残喘的社会的令人绝望的影射。外研社新世纪〔decadence〕The lobby has asserted that social decadence and national decline can only be arrested by good old family values.游说团体称, 只有靠过去良好的家庭价值观才能遏制社会的堕落和国家的衰退。外研社新世纪〔democratically〕Education is the basis of a democratic society.教育是民主社会的基础。柯林斯高阶〔democratic〕Education is the basis of a democratic society.教育是民主社会的基础。外研社新世纪〔dialect〕Argot applies especially to the language of the underworld or, by extension, to that of any specific group. Argot 特别适用于下层社会的语言,或者通过引申,适用于任何特殊集团的语言。美国传统〔durability〕It speaks volumes about the resilience and durability of this society.它充分证明了这个社会的坚韧不拔和生生不息。外研社新世纪〔establishment〕Pearls were downgraded in past years for representing the tired chic of the establishment.珍珠在过去几年中因代表传统社会的陈腐时尚而被贬抑。英汉大词典〔fringe〕He has been forced to live on the fringes of society.他被迫生活在社会的边缘。麦克米伦高阶〔go〕Your daughter's attitude only goes to prove how much society has changed over the last 30 years.你女儿的态度恰恰证明了过去30年里社会的变化有多大。剑桥高阶〔house〕The losers in this society are the homeless and badly housed.这个社会的失败者是无家可归者和居住条件很差的人。牛津搭配〔ignore〕These people occupy such a marginal position in society that the authorities think they can be safely ignored.这些人处于社会的边缘,当局认为完全不用理会他们。牛津搭配〔impact〕Her report tells of the war's impact on society.她的报告说明了战争对社会的影响。外研社新世纪〔indictment〕It's a sad indictment of society that policemen are regarded as easy targets by thugs.警察很容易就成了暴徒下手袭击的对象,这是一个社会的悲哀。柯林斯高阶〔lady〕I could see the Queen, surrounded by her lords and ladies.我看到了女王,身边簇拥着王公贵族和上流社会的贵妇。朗文当代〔make-up〕Do the police reflect the make-up of society as a whole? 警察能反映社会的总体结构吗?麦克米伦高阶〔malady〕Apathy is one of the maladies of modern society.冷漠是现代社会的弊病之一。剑桥高阶〔menace〕The escaped prisoners are considered a menace to society.越狱的囚犯被视为对社会的威胁。麦克米伦高阶〔mimic〕He mimicked her upper-class accent.他模仿她上流社会的口音。外研社新世纪〔mimic〕He mimicked her upper-class accent.他模仿她那上流社会的腔调。柯林斯高阶〔modern〕The social problems in modern society are mounting.现代社会的社会问题正在日益增多。英汉大词典〔mosaic〕The country is now a cultural and social mosaic (= mixture) due to the influx of different ethnic groups.因有不同种族汇入,这个国家呈现出文化与社会的多元化景象。剑桥高阶〔negativity〕Her negativity about society began to depress me.她对社会的消极态度开始使我感到沮丧。韦氏高阶〔nob〕I'm not tellin' you. Not now you're in with the nobs.我不打算告诉你。你现在跟上流社会的人来往,我不会说的。柯林斯高阶〔ostracism〕In Athens and other cities of ancient Greece, the temporary banishment by popular vote of a citizen considered dangerous to the state.陶片放逐制度:在古希腊的雅典和其他城市内对大众投票选出的被认为危害社会的公民进行的短期放逐美国传统〔outcry〕The killing caused an international outcry.这起谋杀引起了国际社会的强烈抗议。柯林斯高阶〔permissiveness〕She attributed the social and economic problems of the 1980s to the permissiveness of the 1960s.她将20世纪80年代的社会经济问题归咎于20世纪60年代社会的宽容放任。剑桥高阶〔polemic〕Her book is a fierce polemic against the inequalities in our society.她的书对社会的不平等现象进行了猛烈抨击。韦氏高阶〔portrayal〕Leigh's portrayal of English society利对英国社会的描述外研社新世纪〔promote〕John Major promoted the idea of a classless society.约翰‧梅杰提倡无阶级社会的观点。朗文当代〔provocative〕His behaviour was called provocative and antisocial.他的行为被认为是煽动性的和反社会的。外研社新世纪〔rail〕His articles rail against the decline of culture in American society.他的文章对美国社会的文化衰败表达了强烈不满。麦克米伦高阶〔rank〕He longed to join the upper social ranks.他渴望能进入上层社会的行列。韦氏高阶〔reflective〕The school is reflective of society: the same problems that exist in society exist at the school.学校是社会的反映:社会上存在的问题学校里同样存在。韦氏高阶〔refusal〕The government's refusal to see that the protection of the environment must be our first priority today is a great tragedy.环境保护乃我们当今社会的当务之急,但政府却对此视而不见,实乃一大悲剧。剑桥高阶〔reproach〕Such living conditions are a reproach to our society.这样的生活条件是我们这个社会的耻辱。牛津高阶〔respect〕WWF is internationally respected for its conservation work.世界野生动物基金会因其保护野生动物的工作受到国际社会的尊重。牛津搭配〔salt〕These folks are the salt of the earth.这些人是社会的中坚力量。韦氏高阶〔satire〕The satire of the English society by Swift was very severe.斯威夫特对英国社会的讽刺是非常犀利的。英汉大词典〔sick〕High rates of crime are considered by some people to be a sign of a sick society.高犯罪率被一些人视为病态社会的标志。剑桥高阶〔sociality〕The tendency to form communities and societies.社会性:形成社区和社会的趋势美国传统〔social〕Of or relating to society.社会的:社会的或与社会有关的美国传统〔social〕They are a prosperous upper-middle-class couple with social aspirations.他们是希望出人头地的一对阔绰的来自中上层社会的夫妇。外研社新世纪〔society〕Americans had become citizens of an affluent society and had discovered the wonders of credit.美国人已经成为了富裕社会的公民, 并且发现了信用的奇妙之处。外研社新世纪〔society〕He did not understand the complexities of South African society.他不明白南非社会的复杂性。外研社新世纪〔stagnant〕Mass movements are often a factor in the awakening and renovation of stagnant societies.群众性运动经常是能唤醒和振兴停滞不前的社会的一个因素。柯林斯高阶〔stratification〕She was concerned about the stratification of American society.她很关注美国社会的阶层分化。柯林斯高阶〔suggest〕Social development suggests universal exploration.社会的进步促使人类做出对宇宙空间的探索。21世纪英汉〔suppress〕Some of the laws have been suppressed with the development of the society.随着社会的发展,某些法律已被废除了。21世纪英汉〔tend〕The Rotary Club tends to the improvement of society.扶轮社有助于社会的改善。文馨英汉〔the international community〕Any taking of hostages is unacceptable and must be firmly opposed by the international community.任何挟持人质的行为都难以让人接受,必然会受到国际社会的坚决反对。剑桥高阶〔thinking〕The book discusses the impact of Christian thinking on western society.这本书探讨了基督教思想对西方社会的影响。剑桥高阶〔threaten〕The unity of our society is threatened by troublesome and restless minorities.我们社会的团结遭到了一小撮滋扰生事、不安分守己的群体的威胁。柯林斯高阶〔threat〕Drugs pose a major threat to our society.毒品成为对社会的一大威胁。牛津高阶〔unit〕The family is the basic unit of society.家庭是社会的基本单位。韦氏高阶〔unit〕The family is the smallest social unit.家庭是构成社会的最小单位。英汉大词典〔unwashed〕Popular support lay in the unwashed social stratum.民众的支持存在于社会的底层。英汉大词典〔upper-crust〕Sergeant Parrott normally spoke with an upper-crust accent.帕罗特军士说话通常带着上流社会的腔调。外研社新世纪〔victim〕In his trial, he tried to portray himself as the victim of an uncaring society.他在受审过程中力图将自己描绘成冷漠社会的牺牲品。牛津搭配Anthropologists have not studied the structure of these ancient societies.人类学家还未曾研究这些古老社会的结构。剑桥国际At the very least these so-called muck-rakers have exposed the dark side of society, such as worsening corruption and political favours.至少这些所谓刺探阴私者揭露了社会的阴暗面,如日益严重的腐化和政治照顾。剑桥国际Companies are just becoming aware of the power of the pink pound, and some are now beginning to target this section of the community.公司逐渐注意到同性恋者的花销能力,有一些现在开始把目标对准了社会的这部分人。剑桥国际Economics is not an exact science because it has to take account of political and social considerations.经济学并不是一门精确的科学,因为它得考虑到政治和社会的因素。剑桥国际He said that unless people in western societies change the way in which they live, the world is heading for an environmental Armageddon.他说除非西方社会的人们改变生活方式,否则世界必将走向环境破坏的末日。剑桥国际Hollywood is often said to be American society writ large.好莱坞常常被称为是美国社会的鲜明写照。剑桥国际If everything fails, I might just give up my job and become a dropout.要是一事无成,我会放弃我的工作,成为逃避现实社会的人。剑桥国际Many of the diseases that afflicted society 50years ago have now been vanquished.许多50年前危害社会的疾病如今都已经被消灭了。剑桥国际She played the part of an upper-class Englishwoman to perfection.她尽善尽美地扮演了一名上层社会的英国妇女。剑桥国际The judge described him as a danger to society.法官把他说成是社会的危险人物。剑桥国际The mansion had an atmosphere of genteel elegance and decay.这座豪宅有着上流社会的那种雅致和衰败的气息。剑桥国际The province declared independence several years ago but remains unrecognized by the international community (=other countries).该省几年前就宣布了独立,但仍未得到国际社会的承认剑桥国际The teacher said that he found it difficult to cope with a class of disaffected teenagers.老师说他发现很难对付一班子不满社会的青少年。剑桥国际There is a widening gulf between the middle classes and the poorest sections of society.中产阶级和社会的贫困阶级的差距在增大。剑桥国际They regard overpopulation as a danger to society. 他们把人口过剩看成是对社会的威胁。译典通




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