

单词 眼泪
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔anguish〕tears/cries of anguish 痛苦的眼泪/哭喊韦氏高阶〔bite sth back〕bite back tears/laughter 忍住眼泪/笑声剑桥高阶〔blink〕to blink back tears眨着眼控制住眼泪21世纪英汉〔choke〕choke back one's tears (laughter) 忍住眼泪(笑声) 英汉大词典〔close〕close to tears. 快要流出眼泪了美国传统〔dam〕dam back one's tears 强忍住眼泪英汉大词典〔dry〕dry one's tears 擦干眼泪 英汉大词典〔emotional〕an emotional person who often weeps. 一个总是抹眼泪的情绪化的人美国传统〔force〕force back one's tears 强忍眼泪 英汉大词典〔hold〕to hold back tears.忍住眼泪。牛津同义词〔kiss〕kiss away sb.'s tears (jealousy, anger) 以接吻除去某人的眼泪(妒意,愤怒)英汉大词典〔laughter〕tears/gales/peals/shrieks of laughter 笑得流眼泪;阵阵笑声;哈哈大笑;阵阵尖声大笑牛津高阶〔mimic〕mimic tears 假装的眼泪英汉大词典〔misty-eyed〕bow misty-eyed to the packed hall 含着眼泪向大厅里挤满的人群鞠躬英汉大词典〔refrain〕refrain one's tears 忍住眼泪英汉大词典〔repentant〕repentant tears 后悔的眼泪文馨英汉〔repentant〕repentant tears 悔恨的眼泪英汉大词典〔resist〕be unable to resist the tears 忍不住眼泪 英汉大词典〔restrain〕couldn't restrain the tears. 禁不住掉眼泪美国传统〔return〕the tears that threatened to return 眼看又要流出来的眼泪牛津搭配〔river〕a river of tears. 眼泪的涌出美国传统〔river〕rivers of tears 眼泪的涌流文馨英汉〔rush〕a rush of rain [tears] 一阵骤雨[眼泪]文馨英汉〔saltiness〕the saltiness of tears 眼泪的咸味儿韦氏高阶〔shoot〕the tears shooting from one's eyes 从眼中涌出的眼泪英汉大词典〔smile〕smile through one's tears 噙着眼泪微笑英汉大词典〔sneeze〕to sneeze one's tears out打喷嚏使眼泪都流了出来21世纪英汉〔squeeze〕squeeze out a tear 挤出一滴眼泪英汉大词典〔strive〕strive to suppress one's tears 强忍住眼泪英汉大词典〔tearful〕a tearful smile/voice/farewell 满脸泪痕的微笑/带哭腔的声音/眼泪汪汪的道别麦克米伦高阶〔tear〕choke back a tear 强忍住眼泪英汉大词典〔tear〕laugh oneself to tears 笑出眼泪来英汉大词典〔tear〕never shed a single tear 从不掉一滴眼泪英汉大词典〔tear〕shed [weep] (bitter) tears 掉下(悲苦的)眼泪文馨英汉〔unwept〕unwept tears. 未流下的眼泪美国传统〔upwell〕tears upwelling in my eyes. 眼泪涌上了我的眼睛美国传统〔waterworks〕turned on the waterworks. 流眼泪美国传统〔weep〕weep for joy 高兴得流眼泪英汉大词典〔wink〕to wink back tears忍住眼泪21世纪英汉〔wipe at〕to wipe at one's eyes擦干眼泪外研社新世纪




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