

单词 物质存在
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Tao〕In Taoism, the basic, eternal principle of the universe that transcends reality and is the source of being, non-being, and change.(道家的)道:道家中最基本、永恒、超越物质存在的宇宙法则,是一切万事万物、一切变化的根源美国传统〔flesh and blood〕Human nature or physical existence, together with its weaknesses.人的本性:包括各种弱点的人的本性或物质存在美国传统〔phase〕Any of the forms or states, solid, liquid, gas, or plasma, in which matter can exist, depending on temperature and pressure.态:由温度和气压决定的物质存在的形式或状态,如固体、液体、气体或原生质等美国传统〔vapor〕The state of a substance that exists below its critical temperature and that may be liquefied by application of sufficient pressure.水蒸气:物质存在于低于临界温度的情况下,并且在施加足够压力情况下能被液化的状态美国传统




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