

单词 毛细
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Rouget cell〕Any of numerous branching, contractile cells on the external wall of a capillary.鲁捷氏细胞:任何毛细血管外壁上的为数众多的枝状有收缩性的细胞美国传统〔arteriole〕One of the small terminal branches of an artery, especially one that connects with a capillary.小动脉:动脉的一个小的末端分支,尤指连接毛细管的美国传统〔before long〕Before long the light rain had turned into a heavy downpour.顷刻之间,毛毛细雨变成了倾盆大雨。韦氏高阶〔blood vessel〕An elastic tubular channel, such as an artery, a vein, or a capillary, through which the blood circulates.血管:一种有弹性的管道,例如动脉、血管或毛细管,血液通过它们进行循环美国传统〔capillary bed〕The network of capillaries in a particular area or organ of the body.毛细管床:身体某一特定区域或器官中毛细管的网络美国传统〔capillary〕A tube with a very small internal diameter.毛细管:一根内径十分细小的管子美国传统〔capillary〕Anatomy Of or relating to the capillaries.【解剖学】 毛细管的:毛细管的或关于毛细管的美国传统〔capillary〕Relating to or resembling a hair; fine and slender.毛细的:关于或类似一根毛发的;细小和细长的美国传统〔capillary〕Strangulation causes blood vessels and capillaries to rupture.扼颈会使血管和毛细血管破裂。外研社新世纪〔capillary〕The capillaries of the leaf were visible.可以看见叶子的毛细管。外研社新世纪〔crack〕Hairline cracks appear in the paint when it dries too quickly.毛细裂纹麦克米伦高阶〔diapedesis〕The movement or passage of blood cells, especially white blood cells, through intact capillary walls into surrounding body tissue.血球渗出:血细胞的渗出或流出,特指白细胞透过完整的毛细血管壁渗入周围的肌体组织中美国传统〔dilate〕Applied to the skin, ginger stimulates and dilates the blood capillaries.把姜贴在皮肤上能刺激和扩张毛细血管。外研社新世纪〔drizzle〕The rain has been drizzling down for hours.牛毛细雨已下了好几个小时了。21世纪英汉〔drizzle〕The rain isn't too bad – it's only drizzling.雨下得不大 — 只是毛毛细雨而已。朗文当代〔drizzle〕Yes, it's raining, but it's only a drizzle.是的,下雨了,但只是毛毛细雨。韦氏高阶〔erythema〕Redness of the skin caused by dilatation and congestion of the capillaries, often a sign of inflammation or infection.红斑:由毛细血管的膨胀和充血导致,通常是发炎或感染的信号美国传统〔fineness〕Merino wool has always been prized for its fineness and supple strength.美利奴羊毛细密、富有韧性, 因此一直受到人们的珍视。外研社新世纪〔fine〕A fine drizzle started falling.天上下起了毛毛细雨。朗文当代〔fine〕The rain had slowed to a fine drizzle.雨减弱成了毛毛细雨。麦克米伦高阶〔glomerulus〕A small cluster or mass of blood vessels or nerve fibers.小球:一小簇或团毛细血管组织或神经纤维美国传统〔hair cell〕A cell in the organ of Corti having fine hairlike processes.毛细胞:柯蒂式器中有细小毛状突起的细胞美国传统〔hairline fracture〕A minor fracture in which the bone fragments remain in alignment, appearing on x-ray film as a fine line.毛细裂缝:骨骼断片仍保持一直线的细微骨折,在X光线照射片中出现者为极纤细的线美国传统〔microcirculation〕The flow of blood or lymph through the smallest vessels of the body, as the venules, capillaries, and arterioles.微循环:身体最小血管中的血液或淋巴流,如小静脉、毛细管或小动脉中的美国传统〔microvasculature〕The portion of the circulatory system composed of the smallest vessels, such as the capillaries, arterioles, and venules.微脉管系统:由最小的血管,如毛细血管,小动脉和小静脉等组成的循环系统的一部分美国传统〔moist〕It was moisting when we started.我们出发时正下着毛毛细雨。英汉大词典〔osmosis〕Fluid flows back into the tiny blood vessels by osmosis.液体通过渗透作用流回毛细血管。剑桥高阶〔portal system〕A system of blood vessels that begins and ends in capillaries.门静脉系统:以毛细血管为起始的血管系统美国传统〔rain〕We had heavy/light rain all day.我们这儿倾盆大雨/毛毛细雨整整下了一天。剑桥高阶〔spit〕If it's only spitting (with rain), perhaps we don't need waterproofs.如果只是一点毛毛细雨,也许我们不用穿雨衣。剑桥高阶〔sprinkle〕It often sprinkles here in spring.这里的春天总是爱下毛毛细雨。21世纪英汉〔sprinkle〕It rained last night, but it was just a sprinkle.昨天夜里下了雨,但只是毛毛细雨。韦氏高阶〔telangiectasia〕Chronic dilation of groups of capillaries causing elevated dark red blotches on the skin.毛细血管扩张:导致皮肤上暗红色斑点突起的毛细管组的慢性扩张美国传统〔turgor〕Biology The normal fullness or tension produced by the fluid content of blood vessels, capillaries, and plant or animal cells.【生物学】 膨压,紧涨:活细胞中紧张度和张力的正常状态,是由血管、毛细管和动植物细胞中的液体成分引起的美国传统〔vaporize〕During surgery, doctors sometimes use a laser beam to vaporize tiny blood vessels.手术过程中,医生有时会使用激光束来汽化毛细血管。剑桥高阶〔venule〕A small vein, especially one joining capillaries to larger veins.小静脉:细小的静脉,尤指连接毛细管和大静脉的小静脉美国传统〔von Willebrand's disease〕A hereditary disease characterized by prolonged bleeding from the skin and mucous surfaces caused by abnormalities of the capillaries.冯威勒布兰德氏病:一种遗传病,特征为由于毛细血管不正常导致的皮肤和粘膜表面持续出血美国传统〔wicking〕Wool has an excellent wicking action, that is, it carries body moisture away from your skin.羊毛有极好的毛细作用,亦即能从皮肤上吸走人体的水分。英汉大词典〔wick〕A cord or strand of loosely woven, twisted, or braided fibers, as on a candle or an oil lamp, that draws up fuel to the flame by capillary action.灯芯,烛芯:一条编织、缠绕或编得很松的纤维,用于蜡烛或油灯上通过毛细引力使燃料升成火焰美国传统〔wick〕A piece of material that conveys liquid by capillary action.纱布条:通过毛细引力来传送液体的一块材料美国传统Fluid flows back into the tiny blood vessels by osmosis.液体通过渗透作用流回毛细血管。剑桥国际If it's only spitting (with rain), perhaps we don't need waterproofs.如果只是毛毛细雨,我们也许并不需要雨衣。剑桥国际It was drizzling, and miserably cold and damp. 外面下著毛毛细雨,天气又冷又湿,令人难受。译典通We had a sprinkle this morning. 我们这里今天上午下了点毛毛细雨。译典通




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