

单词 爆炸性
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔EXPLODE〕an exploding weapon 爆炸性的武器朗文写作活用〔baby-sit〕baby-sat the children; baby-sat the Soviet defector; baby-sit a breaking news story. 照看孩子;看守苏联逃兵;注意爆炸性的新闻报道美国传统〔explosive〕a potentially explosive situation 可能引起爆炸性反应的形势牛津高阶〔explosive〕an explosive issue 爆炸性的问题英汉大词典〔fulminant〕a fulminant effect 爆炸性的影响英汉大词典〔juicy〕a juicy scandal 爆炸性丑闻韦氏高阶〔renaissance〕the explosive renaissance of the British theatre in the late 1950s 20世纪50年代后期英国戏剧的爆炸性复兴 英汉大词典〔rich〕a background rich with experience in dealing with explosive situations 富有应付爆炸性局势经验的资历英汉大词典〔sniff out〕journalists who are trained to sniff out sensation or scandal. 训练有素、能够敏锐地嗅出爆炸性新闻或丑闻的记者柯林斯高阶〔soft-pedal〕soft-pedal a potentially explosive issue. 对可能是爆炸性的问题低调处理美国传统〔volatile〕a volatile situation 爆炸性局势英汉大词典〔volatile〕a volatile situation with troops and rioters eager for a confrontation. 军队和暴民间爆炸性对立的局势美国传统




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