

单词 燧石
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔burin〕Archaeology An early flint tool with a head like a chisel.【考古学】 錾刀:一种尖端象凿子的古代燧石工具美国传统〔chert〕A variety of silica that contains microcrystalline quartz.燧石:含微小晶状的石英的各种硅石美国传统〔crumble into〕Under the pressure, the flint crumbled into fragments.燧石在压力作用下裂成了碎片。外研社新世纪〔crumble〕Under the pressure, the flint crumbled into fragments.燧石在压力的作用下碎成了小块。柯林斯高阶〔eolith〕A crude stone artifact, such as a flint.始石器:原始的石制品,如燧石美国传统〔flintlock〕An obsolete gunlock in which a flint embedded in the hammer produces a spark that ignites the charge.燧发枪,明火枪:一种由嵌入的燧石产生火星来点燃炸药的老式扳机美国传统〔flinty〕Containing or composed of flint.燧石的:含燧石的或由燧石构成的美国传统〔flint〕A piece of flint used to produce a spark.打火石,电石:一种用来产生火星的燧石美国传统〔flint〕A very hard, fine-grained quartz that sparks when struck with steel.燧石,火石:一种用钢撞击能发出火星的坚硬的、纹理细密的石英美国传统〔flint〕There's a lot of flint in the rock round here.这一带岩石中有许多燧石。英汉大词典〔gunflint〕The piece of flint used to strike the igniting spark in a flintlock.引火燧石:用来在燧发枪中击打出引火火花的燧石美国传统〔knap〕To break or chip (stone) with sharp blows, as in shaping flint or obsidian into tools.敲碎:用重击来撞碎或凿碎(石头),如把燧石或黑曜岩石制成工具美国传统〔taconite〕A variety of chert containing magnetite and hematite, mined as an iron ore.铁燧岩:一种含磁铁矿和赤铁矿的燧石,做为一种铁矿石被开采美国传统〔whinstone〕Any of various hard, dark-colored rocks, especially basalt and chert.暗色岩:一种坚硬、暗色的岩石,尤指玄武石及燧石美国传统Archaeologists have discovered several flints (=pieces of flint used as tools) on the site.考古学家们已经在现场发现了若干件燧石工具。剑桥国际At that time they had learned to strike fire from flint. 那时他们已学会了用燧石打火。译典通Houses in this part of the country are built of flint.这个国家这一地区的房子是用燧石建造的。剑桥国际In prehistoric times, people used flint to flay the animals they killed.在史前时期,人们常常用燧石将他们打死的动物剥皮。剑桥国际People in early times used flint tools.早期人们使用燧石工具。剑桥国际The church is built of a flinty material (=a material like flint).这座教堂是用类似燧石的材料建造的。剑桥国际




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