

单词 河中
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Aquila〕A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere and the Milky Way near Aquarius and Serpens Cauda.天鹰座:在北半球及银河中靠近宝瓶座和巨蛇星座尾部的一个星座美国传统〔BREAK〕Thousands of gallons of oil flowed into the river when an oil pipeline burst. 一条油管爆裂后,数千加仑原油流入河中。朗文写作活用〔DIRTY〕Industrial pollution has killed much of the river's wildlife. 工业污染把这条河中的许多野生生物都毒死了。朗文写作活用〔FALL〕I lost my footing on the snowy bank and fell into the river. 我走在积雪的河岸上脚下一滑,就跌入了河中。朗文写作活用〔Goat Island〕An island of western New York in the Niagara River dividing Niagara Falls into the American and Canadian falls.戈斯兰岛:纽约西部尼加拉瓜河中的一岛,把尼加拉瓜瀑布分成美国和加拿大两部分美国传统〔Hyades〕Greek Mythology The five daughters of Atlas and sisters of the Pleiades, placed by Zeus among the stars.【希腊神话】 毕(宿)星团:阿特拉斯的五个女儿,普雷阿迪斯的姐妹,宙斯把她们置于星河中美国传统〔JOKE〕Pushing her in the river seemed like a harmless prank, but it ended in tragedy. 把她推入河中似乎是个于人无害的恶作剧,可最终酿成了悲剧。朗文写作活用〔JUMP〕The driver jumped clear as his vehicle fell into the river below. 汽车快要掉到河中时,司机及时跳了出来。朗文写作活用〔Norma〕A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere within the Milky Way near Lupus and Ara.矩尺座:南半球的星座,位于豺狼座和天坛星座附近的银河中美国传统〔adult〕The fish return to the river as adults in order to breed.这种鱼长成以后回到河中产卵。牛津高阶〔all〕She jumped into the river, clothes and all(= with her clothes on).她连衣服也没脱就跳进河中。牛津高阶〔bedraggle〕She was all cold and bedraggled after falling into the river.她跌落河中后把全身弄得又湿又脏又冷。21世纪英汉〔boat〕I pushed the boat out into the middle of the river.我把船推到了河中央。牛津搭配〔canoe〕They were canoeing in the river.他们在河中划独木舟。21世纪英汉〔cast〕He cast the line to the middle of the river.他把渔线抛向河中央。剑桥高阶〔cast〕The old fisherman cast his net into the river three times every morning.老渔翁每天早晨向河中撒三次网。21世纪英汉〔consent〕The Highlanders all drew their swords with one consent upon entering the river.刚踏进河中, 高地人就整齐划一地拔出了利剑。外研社新世纪〔crest〕Eighteen people were killed by the cresting river.18人淹死在那条涨水的河中。英汉大词典〔deepen〕The water deepens toward the center of the river.水到了河中间就变深了。韦氏高阶〔discharge〕Rainwater collects here and then discharges into the river Kennett.雨水在这里聚积,然后排放到肯尼特河中。朗文当代〔discharge〕Raw sewage was discharged from the treatment plant directly into the river.未经处理的污水从处理厂直接排入河中。牛津搭配〔discharge〕The discharge from the chemical works killed hundreds of fish in the river.化工厂的排出物毒死了河中数以百计的鱼。英汉大词典〔discharge〕The factory was charged with the illegal discharge of pollution into a stream.工厂被指控向河中非法排放污染物。韦氏高阶〔disempower〕She feels that women have been disempowered throughout history.她认为在历史的长河中女性一直是被剥夺了权利的。外研社新世纪〔disempower〕She feels that women have been disempowered throughout history.她认为在历史的长河中女性一直是被剥夺了权利的。柯林斯高阶〔dive〕He tried to escape by diving into a river.他企图跳入河中逃跑。柯林斯高阶〔dive〕He tried to escape by diving into a river.他跳入河中试图逃跑。外研社新世纪〔effluent〕Effluents from local factories are finding their way into the river.当地工厂排出的废水都任其流入河中。剑桥高阶〔effluent〕The effluent from the factory was dumped into the river.那家工厂的废水被排入河中。外研社新世纪〔effluent〕The effluent from the factory was dumped into the river.那家工厂的废水被排入河中。柯林斯高阶〔effluent〕The factory has been accused of discharging effluent into the river.这家工厂被控向河中排污。韦氏高阶〔fall foul of〕The sailing boat fell foul of a motor speedboat in mid-river.这艘帆船与一条摩托快艇在河中央相撞。21世纪英汉〔ghost〕The gardens are said to be haunted by the ghost of a child who drowned in the river.据说一个溺死在河中的孩子的幽灵经常出现在这些花园中。剑桥高阶〔gird up〕The girl girded up his clothing and stepped into the river.女孩束紧了衣服走进河中。21世纪英汉〔gold〕He spent weeks panning for gold in the river.他花了好几个星期在河中淘金。牛津搭配〔haul〕A crane had to be used to haul the car out of the stream.得用起重机才能把车从小河中拖出来。外研社新世纪〔holm〕An island in a river.河中小岛美国传统〔in midstream〕The boat struck a rock in midstream.那艘小船在河中间撞上一块岩石。韦氏高阶〔kill〕Four people were killed when a train plunged into a flooded river.火车冲进泛滥的河中,四人身亡。朗文当代〔kill〕The factory dumped poisonous wastes into the river and killed off the fish. 工厂把有毒的废料倒入河中,把鱼都杀死了。英汉大词典〔lash into〕A strong head wind lashed the river into waves.一股顶头风在河中掀起了波浪。21世纪英汉〔lash〕With a powerful lash of its tail, the fish jumped out of the net and back into the river.那条鱼猛地一摆尾巴从渔网里又跳回到河中。剑桥高阶〔leap into〕He leapt into the river and saved the child from drowning.他跳入河中,救起溺水儿童。21世纪英汉〔mankind〕We have seen the same pattern throughout the history of mankind.我们在人类的历史长河中目睹过相同的模式。韦氏高阶〔merrily〕The factory has been merrily pumping chemical waste into the river for the past ten years.过去10年里这家工厂一直在毫无顾忌地向河中排放化学废物。剑桥高阶〔middle〕He turned in the water, guiding her away from the middle where the surging currents flowed.他在水中转过身来, 引导着她离开水流汹涌的河中央。外研社新世纪〔midstream〕Some of them got caught midstream by the tide.他们中的一些人被潮水困在了河中央。柯林斯高阶〔midstream〕The boat had anchored in midstream.船在河中心抛锚了。朗文当代〔midstream〕Their boat had capsized in midstream.他们的船在河中央翻了。外研社新世纪〔midstream〕Their boat had capsized in midstream.他们的船在河中央翻了。柯林斯高阶〔midstream〕We anchored in midstream.我们在河中心抛锚了。牛津高阶〔nose〕They nosed the boat into the river.他们先把船头推入河中。英汉大词典〔on〕The city of Cork is built on an island in the centre of a river.科克城建在河中央的一座小岛上。外研社新世纪〔permit〕A permit is required for fishing in the canal.在运河中钓鱼要有许可证。朗文当代〔pipeline〕Water will need to be pipelined to the canal.需要用管道将水输送到运河中。外研社新世纪〔plop〕The fish plopped back into the river.那鱼扑通一声跃回河中。21世纪英汉〔plunge〕The car plunged headlong into the river.汽车一头冲进河中。牛津搭配〔pollution〕The level of pollution in the river was falling.这条河中的污染物水平在下降。柯林斯高阶〔potamoplankton〕The plankton of rivers or streams.浮游生物:河中或小溪中的浮游生物美国传统〔purify〕Bathing in the Ganges river is thought to purify and bless those who perform this rite.在恒河中沐浴洗礼被认为可以净化身心, 祈神赐福。外研社新世纪〔purify〕Hindus purify themselves by bathing in the river Ganges.印度教徒在恒河中浸泡借以涤罪。牛津高阶〔recovery〕The police arranged the recovery of the body from the river.警察安排从河中打捞尸体。剑桥高阶〔run〕The river runs clear (thick).河中流水清澈(浑浊)。英汉大词典〔set〕He made a raft and set it afloat in the river.他做了一个木筏,并把它放在河中漂流。韦氏高阶〔showboat〕Nautical A river steamboat having a troupe of performers and a theater aboard for performances on the river.【航海】 演艺船:一种河中行驶的汽船,有一伙演员及可在河上进行演出的船上剧场美国传统〔souse〕She soused down into the river.她飞身跳入河中。21世纪英汉〔stick up〕A large rock was sticking up in the middle of the river.一块巨大的岩石在河中间拱起。韦氏高阶〔strip off〕The little boy stripped off and dived into the river naked.小男孩脱光衣服,光着身子跳进河中。21世纪英汉〔swam〕He trained his dog to swim in the river.他训练他的狗在河中游泳。21世纪英汉〔sérac〕A large pointed mass of ice in a glacier isolated by intersecting crevasses.冰塔:冰河中被横断的冰隙所隔离的、大型的尖角冰块美国传统〔take〕The scientists are taking water samples from the river.科学家正从河中采水样。牛津高阶〔towboat〕A powerful, shallow-draft boat with a broad bow, intended to push barges on rivers and canals.顶推船:一种马力强劲的浅吃水船,船首呈方形,用来在河流与运河中推动驳船前进美国传统〔uplands〕Flooding was caused by water gushing into rivers from uplands.从山地奔流而下的水涌入河中引发了洪水。外研社新世纪〔upland〕Flooding was caused by water gushing into rivers from uplands.从山地奔流而下的水涌入河中引发了洪水。柯林斯高阶〔warning〕They failed to heed a warning about the dangerous currents in the river.他们未注意到关于河中水流湍急的警告。牛津搭配〔waste〕Millions of gallons of untreated human waste (= excrement) flow into the river every day.每天都有几百万吨未经处理的人类粪便排入河中。剑桥高阶〔worry〕They worried the log into the river.他们把原木推入河中。外研社新世纪〔zap〕The film can instantly zap us anywhere in time.影片能把我们一下子带到时间长河中的任何一点。英汉大词典All passengers aboard fell into the river. 船上所有乘客皆落入河中。译典通As if by magic/ Like magic, the car changes into a boat when it hits the water.车在跌入河中时神奇地变成了船。剑桥国际Because of an unusually strong current, the bridge's central support gave way, tipping a coach into the river.一阵罕见的强风折断了桥的中央支柱,使一辆马车翻落河中。剑桥国际Effluents from various local factories are finding their way into the river.当地工厂的废水最终都流入这条河中。剑桥国际Fish teem in that river. 那条河中有很多鱼。译典通He cast a stone into the river. 他向河中投了一块石子。译典通He cast the line to the middle of the river.他将鱼钩抛到河中央。剑桥国际It has been alleged that the factory is dumping noxious chemicals in the river.据称,这家工厂把有害的化学物质倾入这条河中。剑桥国际Polluting substances are found in many rivers.许多河中都发现了污染物质。剑桥国际She dabbled her toes in the river. 她把脚趾伸在河中嬉水。译典通Some factories in this locality still discharge waste water into the river. 这一地区有些工厂仍把废水排入河中。译典通The body was so badly macerated that the police believe it had been in the river for weeks.尸体已经严重发软,因此警方认为其已在河中浸泡数周。剑桥国际The dog was rescued from the river by two plucky kids.这只狗被两个勇敢的少年从河中救起。剑桥国际The river contains large quantities of roach and bream.这条河中有大量的斜齿鳊鱼和鲷鱼。剑桥国际The spillover from the adjacent river flooded the lower fields.附近河中溢出的河水淹没了低地。剑桥国际These obstructions could take some weeks to clear from these canals. 这些障碍物可能要花几周时间才能从运河中清除掉。译典通These plants are found in fresh water lakes and rivers (=those containing water that is not salty).这些植物存在于淡水湖和淡水河中。剑桥国际They floated the canoe out into the middle of the river. 他们将独木舟漂浮到河中央。译典通They're going to dam (up) the river and build a reservoir.他们将在河中筑坝拦水,建造水库。剑桥国际Watching the elephants come down to the river each evening to drink and bathe was one of the highlights of our holiday.观看大象每晚到河中饮水和洗澡是我们度假中精彩内容之一。剑桥国际We couldn't navigate (= find a direction along) such a wide river in our small boat.我们的小船不能在这么宽的河中找到航向。剑桥国际We heard a splash (= noise of something hitting water) and then saw that Toni had fallen in the river.我们听见扑通一声,接着看到托尼跌入了河中。剑桥国际




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