

单词 点中
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAT〕Amy was now stout and matronly, the mother of three children. 埃米现在身材矮胖有点中年发福,已是三个孩子的母亲了。朗文写作活用〔archconservative〕Highly conservative, especially in political viewpoint.高度保守的:高度保守的,尤指在政治观点中美国传统〔archliberal〕Highly liberal, especially in political viewpoint.高度自由的,尤在政治观点中美国传统〔aside from〕Aside from a mild fever, the patient feels fine.除了有点中度发烧外,病人感觉良好美国传统〔betwixt and between〕Politically, my parents are betwixt and between. They're neither liberal nor conservative in their views.我父母的政治观点中立,既不是自由党派也不是保守党派。韦氏高阶〔capitulant〕The enemy besieged in a few strongholds capitulated on the condition that they would be granted to return home voluntarily.被围困于少数据点中的敌军已投降,条件是允许他们自愿地回家。21世纪英汉〔close〕His comments struck unpleasantly close to home.他的话点中了要害,让人不舒服。朗文当代〔echo〕His argument contains clear echoes of 1980s free-market philosophy.他的论点中明显有部分与20世纪80年代的自由市场哲学相呼应。麦克米伦高阶〔endpoint〕Either of two points marking the end of a line segment.端点:标记一条线段两端的两点中的任何一点美国传统〔equinox〕Either of two points on the celestial sphere at which the ecliptic intersects the celestial equator.二分点:在天球上天赤道与黄道相切的两点中的任一点美国传统〔flaw〕There is a fundamental flaw in Walton's argument.沃尔顿的论点中有一个根本性的错误。朗文当代〔foreign〕In some versions of free-market economics, the notion of public service is quite foreign.在自由市场经济学的某些观点中,公共服务这个概念相当陌生。麦克米伦高阶〔node〕Either of two diametrically opposite points at which the orbit of a planet intersects the ecliptic.交点:行星的轨道与黄道相交的完全相对的两点中任何一点美国传统〔node〕Either of two points at which the orbit of a satellite intersects the orbital plane of a planet.轨道交点:卫星的轨道与行星的轨道面相交的两点中任何一点美国传统〔polka dot〕One of a number of dots or round spots forming a pattern, as on cloth.圆点花纹:形成一个图案的许多小点或圆点中的一个点美国传统〔reinvention〕Some of these ideas are worth pursuing, but there is no need to reinvent the wheel.这些观点中有些值得进一步探究,但是没有必要全盘重来。柯林斯高阶〔repertoire〕This has been one of the most successful desserts in my repertoire.这是我会做的甜点中做得最成功的一种。柯林斯高阶〔sound〕Logic Of or relating to an argument in which all the premises are true and the conclusion follows from the premises.【逻辑学】 推理的:某种论点的或与之有关的,这种论点中的所有前提都是真实的,而且结论来源于前提美国传统〔stick〕The contradictions in Rae and Shaban's argument stick out a mile.瑞伊和莎班论点中的矛盾之处显而易见。外研社新世纪〔that〕I nearly walked out, I was that angry.我差点中途退席, 我太生气了。外研社新世纪〔top〕The Tower of London tops the list of London's most popular tourist attractions.伦敦塔在伦敦最受欢迎的旅游景点中名列第一。朗文当代〔track〕Denver has the inside track among 10 sites being considered.丹佛市在十个列入考虑的地点中占有优势。外研社新世纪〔valid〕He recognized the valid arguments that both sides were making.他认可双方观点中合理的部分。外研社新世纪〔valid〕He recognized the valid points that both sides were making.他认可双方观点中的合理之处。柯林斯高阶〔weakness〕Can you spot the weakness in her argument? 你能指出她论点中的不足之处吗?牛津高阶In some religious views, life is seen as an eternal conflict between the forces of good and evil.在一些宗教观点中,生命被看作是善与恶两种力量间永恒的冲突。剑桥国际She seems completely unaware of the contradictions inherent in her professed point of view.她看来完全不知道她公开声称的观点中有内在矛盾。剑桥国际There is a fatal flaw in your argument.你的论点中有一个致命的漏洞。剑桥国际There were no points of similarity between the politicians’arguments.政客们的论点中没有共同点。剑桥国际




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