

单词 浅显
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔clear〕He writes crystal clear (=very easy to understand) prose.他写的散文浅显易懂。朗文当代〔context〕Children need meaningful contexts for their work in science.儿童学习科学需要浅显易懂的背景。牛津搭配〔dumb down〕She refused to dumb down the language in her report.她拒绝在她的报告中使用更为浅显的语言。韦氏高阶〔english〕You'd have no trouble understanding his point if he'd written the article in plain English! 他要是把这篇文章用浅显易懂的英语写出来,你就自然明白他的观点了!牛津搭配〔explanation〕Haig was immediately impressed by Charteris's expertise and by his lucid explanation of the work.查特里斯的专业知识和他对作品浅显易懂的阐释立即给黑格留下了深刻印象。外研社新世纪〔explanation〕Haig was immediately impressed by Charteris's expertise and by his lucid explanation of the work.查特里斯的专业知识和他对作品浅显易懂的阐释立即给黑格留下了深刻印象。柯林斯高阶〔homely〕A proverb is a simple and homely way of expressing a general truth.谚语是表达一般真理的简单浅显的方式。英汉大词典〔inkling〕A slight understanding or vague idea or notion.略知,模糊概念:浅显的理解、模糊的印象或概念美国传统〔lucid〕Easily understood; intelligible.浅显易懂的:容易被理解的,可理解的美国传统〔meager〕His knowledge of mathematics is superficial and scanty.他的数学知识浅显、贫乏。美国传统〔parable〕A simple story illustrating a moral or religious lesson.格言,寓言:一种讲明道德或宗教的浅显的故事美国传统〔shut〕We shut our eyes to the plainest facts, refusing to admit the truth.我们对最浅显的事实视而不见,拒绝承认真相。柯林斯高阶〔term〕The document is expressed in terms that are readily understood and agreed.文件用语浅显易懂,让人易于接受。柯林斯高阶〔translate〕Can you help me translate this legal jargon into plain English? 你能帮助我用浅显易懂的英语来说明这一法律术语吗?牛津高阶〔understandable〕The author makes complex topics understandable by using simple words and examples.通过使用简单的词语和例子,作者把复杂的话题表述得浅显易懂。牛津搭配The psychologist explained my problem in homely terms. 那位心理学家用浅显的词语解释了我的问题。译典通




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