

单词 注射
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVISE〕Doctors recommend that all children be immunized against polio and tuberculosis. 医生建议所有儿童都接受小儿麻痹症和肺结核的免疫注射。朗文写作活用〔Botox〕Botox injections.肉毒素注射柯林斯高阶〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕The disease is held in check by weekly injections of a power drug. 每周注射一针强效针剂来控制那种病。朗文写作活用〔DANGEROUS〕A polio vaccine is recommended before travelling to high-risk areas. 建议去小儿麻痹症高发地区旅行之前,先要注射小儿麻痹症疫苗。朗文写作活用〔DANGEROUS〕We are getting the message across to drug users that sharing needles is a high-risk behaviour. 我们向吸毒者宣传,合用注射针头是很危险的做法。朗文写作活用〔DRUG〕A drug that is injected reaches the brain faster than if it is smoked or sniffed. 注射毒品比吸食或以鼻吸入的方式要更迅速地使药效到达大脑。朗文写作活用〔DRUG〕Most heroin users prefer to inject the drug. 大多数使用海洛因的人都喜欢用注射的方法。朗文写作活用〔DTP〕You need to have the DTaP vaccine before you can enroll in school.注射白喉、破伤风和百日咳疫苗后方可入学。韦氏高阶〔IV〕An apparatus for providing intravenous injections.静脉注射仪:用于静脉注射的仪器美国传统〔MAIN〕The main reason kids don't get vaccinated is that parents don't realize how important it is. 小孩子未注射疫苗的主要原因是父母没有意识到其重要性。朗文写作活用〔REASON〕Patients will only be given morphine if their medical condition warrants it. 只有在病情需要时,病人才可以接受吗啡注射。朗文写作活用〔SERIES〕Europeans usually need to have a course of injections before travelling to India. 欧洲人到印度旅行前通常要接受一个注射疗程。朗文写作活用〔Syrette〕A trademark used for a collapsible tube having an attached hypodermic needle containing a single dose of medicine.西雷特皮下注射:带含有一次剂量的药的皮下注射针头的可折叠针管的商标美国传统〔accepted〕The accepted practice is to put diabetics on high doses of insulin.习惯做法是为糖尿病患者注射高剂量的胰岛素。外研社新世纪〔administer〕The dose was administered to the child intravenously.已给那孩子静脉注射了一剂药物。牛津高阶〔administer〕The drugs are administered intravenously.这些药物是静脉注射的。麦克米伦高阶〔anaesthetic〕A local anaesthetic is injected in an area over your lower spine.局部麻醉时,麻醉剂注射进后腰部。牛津搭配〔angiocardiography〕Examination of the heart and associated blood vessels using x-rays following the injection of a radiopaque substance.心血管造影术:注射射线不能穿透物体后用X射线检查心脏和有关血管美国传统〔antiseptic〕Antiseptic is used to sterilize the skin before giving an injection.消毒剂用于注射前给皮肤消毒。剑桥高阶〔bang ... up〕He banged up on heroin.他给自己注射海洛因。21世纪英汉〔bloodstream〕They injected the drug directly into her bloodstream.他们把麻醉剂直接注射到她的血液里。牛津高阶〔booster〕A booster shot.强化注射剂量美国传统〔crank〕Would you give up cranking?你戒掉毒品注射好吗?21世纪英汉〔debilitated〕Occasionally a patient is so debilitated that he must be fed intravenously.偶尔有病人过度虚弱, 只能通过静脉注射维持营养。外研社新世纪〔disposable〕An article, such as a paper diaper or hypodermic syringe, that can be disposed of after one use.可抛弃的物品,免洗用具:用后即可丢弃的物品,如纸制尿布或皮下注射器美国传统〔draw off〕The fluid can be drawn off with a syringe.可用注射器将液体汲出。柯林斯高阶〔dye〕The researchers injected a fluorescent dye into an area of a rat's brain.研究员将一种荧光染料注射到老鼠大脑的一个区域中。牛津搭配〔fix〕We saw kids as young as twelve fixing in doorways.我们看见门口那些年仅12岁的孩子在注射毒品。剑桥高阶〔grind〕They grind the tablets and use the powder for injections.他们把药片碾成粉末用于注射。外研社新世纪〔heparin〕Heparin injections are used to prevent blood clots in people undergoing dialysis and surgery.肝素注射是用来防止接受透析或手术的患者体内出现血凝块。剑桥高阶〔hit〕He took a hit of LSD.他注射了一剂强力迷幻药。韦氏高阶〔hype〕A hypodermic injection, syringe, or needle.皮下注射器:一次皮下注射,皮下注射器,或皮下注射的针美国传统〔hype〕He will hype for you, if you don’t agree to my arrangement.如果你不同意我的安排,我就叫他给你注射毒品。21世纪英汉〔hypodermic injection〕A subcutaneous, intracutaneous, intramuscular, or intravenous injection by means of a hypodermic syringe and needle.皮下注射:用皮下注射管或针做的皮下注射、皮肤注射、肌肉内注射或静脉内注射美国传统〔hypodermic〕A hypodermic needle.皮下注射针美国传统〔hypodermic〕Injected beneath the skin.皮下注射的美国传统〔hypo〕A hypodermic injection.皮下注射美国传统〔immunity〕The vaccination gives you immunity against the disease for up to six months.注射这种疫苗会使你对这种疾病有长达6个月的免疫力。剑桥高阶〔improperly〕He had become infected with Aids from an improperly sterilised needle.他因使用消毒不当的注射针头而感染了艾滋病。柯林斯高阶〔infection〕Always sterilize the needle to prevent infection.注射针头每次都要消毒,以防感染。朗文当代〔infuse〕To introduce (a solution) into the body through a vein for therapeutic purposes.注射:出于医疗目的通过血管将(一种溶液)注入体内美国传统〔injectable〕A drug or medicine that can be injected.可注射的药:一种能被注射的毒品或药品美国传统〔injectable〕That can be injected. Used of a drug.可注射的:可以被注射的。用于药品美国传统〔injection〕An anaesthetic was administered by injection.麻醉剂已注射入体内。牛津高阶〔injection〕It has to be given by injection.这种药只能注射。外研社新世纪〔injection〕The act of injecting.注射:注入的动作美国传统〔inject〕First they inject the tetanus vaccine into your arm.首先他们会在你的胳膊上注射破伤风疫苗。麦克米伦高阶〔inject〕Medicine To introduce (a drug or vaccine, for example) into a body part.【医学】 注射(药液):将(例如药或疫苗)注入身体一部分美国传统〔inoculate against〕Your son ought to be inoculated against smallpox.你儿子应当注射预防天花的预防针。21世纪英汉〔inoculate〕An inoculation against cholera is recommended.建议注射预防霍乱的疫苗。柯林斯高阶〔inoculate〕His dogs were inoculated against rabies.他的狗注射过狂犬疫苗。柯林斯高阶〔inoculate〕To safeguard as if by inoculation; protect.保护,预防:就象通过注射预防针一样受到保护;保护美国传统〔inoculation〕Travellers in the tropics should have typhoid inoculations.在热带地区旅行的人应该注射伤寒预防针。英汉大词典〔intravenous〕A drug, nutrient solution, or other substance administered into a vein.静脉注射物:注入静脉的药物、营养液、或其它物质美国传统〔keep under〕The operation began when the patient was kept under with morphine.病人注射吗啡后处于麻醉状态,于是手术开始了。21世纪英汉〔lethal injection〕He was executed by lethal injection.他是以死亡注射的方式被处决的。外研社新世纪〔lethal〕He was sentenced to death by lethal injection.他被判注射处死。韦氏高阶〔local anesthesia〕Anesthesia characterized by the loss of sensation only in the area of the body where an anesthetic drug is applied or injected.局部麻痹:仅在施用或注射麻醉剂的身体部位失去知觉的麻醉术美国传统〔local anesthetic〕An anesthetic that induces loss of sensation only on and around the point where it is applied or injected.局部麻醉剂:只能使运用或注射部位或其四周丧失知觉的麻醉剂美国传统〔main line〕Slang A principal and easily accessible vein, usually in the arm or leg, into which a drug can be injected.【俚语】 主静脉:主要的并很容易能触摸到的静脉,常见于手臂或大腿上,可以向里面注射毒品美国传统〔mainline〕At 18 he was mainlining heroin.他 18 岁时就注射海洛因。牛津高阶〔mainline〕By now she was mainlining.她至今仍在注射毒品。剑桥高阶〔mainline〕His addiction grew worse when he began mainlining.他开始静脉注射毒品时,毒瘾更大了。韦氏高阶〔mainline〕Several of her friends were mainlining heroin.她有几个朋友注射海洛因。剑桥高阶〔numb〕The injection will numb the area to be operated on.注射将会麻醉手术部位。韦氏高阶〔of choice〕Botox is now the drug of choice in Hollywood.肉毒注射目前是好莱坞的首选药物。剑桥高阶〔plump sth up〕Lips can be plumped up with injections.唇部可以用注射的方式变得丰满。剑桥高阶〔pyelography〕X-ray photography of the pelvis of the kidney and associated structures after injection with a radiopaque dye.肾盂照相术:有关肾盂以及相连组织,在注射了一种辐射不透明的染料后而进行X射线拍照的技术美国传统〔receive〕He receives an injection once a week to treat his allergies.他每周接受一次注射,治疗过敏症。韦氏高阶〔red〕You may notice redness and swelling after the injection.注射后会出现红肿。牛津高阶〔serum〕The patient was administered serum.病人被注射了免疫血清。韦氏高阶〔shoot up〕Drug addicts shoot up in the back alleys.瘾君子们在后街小巷里注射毒品。柯林斯高阶〔shoot up〕She saw a girl shooting up in the toilets.她看见一个女孩在洗手间里注射毒品。剑桥高阶〔shoot up〕They shot up before the party.派对开始前他们注射了毒品。韦氏高阶〔shoot up〕We shot up heroin in the playground.我们在操场上注射海洛因。柯林斯高阶〔shooting gallery〕Slang A place where illegal drugs may be obtained, prepared, and taken by injection, often with equipment provided on the premises.【俚语】 提供毒品的场所:一个能得到,制造,注射非法毒品的地方,该场所一般提供装备美国传统〔shot〕The doctor gave him a shot of morphine.医生给他注射了一剂吗啡。剑桥高阶〔skin-pop〕To inject (a drug) beneath the skin rather than into a vein.皮下注射药品:在皮肤下面不是血管中注射(药品)美国传统〔squirt〕To eject (liquid) forcibly in a thin stream from a narrow opening.喷射, 注射:从一个窄口使以一道强有力的细细的(流体)形式射出美国传统〔stun〕This injection stuns the rhinoceros, so we can examine it.这支注射针剂可以把犀牛弄晕,然后我们就可以对它进行检查了。剑桥高阶〔syringe〕A hypodermic syringe.皮下注射器美国传统〔syringe〕The doctor drew a dose of morphia into the syringe.医生把一剂吗啡抽入注射器。牛津搭配〔tachyphylaxis〕Rapid desensitization to a toxic substance produced by inoculation with a series of small doses.通过连续注射一系列剂量的有毒物质而产生的对该种物质的迅速过敏反应美国传统〔under〕The doctor injected something into my arm and I immediately felt myself going under (=becoming unconscious) .医生往我手臂里注射了一种东西,我便立即失去了知觉。朗文当代〔upcoming〕We must make sure citizens have got flu vaccinations during this upcoming season.我们必须确保广大市民在即将来临的季节完成流感疫苗的注射。外研社新世纪〔while〕The injection worked quite quickly and, after a while, he slept.注射很快起了作用。不一会儿他就睡着了。外研社新世纪〔why〕The reason why the injection needs repeating every year is that the virus changes.每年需要重新注射的原因是这病毒经常变化。牛津高阶All children are inoculated against polio.给所有儿童注射了小儿麻痹预防针。剑桥国际Animals are usually put down with a painless injection.人们通常用无痛注射法杀死动物。剑桥国际Each needle is sterile and is disposed of after use to prevent the spread of infection.每支注射针都是消过毒的,用后扔掉,以防传染。剑桥国际I was trembling with fear at the thought of another injection.想到还要注射一针,我恐惧得战栗起来。剑桥国际Intravenous drug users are particularly prone to a range of medical problems.静脉注射毒品者特别可能遇上一系列的健康问题。剑桥国际People who suffer from allergies can sometimes be given injections to help desensitize them.过敏症患者有时可以通过给予注射来帮助脱敏。剑桥国际She has to have insulin injections for her diabetes.她因为糖尿病,不得不注射胰岛素。剑桥国际The nurse swabbed my arm (= cleaned it with a small piece of soft material) before giving me an injection.护士给我注射前先用拭子对我的手臂进行消毒。剑桥国际The syringes were donated by sponsors and well-wishers.这些注射器是由发起者和支持者捐献的。剑桥国际The usual way of taking a fix of heroin is by injecting it.摄入海洛因的常用方法是注射。剑桥国际The vaccination gives you immunity against the disease for up to six months.这疫苗注射会使你对这种疾病有6个月的免疫力。剑桥国际There were kids fixing (=taking drugs with a needle) in doorways.门口有些孩子在注射毒品。剑桥国际They are injecting him with a new drug. 他们正为他注射新药。译典通




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