

单词 直译
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXACT/NOT EXACT〕It's rare to use a literal translation of a film title when it is sold abroad. 电影在国外发行时片名很少直译。朗文写作活用〔literally〕It is impossible to translate all proverbs literally.谚语不可能都逐字直译。英汉大词典〔literally〕The word 'volk' translates literally as 'folk'.volk这个单词直译过来为folk(人们)。柯林斯高阶〔literally〕This idiom cannot be translated literally.这个成语无法直译。文馨英汉〔literal〕A literal translation of the name Tapies is 'walls.' Tapies这个名字直译过来是“墙”。柯林斯高阶〔metaphrase〕A word-for-word translation.直译:逐字逐句的对照翻译美国传统〔metaphrase〕To translate, especially literally.翻译,尤指直译美国传统A lazy student can dispense with the original and use the English text as a trot. 懒学生可以把原文抛在一边而用英文直译本。译典通Free translations read more naturally than strict, literal ones in which each word is translated exactly.意译作品读起来要比逐字严格准确翻译出的直译作品更自然。剑桥国际This is a literal translation from French. 这是从法文直译过来的。译典通This is a verbal translation of the prose. 这是那篇散文的逐字直译。译典通This sentence can not be literally rendered. 这个句子不能直译。译典通




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