

单词 直言
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔blunt〕a blunt statement 直言不讳的声明韦氏高阶〔blunt〕blunt criticism 直言不讳的批评英汉大词典〔broad〕criticize sb. in broad phrases 直言批评某人英汉大词典〔broad〕speak broad 直言英汉大词典〔confidence〕a magazine that tells the truth and has reader confidence 仗义直言得到读者信任的杂志英汉大词典〔coy〕a politician coy about his intentions 对自己意图不愿直言的政客英汉大词典〔critic〕an outspoken critic of government policy 直言不讳地批评政府政策的人牛津搭配〔critic〕an outspoken critic of the government 一名对政府直言不讳的批评者朗文当代〔fearless〕an honest and fearlessly outspoken politician. 诚实的、直言不讳的政治家柯林斯高阶〔forthright〕a forthright appraisal; forthright criticism. 直率的评价;直言不讳的批评美国传统〔hard-hitting〕a hard-hitting speech 直言不讳的讲话牛津高阶〔licensed〕a licensed jester 公认(对君主)可直言不讳的弄臣文馨英汉〔mince〕to mince no words不吞吞吐吐,直言不讳21世纪英汉〔opponent〕an outspoken opponent of gun control 对枪支管制直言不讳的反对者朗文当代〔outspokenness〕his outspoken criticism of the prime minister. 他对首相直言不讳的批评柯林斯高阶〔outspoken〕an outspoken critic 直言不讳的评论家英汉大词典〔outspoken〕an outspoken critic of the education reforms 一名对教育改革直言不讳的批评者朗文当代〔outspoken〕an outspoken opponent of the leader 一个直言不讳反对领导的人牛津高阶〔plain-spoken〕a plain-spoken American full of scorn for pomp and pretence鄙视炫耀和虚伪、喜欢直言不讳的一个美国人外研社新世纪〔plain-spoken〕a plain-spoken American full of scorn for pomp and pretense. 看不惯炫耀和虚伪、直言不讳的一个美国人柯林斯高阶〔plainspoken〕a straightforward, plainspoken man 一个性格直率、说话直言不讳的男人朗文当代〔propriety〕bureaucrats whose sense of propriety deters them from plain talk分寸感使自己不敢坦率直言的官僚们外研社新世纪〔provocative〕outspoken and sometimes provocative speeches直言不讳、有时带煽动性的演说外研社新世纪〔raw〕a raw portrayal of truth. 对真理直言不讳的描述美国传统〔roundly〕roundly criticize sb. 直言不讳地批评某人 英汉大词典〔side-of-the-mouth〕describe sth. in blunt, side-of-the-mouth prose 用直言不讳、粗俗不堪的无聊话描述某事英汉大词典〔speak〕can't see the forest for the trees, so to speak. 恕我直言,不能一叶障目不见森林美国传统〔squarely〕spoke squarely on the topic of drug abuse. 对滥用毒品的话题直言不讳美国传统〔unflattering〕an unflattering remark 直言英汉大词典〔vocal〕a highly vocal opposition group 一个敢于直言的反对派团体牛津搭配〔vocal〕a vocal critic 直言不讳的批评者英汉大词典〔vocal〕a vocal critic of the plan 对这个计划直言不讳的批评者麦克米伦高阶〔vocal〕women who are very vocal about men's failings 直言男性缺点的女性牛津搭配〔voice〕the fearless voice of the press 新闻界无畏的直言英汉大词典




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