

单词 直角
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-lined〕The wings were at right angles to the line of flight.机翼与航线成直角。柯林斯高阶〔Pythagorean theorem〕The theorem that the sum of the squares of the lengths of the sides of a right triangle is equal to the square of the length of the hypotenuse.勾股定理:定理:直角三角形的两条直角边的平方和等于斜边的平方和美国传统〔STICK OUT〕His large ears stuck out almost at right angles. 他的一对大耳朵撑出来几乎成直角了。朗文写作活用〔XY recorder〕An output device that sketches the relationship between two variables onto a grid of plane rectangular coordinates.双变量(XY)记录器:一种输出设备,可绘出映衬到一平面直角坐标方格上的两个变量的关系美国传统〔abeam〕At right angles to the keel of a ship.正舷方:与船的龙骨成直角美国传统〔adz〕An axlike tool with a curved blade at right angles to the handle, used for dressing wood.扁斧:一种类似斧的工具,其弯曲的刀片与把手呈垂直角度,用于修整木材美国传统〔angle iron〕A length of steel or iron bent at a right angle along its long dimension, used as a support or structural framework.角铁,角钢:沿长度弯成直角的钢或铁的柱状物,用作托座或结构支架美国传统〔angle plate〕A right-angled metal bracket that is used on the faceplate of a lathe to hold the pieces that are being worked.角盘:车床花盘上所使用的直角金属支架,用来接切削下的碎片美国传统〔angle〕The interior angles of a square are right angles or angles of 90 degrees.正方形的内角是直角,即90度角。剑桥高阶〔at a right angle to〕Hold the nail at a right angle to the board.扶住这颗钉子,使之与木板成直角。韦氏高阶〔at a right angle to〕The two boards are joined at right angles to each other.这两块板子成直角相交。韦氏高阶〔butt joint〕A joint formed by two abutting surfaces placed squarely together.对接,端接:将两个邻接的表面成直角地放在一起的连接美国传统〔cosecant〕The reciprocal of the sine of an angle in a right triangle.余割:直角三角形中一个角正弦的倒数美国传统〔cosine〕In a right triangle, the ratio of the length of the side adjacent to an acute angle to the length of the hypotenuse.余弦:直角三角形锐角边的边长与叙边的比美国传统〔cotangent〕The reciprocal of the tangent of an angle in a right triangle.余切:直角三角形中角的正切的倒数美国传统〔cramp iron〕A bar, usually of iron, with right-angle bends at both ends, used for permanently holding together stones, timber, and other materials used in building.铁钩:一种通常用铁制成的杆,两端有直角弯钩,用以永久性夹紧石块、木材或其它建筑材料美国传统〔crank〕A device for transmitting rotary motion, consisting of a handle or arm attached at right angles to a shaft.曲柄:一个传递转动的部件,包括一个手柄或把手与一个轴直角相连美国传统〔cross section〕A section formed by a plane cutting through an object, usually at right angles to an axis.横断面:由一扁平物横切某物,通常与轴线成直角切割形成的断面美国传统〔crosswind〕A wind blowing at right angles to a given direction, as to an aircraft's line of flight.侧风:与给定方向成直角吹的风,如与飞行航线成直角的风美国传统〔cross〕An old Roman road crosses the modern street at right angles.一条罗马古道和现代街道成直角相交。麦克米伦高阶〔cuboid〕Mathematics A rectangular parallelepiped.【数学】 长方体:直角平行六面体美国传统〔degree〕A right angle is an angle of 90°.直角为90度。剑桥高阶〔ell〕A right-angled bend in a pipe or conduit; an elbow.直角弯,肘:导管或管道中的直角弯;肘美国传统〔ell〕A wing of a building at right angles to the main structure.厢房:与正房成直角的房子美国传统〔end line〕A line perpendicular to the sidelines that marks an end boundary of a playing field or court.底线:运动场或游戏场中用以标出终边界限的线,与边线成直角相交美国传统〔endways〕The house is built endways to the road.那栋房子与道路成直角而建。文馨英汉〔equator〕A similar great circle drawn on the surface of a celestial body at right angles to the axis of rotation.天球赤道:在天体表面与自转轴成直角的大圆美国传统〔hoe〕A tool with a flat blade attached approximately at a right angle to a long handle, used for weeding, cultivating, and gardening.锄头:一种其平坦刀面成直角并与一手柄相连的工具,用于割草、耕作及园艺美国传统〔hour circle〕A great circle passing through the poles of the celestial sphere and intersecting the celestial equator at right angles.子午线:通过天体球两极,与天体赤道成直角相切的大圈美国传统〔hypotenuse〕The side of a right triangle opposite the right angle.斜边,弦:直角三角形中与直角相对的那条边美国传统〔interconvert〕The ordinary and extraordinary rays were interconverted when the crystals were placed at right angles.晶体成直角置放时,寻常光与非寻常光便互相转换。英汉大词典〔intersect〕Streets usually intersect at right angles.街道通常成直角相交。21世纪英汉〔isometric〕Of or being a crystal system of three equal axes lying at right angles to each other.等轴晶的:由三根相等的轴彼此以直角相交构成的晶体系统的美国传统〔leg〕Mathematics Either side of a right triangle that is not the hypotenuse.【数学】 直角边:直角三角形除斜边之外的两条边的任意一条美国传统〔let〕Let ABC be an angle of ninety degrees.假设ABC 为直角。21世纪英汉〔level〕A horizontal line or plane at right angles to the plumb.水平线:与铅锤线成直角的水平线或水平面美国传统〔normal〕Abbr. norm.Mathematics Being at right angles; perpendicular.缩写 norm.【数学】 垂直的;直角的美国传统〔oblique angle〕An angle, such as an acute or obtruse angle, that is not a right angle or a multiple of a right angle.斜角:不是直角或直角倍数的角,如锐角或钝角美国传统〔oblique triangle〕A triangle having no right angle.斜角三角形:没有直角的三角形美国传统〔orthogonal〕Relating to or composed of right angles.垂直的:与直角有关的或由其组成的美国传统〔palisade parenchyma〕A leaf tissue composed of columnar cells containing numerous chloroplasts in which the long axis of each cell is perpendicular to the leaf surface.栅栏薄壁组织:由含有大量叶绿体的柱状细胞组成的叶组织,其中每个细胞的长轴线与叶片表面成直角美国传统〔perpendicularly〕The two cars were parked perpendicularly to each other.两辆车成直角线停放。韦氏高阶〔perpendicular〕Line A is perpendicular to line B.A线和B线构成直角。麦克米伦高阶〔perpendicular〕Mathematics Intersecting at or forming right angles.【数学】 成直角的,垂直的:交叉成直角的,或形成直角的美国传统〔perpendicular〕The axis of the moon will now be exactly perpendicular to that of the earth.月轴此时与地轴正好成直角。牛津搭配〔perpendicular〕The two lines (planes) are set perpendicular to each other.两条直线(两个平面)互成直角。英汉大词典〔plywood〕A structural material made of layers of wood glued together, usually with the grains of adjoining layers at right angles to each other.胶合板:由粘合在一起的若干层木头制成的一种建筑材料,通常其相邻木层的木纹相互成直角美国传统〔quarter〕To locate and adjust (one machine part) at right angles to its connecting part within the machine.调整成直角:安装并调整(机器部件)与机器的连接部分成直角美国传统〔radial tire〕A pneumatic tire in which the ply cords extending to beads are laid at approximately right angles to the center line of the tread.子午线轮胎:一种充气轮胎,轮胎内延伸到轮胎沿口的层面与胎面中心线成直角美国传统〔rectangle〕A four-sided plane figure with four right angles.矩形,长方形:具有四个边的方形,有四个直角美国传统〔rectangular coordinate〕A coordinate in a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system.直角坐标:直角笛卡尔坐标体系中的一种坐标美国传统〔rectangular〕Designating a geometric coordinate system with mutually perpendicular axes.直角坐标的:表明是具有相互垂直的轴的几何坐标体系的美国传统〔rectangular〕Having one or more right angles.成直角的:具有一个或多个直角的美国传统〔reeding〕Parallel grooves cut into the edge of a coin at right angles to the faces.锯齿纹:与硬币面成直角嵌入硬币边缘的平行沟痕美国传统〔revolution〕Revolution of a right triangle about one of its legs generates a cone.直角三角形绕一直角边旋转即成锥形。英汉大词典〔right angle〕A square has four right angles.正方形有4个直角。剑桥高阶〔right angle〕A square has four right angles.正方形有四个直角。韦氏高阶〔right angle〕The streets are at right angles to each other.两条街道互成直角。外研社新世纪〔secant〕The reciprocal of the cosine of an angle in a right triangle.正割:直角三角形中一个角正弦的倒数美国传统〔secondary wave〕An earthquake wave in which rock particles vibrate at right angles to the direction of wave travel. It can travel through solids but not through liquids.次级波:一种地震波,其范围内的岩石颗粒随波振方向成直角振颤,这种波能穿过固体但不能穿过液体美国传统〔sine〕In a right triangle, the ratio of the length of the side opposite an acute angle to the length of the hypotenuse.正弦:在一个直角三角形中,锐角所对边长度与斜边长度之比美国传统〔skew arch〕An arch having sides not at right angles to the face of its abutments.斜拱:侧边与桥礅的面不成直角的拱美国传统〔skew〕The ball skewed off at a right angle.球呈直角偏离弹了出去。牛津高阶〔split〕Often splits Sports An acrobatic feat in which the legs are stretched out straight in opposite directions at right angles to the trunk. 常作 splits 【体育运动】 劈叉:一种杂技动作,腿向相反的方向伸开,各自与身体直角美国传统〔squarable〕It is a rectangle if the four angles square.如果四个角均为直角,该图为矩形。21世纪英汉〔squarely〕His hat was set squarely on his head.他的帽子成直角地摆在他的头上。文馨英汉〔square〕A T-shaped or L-shaped instrument for drawing or testing right angles.直角尺:一种T形或L形形状用来划或者检测直角的工具美国传统〔square〕Forming a right angle.形成一个直角的美国传统〔square〕Having four equal sides and four right angles.正方形的:有四条相等边和四个直角的美国传统〔square〕Mathematics At right angles.【数学】 成直角美国传统〔square〕Mathematics Not at exact right angles.【数学】 不成很准确的直角美国传统〔square〕Mathematics To be at right angles.【数学】 成直角美国传统〔square〕Nautical Set at right angles to the mast and keel. Used of the yards of a square-rigged ship.【航海】 与桅杆和船的龙骨成直角的。用于横帆帆船的帆美国传统〔square〕The corners aren't square.拐角不是直角。麦克米伦高阶〔square〕The room has four square corners.这个房间的四个角是直角。韦氏高阶〔square〕To test for conformity to a desired plane, straight line, or right angle.调整:为得到符合要求的平面,直线或者直角而测试美国传统〔straight angle〕Two right angles make a straight angle, which is a straight line.两个直角构成一个平角,即成一条直线。剑桥高阶〔transept〕The transverse part of a cruciform church, crossing the nave at right angles.耳堂:十字形教堂的横向部分,用直角穿过中殿美国传统〔transit〕A surveying instrument similar to a theodolite that measures horizontal and vertical angles.中星仪:一种类似于测量水平或垂直角度的测伟仪的测量器具美国传统〔transverse arch〕An arch whose span is at right angles to the length of a vaulted space.横切拱:跨度为直角到圆形拱顶长度的拱门美国传统〔triangulate〕To measure by using trigonometry.用平面直角三角形计算工具测量美国传统〔try square〕A carpenter's tool consisting of a ruled metal straightedge set at right angles to a straight piece, used for measuring and marking square work.方角尺:木匠工具,由呈直角弯曲的两根金属标尺构成,用于测量和标识方形制作品美国传统〔upright piano〕A piano having the strings mounted vertically in a rectangular case with the keyboard at a right angle to the case.立式钢琴:一种钢琴,弦垂直地装在长方形音箱中,键盘与音箱成直角美国传统〔vertical〕Being or situated at right angles to the horizon; upright.垂直的:与水平面成或处于直角的;竖立的美国传统〔vertical〕These adjectives are compared as they mean being at or approximately at right angles to the horizon or to level ground.这些形容词在它们表达与水平面成或者几乎成直角时才互相比较。美国传统〔warp〕The threads that run lengthwise in a woven fabric, crossed at right angles to the woof.经纱:织物中成经线排列的,与纬纱成直角交织的线美国传统〔woof〕The threads that run crosswise in a woven fabric, at right angles to the warp threads.纬线或线纱:织物中十字交叉的线,与纵线成直角美国传统〔x-axis〕One of three axes in a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system.x轴:三维直角坐标系中的三轴之一美国传统〔x-axis〕The horizontal axis of a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system.横坐标轴:平面直角坐标系中的水平横轴美国传统A right angle is an angle of 90 °.直角即90°角。剑桥国际A right angle is one quarter of a full rotation.直角是一个圆周的1/4 。剑桥国际A square has four right angles.正方形有4个直角。剑桥国际Any angle which is not at right angles is oblique.所有的角不是直角就是斜角。剑桥国际Horizontal lines are at right angles to vertical ones.水平线与垂直线成直角。剑桥国际The interior angles of a square are right angles or angles of 90 degrees.正方形的内角是直角,即90度角。剑桥国际




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