

单词 混合的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SEX〕Almost all college students live in coed dormitories or in houses shared with friends. 几乎所有大学生都住在男女混合的宿舍里或者和朋友合住房子。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕Brisbane High was a mixed school so we had plenty to distract us from our lessons. 布里斯班中学是一所男女混合的学校,所以有很多让我们学习分心的事。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕One hall of residence is for men, one is for women and the third is mixed. 宿舍一栋住男生,一栋住女生,还有一栋是男女混合的。朗文写作活用〔acid〕He washes his windows with an acid solution of vinegar and water.他用醋和水混合的酸性溶液擦洗窗户。韦氏高阶〔admixture〕The state of being mingled or mixed.混合:被混合的状态美国传统〔beebread〕A brownish substance consisting of a mixture of pollen and honey and used by bees as food.蜜蜂的花粉食料:蜜蜂用作食物的花粉与蜂蜜所混合的棕色物质美国传统〔biota〕The combined flora and fauna of a region.生物区系:一地区混合的植物群与动物群美国传统〔bird feed〕Food given to birds, especially dried food of mixed seeds.鸟食:喂鸟的食物,尤指与种子混合的干食物美国传统〔blend〕The act of blending.混合:混合的动作美国传统〔bop〕A style of jazz characterized by rhythmic and harmonic complexity, improvised solo performances, and a brilliant style of execution.博普:一种爵士乐风格,具有节奏与和声混合的特征,即兴独奏表演,是一种音乐演奏技巧上的卓越风格美国传统〔chimichurri〕A sauce made of chopped fresh parsley seasoned with garlic, pepper, and herbs and bound with oil and vinegar.奇米秋里酱:由剁碎的新鲜荷兰芹,加上大蒜、胡椒、草药来调味,再和油还有醋混合的酱料美国传统〔commixture〕The act or process of mixing.混合;混合物:混合的动作或过程美国传统〔commixture〕The result of mixing; a mixture.混合的结果;混合物美国传统〔composite〕Made up of distinct components; compound.合成的:不同成分组成的;混合的美国传统〔compositive〕Synthetic; compounded.合成的;混合的美国传统〔compound〕Consisting of two or more substances, ingredients, elements, or parts.混合的:包含两种或多种物质、成分、元素或部分的美国传统〔consolute〕Of or relating to liquid substances that are capable of being mixed in all proportions.会溶质的:能以任何比例相混合的液体物质的或与这些液体物质有关的美国传统〔curry powder〕A blended, pungent condiment prepared from cumin, coriander, turmeric, and other spices.咖哩粉:一种混合的辛辣调味品,用莳萝、芫荽、姜黄以及其它香料制成美国传统〔daiquiri〕An iced cocktail of rum, lime or lemon juice, and sugar.代基里酒:一种由朗姆酒、莱姆汁或柠檬汁和糖混合的加冰鸡尾酒美国传统〔decompound〕Compounded or consisting of things or parts that are already compound.与混合物混合的:包括已成为混合物的东西或部分已混合的美国传统〔eggbeater〕A hand-held kitchen utensil with rotating blades for beating, whipping, or mixing.打蛋器:有旋转叶片,用于搅拌、搅和或混合的手动厨房用具美国传统〔gauge〕The amount of plaster of Paris combined with common plaster to speed setting of the mixture.熟石膏掺和比例:与普通灰浆混合的熟石膏数量,以加速凝固美国传统〔gouache〕A method of painting with opaque watercolors mixed with a preparation of gum.树胶水彩画法:用树胶,不透明的水彩颜料混合的作画方法美国传统〔impure〕Color Being a composite of more than one color or mixed with black or white.【色彩】 混合的:一种颜色以上的混合物的或夹杂黑色或白色的美国传统〔indelicate〕Many consider it indelicate to talk about such things in mixed company.许多人认为在男女混合的场合谈论这样的事情很失礼。韦氏高阶〔isolate〕Microbiology To separate (a pure strain) from a mixed bacterial or fungal culture.【微生物学】 使细菌分离:从混合的细菌或真菌培养中分离出(一个纯的品种)美国传统〔macaronic〕Of or involving a mixture of two or more languages.涉及两个或两个以上语言的混合的美国传统〔meat loaf〕A mounded or molded dish, usually baked, of ground beef or a combination of various meats and other ingredients.肉糕:用牛肉糜或各种肉和其它成份混合的肉糜堆成或模制的菜肴,通常烤制而成美国传统〔mestiza〕A woman of mixed racial ancestry, especially of mixed European and Native American ancestry.女混血儿:具有混合的种族血统的女人,尤指欧洲人与美洲印第安人的女混血儿美国传统〔mestizo〕A person of mixed racial ancestry, especially of mixed European and Native American ancestry.梅索蒂斯混血儿:具有混合的种族血统的人,尤指欧洲人与美洲印第安人的混血儿美国传统〔miscible〕That can be mixed in all proportions. Used of liquids.可混溶的:可以以任何比例混合的,用于液体美国传统〔mixed〕Blended together into one unit or mass; intermingled.混合的:被混合在一起以形成一个单位或一团的;掺和的美国传统〔mixed〕Made up of people of different sex, race, or social class.不同种族混合的:由不同性别,种族或社会阶层组成的人和美国传统〔mixed〕Our children go to a mixed school.我们的孩子都上男女混合的学校。剑桥高阶〔mix〕To become mixed or blended together.使混合:成为混合的或混合在一起美国传统〔monohybrid〕The hybrid of parents that differ at only one gene locus, for which each parent is homozygous with a different allele.单因子杂种:杂交的双亲只有一个基因位置不同,对它来说,每个亲本是有一个不同的等位基因混合的美国传统〔moshpit〕A mixed-sex moshpit is not a safe place, especially for girls.男女混合的舞池不安全,对女孩子尤其如此。柯林斯高阶〔pigment〕Dry coloring matter, usually an insoluble powder to be mixed with water, oil, or another base to produce paint and similar products.色质:干的着色物质,通常是一种可与水、油或其他固定剂混合的粉末,可制成漆和类似的产品美国传统〔salt-and-pepper〕Pepper-and-salt.黑人和白人混合的美国传统〔stinger〕A cocktail of crème de menthe and brandy.斯汀混和酒:一种白色薄荷酒和白兰地混合的鸡尾酒美国传统〔subtractive〕Color Of or being a color produced by light passing through more than one colorant, each of which inhibits certain wavelengths, as in mixtures of pigments.【色彩】 相减基色的:由日光穿过一种以上颜料,而每种颜料都阻挡某种波长形成的颜色的,如混合的颜料中美国传统〔task force〕A temporary grouping of military units or forces under one commander for the performance of a specific operation or assignment.特种部队:为了执行某一项特殊的行动或任务而被置于一名指挥员指挥下的一组临时混合的军事单位或原来隶属不同军种的部队美国传统〔tutti-frutti〕Having a combination of fruit flavors.有什锦水果味的:有几种水果味的混合的美国传统〔zaffer〕An impure oxide of cobalt, used to produce a blue color in enamel and in the making of smalt.钴蓝色素,花绀青:一种混合的氧化钴,用在陶瓷中产生一种蓝色颜料,并可用来制造大青美国传统Basil goes well with tomatoes and is used to make pesto sauce.紫苏和番茄混合的味道很好,常用来做香蒜酱。剑桥国际Our children go to a mixed school.我们的孩子上男女混合的学校。剑桥国际The children are taught in a mixed ability class.这些孩子们在一个水平混合的班级里学习。剑桥国际When I was making the cake, a piece of shell from an egg fell into the mixture.我在做蛋糕的时候,有一片蛋壳掉到混合的面糊里去了。剑桥国际




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