

单词 毛病
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔BROKEN/NOT BROKEN〕a busted air-conditioner 有毛病的空调机朗文写作活用〔OLD〕old and mentally ill 年纪大且精神有毛病的朗文写作活用〔aggravation〕trying to avoid the aggravation of an existing back problem 尽量避免已有的背部毛病加重韦氏高阶〔blindness〕my blindness to his faults我对他的毛病的视而不见外研社新世纪〔blooey〕a blooey television set 出了毛病的电视机英汉大词典〔broken-down〕a broken-down car 出了毛病的汽车英汉大词典〔broken-down〕a broken-down old car/horse 出了毛病的旧车;衰老的马牛津高阶〔bum〕a bum knee/leg/wrist 有毛病的膝盖/腿/手腕麦克米伦高阶〔burden〕illness that is her cross; 她的毛病是脾气暴躁;美国传统〔cadge〕the next-door neighbour forever on the cadge for a spanner for his ailing lawnmower总是借扳手来修理他那台成天出毛病的剪草机的隔壁邻居外研社新世纪〔cantankerous〕a cantankerous pump 老是出毛病的水泵英汉大词典〔cavil〕cavil about the minor points in the rules of the game 对比赛规则的细节问题挑毛病英汉大词典〔check〕checked the brakes and lights for defects; checked out the system to make sure there were no errors in the software. 检查刹车和车灯有没有毛病;对系统进行检查以确保软件没有任何错误美国传统〔complaint〕minor complaints like headaches 头痛之类的小毛病麦克米伦高阶〔constitutional〕a constitutional inability to tell the truth. 生来爱撒谎的毛病美国传统〔cranky〕a cranky old truck. 一辆有毛病的旧卡车美国传统〔defective〕a defective appliance. 有毛病的器具美国传统〔defective〕defective brakes 有毛病的刹车装置麦克米伦高阶〔dicky〕a dicky heart 有毛病的心脏麦克米伦高阶〔disorder〕a disordered mind有毛病(或不正常)的头脑21世纪英汉〔dodgy〕my dodgy knees 我的有毛病的膝盖韦氏高阶〔duff〕a duff engine 出毛病的发动机英汉大词典〔examine for〕to examine a car for defects检查汽车的毛病21世纪英汉〔faultfinder〕constant faultfinding 不断挑毛病韦氏高阶〔faulty〕faulty wiring/brakes 毛病的电线线路/刹车剑桥高阶〔feeling〕a feeling that something is wrong.觉得有毛病。牛津同义词〔foible〕tolerate each other's little foibles 相互容忍各自的怪毛病英汉大词典〔good〕his weakness for women and the good life 他贪恋女色和奢靡生活的毛病朗文当代〔inveterate〕his inveterate tendency to overlook the obvious 他对显而易见的东西一向视而不见的毛病韦氏高阶〔knackered〕faded pictures on a knackered TV set一台出毛病的电视上显示的褪色图像外研社新世纪〔liver〕have a touch of liver 肝有点毛病英汉大词典〔recurrence〕after the recurrence of a back problem 背部的毛病复发之后朗文当代〔shake〕shake down the troublesome motor 把那台老出毛病的电动机调试正常英汉大词典〔spasmodic〕a spasmodic fault on our TV.我们电视机间歇性的毛病。牛津同义词〔straight off〕discovered straight off that the furnace wasn't working. 立刻发现炉子出了毛病美国传统〔tinker〕tinkered with the engine, hoping to discover the trouble; tinkering with the economy by trying various fiscal policies. 摆弄那台发动机,想找到毛病所在;用各种不同的财政政策来治理经济美国传统〔trick〕a trick knee 有毛病的膝关节麦克米伦高阶〔true〕out of true. 出了毛病美国传统〔vice〕a harmless vice 无伤大雅的毛病韦氏高阶〔with〕had trouble with the car. 汽车出了毛病美国传统




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