

单词 毛发
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔English springer spaniel〕Any of a breed of medium-sized hunting dog originating in England and having a silky, liver and white or black and white coat.英国獚:原产于英格兰,中等大小,属猎狗类,毛发光滑,发亮,毛色为纯白或黑白相间美国传统〔English toy spaniel〕Any of a breed of spaniel having a round head, a short turned-up nose, a thick wavy coat, and a mane around its neck.英国玩赏獚:长毛垂耳狗的一种,头圆,鼻短而上翘,毛发浓密卷曲,环绕颈部有一圈鬃毛美国传统〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕After various hair-raising adventures in Afghanistan, Newcombe settled in Northern India. 纽科姆在阿富汗经历了种种令人毛发直竖的危险后,在印度北部居住了下来。朗文写作活用〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕I've heard rumours about how Captain Crayshaw disciplines his crew... things to make your hair stand on end. 我听说了有关格雷肖船长是怎么惩戒船员的传闻,那些事会让你毛发直竖。朗文写作活用〔WANT/NOT WANT〕There are several ways that you can remove unwanted hair, including waxing or electrolysis at a salon. 去除多余毛发有多种办法,包括去美容院做热蜡去毛或电蚀去毛。朗文写作活用〔abristle〕I saw an angry dog with its hairs abristle.我看到一只发怒的狗,牠的毛发耸立著。文馨英汉〔allergy〕Hair and feathers can trigger allergies.毛发和羽毛能引起过敏。牛津搭配〔arachnoid〕Covered with or consisting of thin, soft, entangled hairs or fibers resembling those of a cobweb or spider's web.蛛丝状的,具有蛛丝状毛的:由细、软、缠绕在一起的类似蛛网或蜘蛛结的网的毛发纤维质覆盖或组成的美国传统〔bare〕He bared his muscular, hairy chest for a women's magazine.他为一本女性杂志秀出了他那肌肉发达、毛发浓密的性感胸部。柯林斯高阶〔beard〕The hair on a man's chin, cheeks, and throat.胡子:男人下颚、两颊及喉头的毛发美国传统〔bleach〕The sun will bleach the hairs on your face.太阳会使你脸上的汗毛发白。柯林斯高阶〔breeching〕The short wool or hair on the rump and hind legs of a sheep, goat, or dog.短毛:绵羊、山羊或狗的臀部及后腿上的短羊毛或毛发美国传统〔bristle up〕The dog was angry and bellicosely bristled up.狗发怒,毛发倒竖,显出一副好斗的凶相。21世纪英汉〔bristle〕Cats yowl. My dog's hair bristles in response.这些猫的哀叫引得我的狗毛发竖立。柯林斯高阶〔cabretta〕A soft, kidlike leather used for gloves and shoes and made from sheepskin having coarse, hairlike wool.直毛绵羊革,软羊皮:一种软质的,小山羊皮似的皮革,用于制造手套和鞋子,由带有粗的,毛发状羊毛的羊皮加工而成美国传统〔capillary〕Relating to or resembling a hair; fine and slender.毛细的:关于或类似一根毛发的;细小和细长的美国传统〔combings〕Small loose pieces of material, such as hairs or wool, removed with a comb.梳下的毛发:一小缕如头发或毛一样的东西,随梳子移动美国传统〔cornification〕The conversion of squamous epithelial cells into a keratinized, horny material, such as hair, nails, or feathers.角质化:鳞状的上皮组织转化为角质化,角质样的物质,例如毛发、指甲或羽毛美国传统〔depilate〕To remove hair from (the body).脱毛:从(身体)移走毛发美国传统〔depilatory〕A preparation in the form of a liquid or cream that is used to remove unwanted hair from the body.脱发剂:用于除去身体上不想要的毛发的液状或奶油状物质美国传统〔dingleberry〕A piece of dried feces caught in the hair around the anus.屎疤:黏在肛门附近毛发的干燥排泄物美国传统〔dust bunny〕A mass of fine, dry particles of matter, especially hair and skin particles, that is formed by static electricity.毛皮屑微粒:大量而干燥的物质微粒,特别是指毛发及皮肤微粒,通常是由静电所造成美国传统〔electrologist〕One who removes body hair by means of an electric current.电灼术者:用电流取除人体毛发的人美国传统〔electrolysis〕Destruction of living tissue, especially of hair roots, by means of an electric current applied with a needle-shaped electrode.电蚀除毛(或痣、疣等):用针状电极导以电流彻底摧毁活体组织,尤指毛发根部的活体组织美国传统〔fiber〕The police examined hair and bits of fiber found in the victim's car.警察检验了在受害者车里发现的毛发和少量纤维。韦氏高阶〔flock〕A tuft, as of fiber or hair.毛束,棉束:如纤维或毛发等的一束美国传统〔flywhisk〕A whisk, as of hair, used for brushing away flies.蝇掸:一种以毛发制成的用于赶苍蝇的掸子美国传统〔forelock〕A lock of hair that grows from or falls on the forehead, especially the part of a horse's mane that falls forward between the ears.额发,前发,额毛:由额头生出或披在额头上的毛发,尤指垂在马耳之间的那部分马鬃美国传统〔frill〕A ruff of hair or feathers about the neck of an animal or a bird.(动物)褶皱:动物或鸟脖子上覆叠的毛发或羽毛美国传统〔frizz〕To form or be formed into small, tight curls or tufts.使(毛发)卷曲:卷成或被卷成小而紧的发卷美国传统〔furry〕Furry mold was growing on the cheese.奶酪长毛发霉了。韦氏高阶〔grain〕The side of a hide or piece of leather from which the hair or fur has been removed.粗糙面:皮革的除去毛发的一面美国传统〔grain〕To remove the hair or fur from (hides) in preparation for tanning.去掉(皮的)毛发以准备鞣制美国传统〔hair-raiser〕One that causes wild excitement, terror, or thrills.使人毛发竖立的事物:使人极度兴奋,恐惧或刺激的东西美国传统〔hair-raising〕Causing excitement, terror, or thrills.使人毛发直竖的:使人兴奋,恐惧或感到刺激的美国传统〔hairbrush〕A brush for the hair.发刷:刷毛发的刷子美国传统〔hairless〕Young rabbits are born blind and hairless.兔子生下来时看不见东西而且没有毛发。朗文当代〔hair〕A filamentous projection or bristle similar to a hair, such as a seta of an arthropod or an epidermal process of a plant.茸毛:与毛发相似的细丝状突出物或刺毛,比如节肢动物的刚毛,或植物表面细胞的生成美国传统〔hair〕A growth of such filaments, as that forming the coat of an animal or covering the scalp of a human being.生毛(发):毛发生长,如形成动物的皮毛或盖住人的头皮美国传统〔hair〕Any of the cylindrical, keratinized, often pigmented filaments characteristically growing from the epidermis of a mammal.毛发:哺乳动物特有的,生长于表皮的柱状、有角质而且通常含有色素的细丝美国传统〔hirsutism〕Heavy growth of hair, often in abnormal distribution.多毛症:毛发多的,且分布不正常美国传统〔horrent〕Covered with bristles; bristling.覆盖着刚毛的;毛发直竖的美国传统〔horrid〕Archaic Bristling; rough.【古语】 毛发直立的,不平的美国传统〔horripilation〕The bristling of the body hair, as from fear or cold; goose bumps.毛发竖立,鸡皮疙瘩:汗毛因恐惧或寒冷而竖立;鸡皮疙瘩美国传统〔horsehair〕The hair of a horse, especially from the mane or tail.马的毛发,尤指马鬃或马尾的毛美国传统〔hound〕A domestic dog of any of various breeds commonly used for hunting, characteristically having drooping ears, a short coat, and a deep, resonant voice.猎狗:一种通常用于打猎的家狗,其特点是耳朵下垂,毛发较短,叫声低沉响亮美国传统〔indument〕A covering of fine hairs or scales.(毛状)外被,全羽:极好的毛发或鳞片状的覆盖层美国传统〔leather〕The dressed or tanned hide of an animal, usually with the hair removed.皮革:压平上光的或鞣制过的动物皮,尤指毛发已去除的美国传统〔mature〕Mature male gorillas have silver-grey hairs on their backs.成年雄性大猩猩背部有银灰色毛发。剑桥高阶〔motte〕A tuft of human or animal hair standing up on the head or body.直立于头上或身体上的一束人或者动物的毛发美国传统〔painlessly〕This technique eliminates unwanted facial hair quickly and painlessly.这种技术能快速且无痛地去除面部多余毛发。外研社新世纪〔pants〕We all love to frighten the pants off ourselves by going on hair-raising rides at funfairs.我们都喜欢乘坐游乐场那些让人毛发直竖的游乐设施, 把自己吓得魂不附体。外研社新世纪〔pants〕We all love to frighten the pants off ourselves by going on hair-raising rides at funfairs.我们都喜欢乘坐游乐场那些让人毛发直竖的游乐设施,把自己吓得魂不附体。柯林斯高阶〔papilla〕A small nipplelike projection, such as a protuberance on the skin, at the root of a hair or feather, or at the base of a developing tooth.乳头状物:一种如在皮肤毛发、羽毛根部或正长着的牙的基部上的小的乳头突起美国传统〔pelage〕The coat of a mammal, consisting of hair, fur, wool, or other soft covering, as distinct from bare skin.生皮,毛皮,毛:由毛发、毛皮、绒毛或其他软的覆盖物组成的区别于裸露皮肤的哺乳动物的皮毛美国传统〔pilar〕Of, relating to, or covered with hair.毛发的:毛发的、有关毛发的或覆盖有毛发的美国传统〔pile〕Soft, fine hair, fur, or wool.软毛,细毛茸毛:软而细的毛发、毛皮或羊毛美国传统〔piliferous〕Bearing or producing hair.有毛的:长毛发或产毛发的美国传统〔piliform〕Having the form of a hair.毛样的,长毛状的:有毛发的形状的美国传统〔pilous〕Of the nature of hair; consisting of hair; hairlike.发状的,毛发组成的:毛发特征的;由毛发组成的;毛发状的美国传统〔pilus〕A hair or hairlike structure, especially on the surface of a cell or microorganism.纤毛,菌毛:毛发或毛发状结构,尤指在细胞或微生物表面美国传统〔pith〕Zoology The soft inner substance of a feather or hair.【动物学】 髓质:羽毛或毛发中的软性物质美国传统〔pug〕A small sturdy dog of an ancient breed originating in China, having a snub nose, a wrinkled face, a squarish body, short smooth hair, and a curled tail.哈巴狗,狮子狗:中国的一种血统古老、体小而强壮的狗,有短鼻、面部多皱纹、方形身体、毛发短而光滑、尾巴卷曲美国传统〔ragged〕Unkempt or shaggy.不整洁的,参差不齐的:不整洁的或毛发长而参差不齐的美国传统〔rise〕Fear caused his hair to rise.恐惧使他的毛发竖立起来。21世纪英汉〔root hair〕A thin, hairlike outgrowth of an epidermal cell of a plant root that absorbs water and minerals from the soil.根毛:一种细长且类似毛发的枝条,其根部表皮细胞构成的可从土壤中吸收水份和矿物的植物美国传统〔shaft〕The section of a hair projecting from the surface of the body.毛干:毛发从身体表面长出的部分美国传统〔shave〕To remove beard or hair with a razor or shaver.剃须,剃毛:用剃胡刀或剃刀除去胡须或毛发美国传统〔shear〕To remove (fleece or hair) by cutting or clipping.剪断:通过切割或夹钳除去(羊毛或毛发)美国传统〔shear〕To remove the hair or fleece from.剪去…的毛:从…除去羊毛或毛发美国传统〔sideburns〕Growths of hair down the sides of a man's face in front of the ears, especially when worn with the rest of the beard shaved off.连鬓胡子:在耳朵前面沿着人脸侧部向下生长的毛发,尤指胡子刮去之后留下的残茬美国传统〔sprout〕Hair sprouted on his face.他脸上长出了毛发。韦氏高阶〔strawberry roan〕A horse having reddish hair mixed with white.枣红马:一种红色毛发中杂有白色的马美国传统〔superabundance〕For where the girl had a superabundance of hair, Swan had none at all.在女孩毛发浓密之处, 斯旺却一根也没有。外研社新世纪〔switch〕A thick strand of real or synthetic hair used as part of a coiffure.假发:一缕真的或人造毛发,作为妇女某种发式的一部分美国传统〔sycosis〕A chronic inflammation of the hair follicles, especially of the beard, characterized by eruption of pimples and nodules.疮:毛发囊的慢性炎症,尤指胡须处的,症状为发丘疹与长小瘤美国传统〔tactile hair〕Sensory hair, such as that of an insect, that responds to pressure or touch.触须:有感觉能力的毛发,如一只昆虫身上的这种毛发,能对压力或接触作出反应美国传统〔teratoma〕A tumor consisting of different types of tissue, as of skin, hair, and muscle, caused by the development of independent germ cells.畸形瘤:包含有不同类型的组织(如皮肤、毛发和肌肉)的、因一独立的细胞的发育而引起的肿瘤美国传统〔torques〕A band of feathers, hair, or coloration around the neck.颈环,项圈:环绕着颈部的条形羽毛,毛发或颜色美国传统〔tragus〕Any of the hairs growing at the entrance to the meatus of the external ear.长在通向外耳耳道入口处的毛发美国传统〔trichiasis〕A condition of ingrowing hairs about an orifice, especially ingrowing eyelashes.倒睫,倒生毛:在某一孔洞周围的毛发向内倒转生长的状态,特指睫毛向内倒转生长美国传统〔trichome〕A hairlike or bristlelike outgrowth, as from the epidermis of a plant.毛状体:毛发状的或刺毛状的幼芽,如从植物的表皮层发出来的美国传统〔trichosis〕Any disease of or affecting the hair.毛发病:毛发的疾病或影响毛发的疾病美国传统〔trichotillomania〕The compulsion to tear or pluck out the hair on one's head and face and often to ingest it.拔毛癖:强迫性拔起或弄断头上或脸上的毛发,并常将毛发吞下美国传统〔velutinous〕Covered with dense, soft, silky hairs.天鹅绒状的有短绒毛的:有浓密而柔软的丝状毛发覆盖的美国传统〔verticil〕A circular arrangement, as of flowers, leaves, or hairs, growing about a central point; a whorl.轮环生体:围绕着一个中心点生长的环绕体,比如花、叶子或毛发;轮环生体美国传统〔villous〕Botany Covered with soft, shaggy unmatted hairs.【植物学】 长柔毛的:覆盖有柔软、浓密无光泽毛发的美国传统〔whisker〕One of the long stiff tactile bristles or hairs that grow near the mouth and elsewhere on the head of most mammals; a vibrissa.刚毛,触须,嘴须:绝大多数哺乳动物的长在嘴附近或头部其它位置的长而硬的触觉硬髭或毛发美国传统〔whisk〕A small bunch, as of twigs or hair, attached to a handle and used in brushing.用于刷扫的系于一把柄的一小束树枝或毛发美国传统〔xanthochroid〕A person having a light complexion and light hair.白种人:具有浅色的肤色和毛发的人美国传统〔xanthochroid〕Having a light complexion and light hair.白色人种的:具有浅肤色和浅色毛发的美国传统Hair seemed to sprout from under his shirt collar.在他衬衫领口下面好像有毛发露出来。剑桥国际Other allergens are house dust, spores of fungi, and animal hairs.其他变应原有室内尘埃、真菌孢子和动物毛发。剑桥国际She bristled with anger at the mention of his name. 她一听到他的名字便气得毛发倒竖。译典通The apes groom each other as part of their social ritual.猿类互相清理毛发是它们的社会礼仪的一部分。剑桥国际There was an article in the magazine about ways of removing superfluous hair.杂志上有一篇关于如何去除多余毛发的文章。剑桥国际




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